Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Mime private 776

Even their own boss is not merciful. If the two of them don't take it seriously, shouldn't they let this opportunity go?

All fools know that this fairy sword sequel is absolutely hugely popular, and it is not even lost to the popularity of the fairy sword one.

If you don't seize such an opportunity, it is definitely a fool of fools.

Therefore, Tang Yan and Tong Liya did not dare to distract themselves, and immerse themselves in the role as much as possible.

Of course, the results are not only satisfactory to Zou Wenping.

Even Tang Yan and Tong Liya, they also think their performance this time is great!

Sitting aside, Yang Mi, who was sentenced to be pending by Zou Wenping, raised her eyebrows slightly.

When the three of them were polishing their roles, they were together.

Yang Mi also watched the section where Tang Yan and Tong Liya played just now.

It must be admitted that this formal audition was much better than during the rehearsal!

It seems that the big **** Zou Wenping, this trick is quite effective.

Actually let Tang Yan and Tong Liya perform supernormally!

The effect is really good.


20   What's special, the old lady treats you as a husband, and you use your old lady as a chicken!


It should be the one who killed one, and the old lady is the one!

I'm so angry, I will fix you if I have a chance!

Tang Yan and Tong Liya happily sat beside Yang Mi.

Gently stroked her shoulder.

"Mimi, great, the two of us passed!"

"I thought it was simple, but I didn't expect Wen Ping to be so serious when he auditioned!"

"Don't worry, you can definitely handle Mi Mi!"

"Yes, the two of us have confidence in you, come on!"

This person is very happy for you and me, and at the same time does not forget to comfort Yang Mi.

Yang Mi chuckled.

"I will work hard, and I will pass the audition in a while!"

He said so, but he scolded Zou Wenping 10,000 times in his heart.

Dead Zou Wenping, stinky Zou Wenping, I was sympathized when I was auditioning.

My dignified Miss Tang family, when have you been so angry!

Oh, the old lady surnamed Zou has never finished with you!


Zou Wenping glanced at Yang Mi, and met her angry eyes.

It looks like a little milk cat that will jump out and bite at any time.

Zou Wenping trembled all over, and quickly looked away.

Yang Mi can definitely pass the audition, but Zou Wenping wants to use her to warn the people who will be interviewing the mirror.

Gao Tianhua looked at Yang Zi.

"Yang Zi is your turn to audition for Jacaranda!"

Yang Zi nodded.

Her audition is relatively simple.

Jacaranda is a relatively simple girl.


Simply put, it's silly, white and sweet.

It is a silly white sweet who can detoxify and know spells.

Therefore, Yang Zi only needs to call his master a few times with a look of innocence, and that's OK!

Nevertheless, Yang Zi did not dare to take it lightly.

If the ship capsizes in the gutter, you will regret it.

With her serious performance, Jacaranda's audition passed smoothly.

Yang Zi sat beside Tang Yan happily, with a relaxed expression on his face.

Also comforted Yang Mi by the way.

Even if Yang Mi is really brushed down by Zou Wenping, it will not change the position of Yang Mi's top coffee.

Therefore, the necessary relationship must be established.

Listening to Yang Zi's comforting words, Yang Mi severely tortured Zou Wenping again in her heart.

Several people in the audition room have finished their auditions.

Gao Tianhua is preparing to let the assistant call the actors in the waiting room.

At this time, the door of the audition room was pushed open.

Zhang Yishan, who had put on makeup, walked in.

According to Zou Wenping's request, the makeup artist put on him a stream-style makeup.

Seeing Zhang Yishan and Zou Wenping smile in his heart.

Because Liu Sisi hasn't put on makeup yet?

Before he went to the audition room, Liu Sisi went to make-up.

After Zhang Yishan arrived, he persuaded a few words to adopt Huaxi style makeup.

But unexpectedly, it was Zhang Yishan who made up first.

Sure enough, it is troublesome for women to put on makeup!

It may also be that Xifeng's makeup is relatively simple.

Just buckle a helmet on your head, apply black lipstick, black eye shadow, and wear a piece of armor.

Anyway, since Zhang Yishan is here first, let's audition for Zhang Yishan.

The audition for Xifeng is also relatively simple.

He was originally an ugly man, but he had a natural voice.

Later, he fell in love with the goddess Shuibi, in order to make himself qualified to stand next to Shuibi.

He made a deal with the Demon Respect Building with his own voice, and became handsome, but lost his natural voice.

He only met Shuibi once, and was taken away by Chonglou.

This role is considered indifferent, which is a bit contrary to Zhang Yishan's feeling of scorn.

Originally, Zhang Yishan didn't plan to audition for this, but he couldn't stand Zou Wenping's persuasion.

And Zou Wenping also promised him, why Ping would have been auditioned originally, and keep it for him.

This allowed Zhang Yishan to put on the makeup of the stream breeze.

At the beginning of the audition, Zhang Yishan always appeared with some true qualities.

Obviously he is a dedicated character, and he is portrayed as a romantic man who is half-hearted and asks questions about the flowers and willows.


Some are contrary to the characters!

But Zou Wenping 920 does feel that this young man is very malleable.

So after giving Zhang Yishan some guidance, Zhang Yishan finally passed the role of Xifeng!

His ability to teach (lv99) can convey his performance skills to Zhang Yishan and help him better understand the role!

Zou Wenping said with a smile.

"Zhang Yishan, pass!"

"Sit down and wait for someone else's audition!"

Zhang Yishan nodded and walked towards the position next to Yang Zi.

Say hello to Tang Yan and others one by one before taking a seat.

"Hello three sisters, you are really good, you passed the audition so easily."

"That's right, with your strength, it would be weird not to pass the audition!"

These words of Zhang Yishan are a bit close, and the feeling of flattering.

After all, Yang Mi's name goes without saying, he has also heard of the other two.

They are all seniors, so there is no problem saying hello.

However, he did not expect that he would slap a horse's hoof.

Tang Yan and Tong Liya are better.

Yang Mi chuckled.

"Sorry, let you down, I was brushed down by Zou Wenping!"

Zhang Yishan was stunned.



Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Mime private 777

After listening to Yang Mi's words, Zhang Yishan stared, completely stunned.

"Be, was brushed down?"

"real or fake?"

Yang Mi nodded, gritted her teeth and said.

"It's not completely brushed down either."

"Mr. Zou Wenping, gave me another opportunity to be determined."

Zhang Yishan was startled and looked at Yang Zi in disbelief.

Yang Zi nodded slightly, indicating that what Yang Mi said was true.


Zhang Yishan took a deep breath.

Brother Ping was really mad, and he actually took his own boss to operate!

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