Even special actors are fine, as long as they can show their faces

When Zou Wenping walked into the audition room, it immediately attracted a lot of celebrities.

Although Zou Wenping is not the chief director this time, he still has the right to decide.

What's more, he is a big star, compared to those little-known entertainers, he is like a god.

So they greeted Zou Wenping very warmly.

Of course, this behavior immediately attracted the attention of the scene and the crew.

They acted as temporary security guards and sent Zou Wenpinghu into the meeting room.

Zou Wenping looked at these staff members and felt familiar.

It should be the person who entered the group when Xianjian No.1.

Under their protection, Zou Wenping walked into the meeting room.

At this moment, there are already a few people who have put on makeup in the conference room.

It was Yang Mi, Tang Yan, and Tong Liya.

The other two are Yang Zi and Zhang Yishan.

After seeing Zou Wenping, the two of them took the initiative to stand up and say hello.

Yang Zi laughed.

"Brother Wenping, don't you think we met so soon!"

Zou Wenping patted her on the shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah, when I saw you come to audition, I was totally taken aback."

"Unexpectedly, after we separated in Tyre, we would meet again in this place!"

Then Zou Wenping looked at Zhang Yishan next to him.

Zhang Yishan bowed slightly and said politely.

"¨`Brother Ping is good!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"In your impression, the feeling of scorn in the scumbag is not the same!"

"Now it looks like a literary scholar, quite unexpected!"

Yang Zi dismantled the stage without hesitation.

"Where, he is scornful in private."

"It's just that I'm nervous when I first meet Ping!"

"Shanzi, isn't sister right?"

Yang Zi and Zhang Yishan are both child stars, and they filmed "A Family With Children" together.

It can be said that they grew up together since childhood.

They are very familiar with each other, and often joking with each other in black and white.

This slapstick scene often makes people mistakenly think that the two of them are lovers.

Although the two clarified more than once, they are just close friends.

But they clarified their, netizens yelled their own.

Zhang Yishan curled his lips at Yang Zi.

"Don't dismantle my platform (Node Zhao), I still want to establish a glorious image in front of Brother Ping!"

Yang Zi smiled.

"I will dismantle your station so that you can expose your nature in advance, so that Brother Ping can prepare in advance."

"It's better than if Brother Ping found out by himself, his impression of you was greatly reduced!"

Zou Wenping waved his hand.

"This won't be possible, and I think your personality is pretty good now!"

"Did you come over and tell you what role did you audition for?"

Zhang Yishan nodded.

"One of the auditions is called Why Biping, and the other is called Xifeng."

"I feel that my personality is quite similar to why bother, and I feel a little ridiculous! Hehehe!"

"In the words of Xifeng, what kind of infatuation, what kind of emotional injury, etc., I guess I can't control it!"


Six more, 12,000 words.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 773:

After hearing what Zhang Yishan said, Zou Wenping couldn't help but persuade.

"As an actor, it must be the best to be able to play in his true colors."

"But you always play a type of role, it's easy to make people think."

"Every time I see you in a role, I think this character is scornful."

"In the future, when you want to break through the role positioning, you will be restricted for many reasons!"

"It is a good thing to have a label on an actor, but it is not a good thing to have only one label!"

"So I suggest you try the role of Xifeng to broaden your play!"

Zou Wenping is a few years older than Zhang Yishan. Seeing that he is indeed a plastic talent, I want to give him some pointers.

Sure enough, after listening to Zou Wenping's words, Zhang Yishan thought for a while.

Nodded vigorously.

"Since you said that, Brother Ping, I'll try Xifeng in a while."

"If it doesn't pass, Brother Ping, don't laugh at me!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"How come? Why bother to level this role, I will reserve it for you first."

"You go to a make-up artist to make you look like a stream breeze, and then come to have an audition."

Zhang Yishan responded and left the 917 audition room.

Yang Zi looked at Zou Wenping with admiration.

"Brother Ping, you really deserve it."

"For others, Shanzi would not be so obedient!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"I do think he can act differently!"

"Let's talk after the audition is over!"

Zou Wenping looked at Yang Mi again.

"Is Liu Sisi not here yet?"

Yang Mi replied.

"It's here, I'm putting on makeup!"

Zou Wenping nodded, and chatted with Tong Liya and Tang Yan again.

Then walked towards the director's seat.

Where are the two people sitting now, Zou Wenping is very familiar with it.

One is Gao Tianhua, and the other is Director Chen!

Director Chen was when Zou Wenping was filming "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

One of the two assistant directors who took over from Gao Tianhua.

The other is Director Han, who is currently filming "Legend of Lu Zhen".

It's just that the shooting location is not in Hengdian Film and Television City.

In Xia Guo, there are currently nearly 50 large and small studios.

There are no less than a dozen of them on the scale of (caad) Hengdian.

However, Hengdian is a film and television city founded by Xia Guo earlier, so it has become synonymous.

If there was only one film and television city, Zou Wenping would not have to be separated from his wives for so long.

Zou Wenping said with a smile.

"Director Gao, Director Chen."

"Sorry, I'm a little bit late!"

Director Chen smiled very kindly.

"Xiao Zou, it's been a long time."

"I've seen your performance in "Chinese Restaurant", it's great!"

Gao Tianhua pointed to the chair beside him and said.

"Sit down, the audition is about to begin!"

Zou Wenping is the chief screenwriter of this play, and he has very important decision-making powers for all actors corresponding to the roles.

And his acting skills are almost obvious to all, plus he is a screenwriter, so auditions are avoided.

Yang Mi, Tang Yan, and Tong Liya, their three acting skills are also very good, the image is also very consistent.

But they don't have this privilege, and the process still has to go through it again.

Although an audition was necessary, the five of them were not brought in the audition room.

In the audition room, there are many people who are still groping, or there is a shame in fame.

It would be no good to hurt these people if there were people playing tricks.

So let them wait in the meeting room.


After a few people took a break, Gao Tianhua and Zou Wenping looked at each other.

"If nothing happens, let's start the audition!"

Zou Wenping nodded.


The first audition was of course Yang Mi and others.

They have been waiting in the conference room for a long time, so they can't call someone else temporarily.

The first one is Yang Mi.

In this play, she plays two roles in total, Tang Xuejian and Xi Yao.

These are two diametrically opposed characters.

Seeing that Tang Xue was the eldest of the Tang family, she was unruly and self-willed, and of course she also had a lively and lovely side.

And Xi Yao, the goddess of the God Realm, intellectual, indifferent, and gentle, but there is a fire hidden in her heart.

These two characters are diametrically opposed personalities, which test their acting skills.

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