Everyone's energy was concentrated on Tang Yan.

Yang Mi was almost brushed off, and other people didn't perform well, I'm afraid Zou Wenping is ruthless!

And Zou Wenping quickly took this opportunity to send a WeChat message to Yang Mi.

"My wife, I was wrong! I think their attitude towards the audition is rather lax, so you kill the chicken and the monkey!"


Yang Mi's phone vibrated slightly, and she took it out and took a look.

Then he replied angrily.

"So I am that chicken?"

Zou Wenping quickly replied.

"No, no, you are a phoenix!"

"I was wrong, let me perform a bitter show with me, what a hard work! [亲亲][亲亲][亲亲]"

After sending the WeChat account, Zou Wenping turned to Yang Mi with a pleading expression.

After seeing the WeChat sent by Zou Wenping, Yang Mi raised her eyebrows slightly and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"If you have a conscience, let's not take it as an example! [爱心][爱心][爱心]"

After sending it out, Yang Mi put away the phone and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

This **** thought he was really planning to get rid of himself.

However, Xi Yao, who I just acted just now, is really not good enough, this is true!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you come with a flower! three.

Mime private 775

Zou Wenping also put away his mobile phone.

Gao Tianhua is beside him, it is not very good to hold the phone all the time.

Zou Wenping looked at Tang Yan and Tong Liya for a moment.

"You two audition together, right?"


Both Tang Yan and Tong Liya were startled.

"Auditing together?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"I think you have done almost the same in controlling the characters."

"There happens to be a plot, which is Tangtang's rivalry between you and Sister Yaya."

Speaking, Zou Wenping took out the script and turned to the relevant content.

Pass it to them both.

"I remember when I gave you the script three days ago, I said it."

"When auditioning, it is possible to audition this story!"

Tang Yan took a look at the script, and Tong Liya also came over.

When "September 17" saw the content of the script, the two nodded.

Indeed, both of them have seen this story.

Fortunately, a single audition segment was prepared, and a two-person audition was prepared.

Tong Liya nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's audition this paragraph!"

This story tells that the fox demon Wan Yuzhi uses his heart to exchange her husband's life from Zi Xuan.

After the lock demon tower is broken, if you want to repair it again, you need to gather five spirit orbs: water, fire, thunder, wind, and earth.

Among them, the Earth Lingzhu falls in the hands of Wan Yuzhi, played by Tong Liya.

At the same time, Zi Xuan, played by Tang Yan, wants to reconnect with Xu Changqing.

But she has already given birth to a child, and now she has begun to grow old.

Because the Nuwa clan has a characteristic, if you don't have children, you can live forever, and your spiritual power will become stronger and stronger.

But once a child is born, the child will absorb all the spiritual power of the body.

In the end, the mother will be exhausted and die.

This behavior is irreversible and cannot be prevented.

Zi Xuan gave birth to daughter Lin Qing'er in her last life with Xu Changqing.

Originally, when Lin Qing'er was 18 years old, Zi Xuan's spiritual power would be completely absorbed by Qing'er.

But Zi Xuan wanted to continue to accompany Xu Changqing, so she asked the saint aunt who served the Nuwa clan to prevent Qing'er from growing up by other means.

However, even so, Zi Xuan's spiritual power was still absorbed by Qinger.

The most intuitive performance now is that Zi Xuan's temples have wrinkles.

But the wrinkles are so small that they can hardly be seen, but Zi Xuan cares very much!

She wanted to recognize Xu Changqing in her youngest state.

And there is only one way to maintain youth for a long time, and that is to swallow a heart that has been more than a thousand years old.

Wan Yuzhi with a thousand-year cultivation base is Zi Xuan's goal.

But Zi Xuan will not take over, but will trade.

Wan Yuzhi, played by Liya Tong, is a fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years. She falls in love with a mortal.

However, her lover was poisoned, and only the Earth Spirit Orb could save him.

As an earth immortal, Wan Yuzhi has finally found the Earth Spirit Orb and a book of Earth spells called "Earth Invisible"!

However, it is difficult for her to comprehend the earth magic book, so that she can't activate all the spiritual power of the earth spirit orb, and can't save her lover.

At this time, Zi Xuan appeared, indicating that she could save her husband.

But as a bargain, Wan Yuzhi had to give Zi Xuan his heart, that is, one life for another.

At first Wan Yuzhi refused, but later her husband became more and more toxic, and it seemed that he would soon die.

Wan Yuzhi, who was eager to save her husband, made up his mind to find Zi Xuan.

Next, what Tang Yan and Tong Liya want to audition is a fragment of the two talks.

Tang Yan and Tong Liya took on the roles, each fighting position.

Then he looked up at the director's seat.

Gao Tianhua nodded.

"Three, two, one, start!"


Tang Yan walked aside very tangledly.

Because at this moment, Zi Xuan is very entangled whether he wants to make this transaction with Wan Yuzhi.

She is the descendant of the ancient **** Nuwa, with a supreme bloodline.

If she had eaten Wan Yuzhi's heart, how would she be different from the monster who was drinking blood?

What's more, in order to perfect himself and Xu Changqing, they have to separate Wan Yuzhi and his wife.

Tong Liya stepped forward and said.

"If you don't help me, don't want to get my heart and make you young!"

Tang Yan turned his back to Tong Liya, thought about it, and asked..0

"what is your purpose?"

"If I save your husband, you can give me your heart?"

Then she turned around and looked at Tong Liya.

"Don't you want to stay together with your husband?"

"After I take your heart, you will die."

"Then you won't be able to stay with your husband!"

A trace of sadness flashed across Tong Liya's expression, and then she became resolute.

"I said, I will save him at all costs!"

Sadness flashed across Tang Yan's eyes.

Asked in a slightly puzzled tone.

"Is such a deal worth it? Is it really willing?"

Tong Liya's eyes were still firm.

"This, I think you will be as clear as I am."

"If you think about it differently, you will make the same decision as me."

"In fact, as long as two people truly love each other, it doesn't matter what the result will be!"

After hearing this, Tang Yan looked at Tong Liya in silence for a while.

It seemed that a decision had been made before speaking.

"Well, I will definitely save your husband"

"It's just that when the time comes, you must promise me and give me your heart!"

Tong Liya was relieved that her long-cherished husband was saved.

She nodded.

"I will!"



After saying this line, Tang Yan and Tong Liya's audition is over.

Zou Wenping and Gao Tianhua looked at each other and nodded in satisfaction.

Gao Tianhua smiled.

"good, very good!"

"During the audition, I can grasp the character so well."

"When the shooting is officially started, it will definitely be able to play better!"

"Tang Yan, Tong Liya, you two pass!"

Heard this.

Both Tang Yan and Tong Liya breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how much pressure they were under when they auditioned?

That fellow Zou Wenping almost fired Yang Mi.


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