Liu Sisi glanced at Yang Mi who was slowly eating, and another bad idea appeared in his mind.

So she picked a dumpling from her bowl.

Shouted pretending to be pleasantly surprised.

"Wow, I wrapped this one. I can recognize such a special pattern at a glance!"

"Mimi, how about what I did?"

After speaking, Liu Sisi put the dumplings into Yang Mi's bowl.

Yang Mi opened her small mouth slightly surprised.


Start from entering the door.

Sisi first gave a hug, and then kissed his little face.

What do you mean by making dumplings for yourself now?

Liu Sisi, is this guy playing ambiguously with me?

No way?

Yang Mi looked at Zou Wenping and asked what happened with her eyes. Why is Sisi so abnormal?

Zou Wenping shrugged and said that he had no comment.

Because his instinct tells himself, he should not participate in this matter.

Otherwise, when Yang Mi Tiger came down to clean up Liu Sisi, she would splash herself all over.

Liu Sisi asked gently.

"Mi Mi, try it, don't you like the dumplings I made?"

As expected, he is a big coffee. As he talked, his eyes turned red, and he seemed to be crying.

Yang Mi is speechless, where is this?

But with so many people watching, it's not suitable to ask.

Although her heart was fuzzy, Yang Mi was late to pick up the dumplings.

To be honest, the dumplings taste very good.

After all, the skins and fillings of dumplings are all made by Zou Wenping, and the others are just in charge of making the dumplings.

But Yang Mi always feels weird. Does this dumpling have any special meaning?

Eating this dumpling will not let Sisi misunderstand anything, right?

Yang Mi played drums while eating.

Liu Sisi asked cautiously.

"Is it tasty?"

Yang Mi nodded.

"taste good!"

After hearing this, Liu Sisi immediately danced happily.

There was a happy smile on her face.

"It's great that you like to eat!"

"I have learned how to make dumplings from Wenping, I will make them for you when I have time!"


This time, not only Yang Mi, but also Gao Tianhua, Tang Yan, and Tong Liya thought something was weird.

But I can't tell what's wrong.

The goose bumps on Yang Mi's body were getting up quickly.

Heaven, earth, who will tell me what is going on now?

Could it be said that Sisi is already sinking deeper and deeper in the vortex of Lala, unable to extricate himself from it?

Her **** soul has completely awakened?

So, for Liu Sisi, the dumpling that I just ate was a secret confession to himself?

After eating it by yourself, it means that you have accepted her wishes?

Isn't it?

Yang Mi is now as uncomfortable as if she had eaten a fly, she can't wait to pick her throat and spit out the dumplings just now!

Seeing Yang Mi's wonderful expression, Liu Sisi's heart was extremely proud.

However, Zou Wenping was already in his heart, silently praying for Liu Sisi.

As the saying goes, how horrible it is at the beginning, how tragic it will be in the end!

The dinner is finally over.

Although 950 doesn't know if others are happy to eat, Yang Mi must be very depressed.

This was originally a meal, what a happy dinner?

After a hard day of filming, it was the time when I was hungry.

After coming back, his own man wrapped himself hot dumplings on Christmas Day.

Ah, what a blessing, what a romantic thing.

As a result, it turned out to be like this!

Since Yang Mi ate the dumplings that Liu Sisi brought to her, Yang Mi's whole body was not good.

Moreover, Liu Sisi kept peeking at herself, did she smile from herself.

This smile made Yang Mi a little creepy.

Liu Sisi won't pull herself together as a gangbang, right?

It is precisely because of all kinds of random thoughts that Yang Mi did not taste the deliciousness of dumplings.

The romantic Christmas dinner also turned into a bubble, leaving only a psychological shadow!

After dinner, Zou Wenping began to clean up the dishes.

Yang Mi, Tong Liya and other girls are also very enthusiastic to help.

Liu Sisi also came to help, and when he took another bowl, he deliberately had a close contact with Yang Mi's hand.

This made Yang Mi's heart startle!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

Mime private 842

Yang Mi told herself in her heart that she must be patient.

Then I found an opportunity to show off with Liu Sisi, telling her clearly that he was not a Lara.

With all kinds of anxiety, I finally helped Zou Wenping clean up the dishes.

Dragging his tired body and mind, walked to his room.

Even the Christmas gifts I prepared for Zou Wenping I forgot to give them.

The others also went back to their houses.

Liu Sisi was naturally not embarrassed and stayed in Zou Wenping's room.

After returning to his room, Liu Sisi sent a WeChat message.

"By the way, you didn't say before, how many of our sisters, do you have a dedicated group?"

"Pull me in too?"

Seeing the WeChat sent by Liu Sisi, Zou Wenping thought for a while.

But they should be introduced to them.

So Wenping Zou sent Liu Sisi an invitation to the WeChat group.

After joining the group, Liu Sisi first clicked and looked at the group members.

Good guys.

Sure enough, as Zou Wenping said, Yang Mi, Liu Tianxian, Reba, and Li Xiaoqin were all inside.

Liu Sisi first changed the group business card, changed it to his own name, and then sent a message.

"Hello everyone, I am Sisi, please advise me a lot in the future."

Liu Tianxian: "..."

Li Xiaoqin: "..."

Reba: "..."

Yang Mi: "..."

They all seem to be in a state of short-circuit and bewilderment.

After a while, it seemed that some guesses came over.

Liu Tianxian: "What's the situation?"

Li Xiaoqin: "Sisi? Liu Sisi? Why did she come in?"

Reba: "I took a look and it seemed that Wenping came in. Is she the same as us?"

Watching the messages they sent.

Liu Sisi could already imagine that Liu Tianxian and the others could not help but chuckle with their awkward expressions.

"Hee hee, it's not the first time everyone has met each other, and occasionally chatted in private."

"So I am not polite, even though I am the fifth one to come in."

"But I want to take the top spot in the harem, I hope you sisters will allow it!"

After a while.

Li Xiaoqin: "Is it really Liu Sisi joined in?"

Reba: "I want to be the top spot, have you asked my opinion?"

Liu Tianxian: "@热芭, pay attention to your words, have you forgotten how Mi Mi repaired you before?"

Reba: "Stop talking, I still have a psychological shadow now."

Zou Wenping looked at the chat messages in the group and wisely chose not to interrupt.

However, if he does not speak, it does not mean that others will not come to speak to him.

Soon Liu Tianxian and others sent private chat messages to Zou Wenping.

Liu Tianxian: "What's the matter with Wenping? Has Sisi really joined us?"

Reba: "Zou Wenping, didn't you go filming? Why didn't even Sisi escape your clutches?"

Li Xiaoqin: "Awesome, awesome! Admire the five-body cast!"

Zou Wenping has not had time to reply.

A video call suddenly appeared on the phone screen.

It was sent by Yang Mi.

Zou Wenping thought for a while, and then guessed what the purpose of the call was.

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