Then he picked it up.

Before she had time to speak, Yang Mi immediately asked hysterically.

"Zou Wenping, what is going on?"

"What's the situation with Sisi? Why did she enter our group?"

As soon as she came up, Yang Mi asked various questions continuously.

Zou Wen calmly said.

"Mimi, calm down first and listen to me!"

Then, Zou Wenping explained what happened today between him and Liu Sisi to Yang Mi.

After hearing this, Yang Mi asked incredulously.

"What did you say? You and Sisi have already..."

Zou Wenping hurriedly waved his hands and said.

"Mimi, you have to listen to my explanation, I am passive! I am a victim!"

Yang Mi continued to ask.

"According to you, Sisi is not Lala?"

"Then which one did she play at dinner today?"

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"With your ice and snow cleverness, it is impossible to guess."

"She is retaliating against you for scaring her as a Lara last time."

"It's just that she is in front of Director Gao and others this time, which makes you a little embarrassed."

Yang Mi's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

There seemed to be cold flashes in the eyes.

"Liu Sisi, bastard, actually played this with me!"

"I just read the message she posted in the WeChat group. Does she still want to be the top spot?"

"Wenping, take a break first, and no matter how loud Liu Sisi yells, don't worry about it!"

After seeing Yang Mi's expression, Zou Wenping's whole body was horrified.

Nodding again and again.

"¨`Understand, understand!"

At the same time, I mourned Liu Sisi in my heart.

I told you that it should be enough, so let's bear Yang Mi's anger now!


Zou Wenping also knew that Yang Mi was well-measured and would not go to death like Gong Douju.

At best, it was like Reba's whip with that little leather whip.

In other words, why does Yang Mi carry a small leather whip with her?

Zou Wenping couldn't help but shudder, brother is not interested in this!


On Yang Mi's side, she took out the small leather whip that she had treasured for a long time from the suitcase.

The former Reba was tamed by this whip, and it was time for Sisi to have a taste.

Otherwise she doesn't know who is the boss!

After taking the whip, Yang Mi left her room.


Yang Mi knocked on the door twice.

Hearing the sound, Liu Sisi hurried over and saw Yang Mi outside the door through the cat's eye (Nuo Li's).

At this moment, Yang Mi's face was filled with a gentle smile like a spring breeze in March.

The smile was very warm, very healing, harmless to humans and animals.

Yang Mi said softly.

"Sisi, I didn't expect us to be in this relationship."

"I have a great Christmas present, I want to give it to you!"

Liu Sisi looked at Yang Mi's harmless smile and didn't think too much.

After all, the two of them had a very good relationship, but now they are in love with one person at the same time.

The relationship between each other has gone further.

Maybe Mi Mi has a lot to talk to myself.

For example, support yourself as the boss!

Thinking of this, Liu Sisi opened the door unsuspectingly.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Chapter 843

The door of Zou Wenping's room is opposite to the rooms of Yang Mi and Liu Sisi.

It was right in the middle of the door of the two people.

Zou Wenping saw the situation on the opposite side through a cat's eye.

Seeing Liu Sisi open the door, let Yang Mi enter the room.

A word came to Zou Wenping's mind.

Lead the wolf into the room!

Afterwards, Zou Wenping sent Yang Mi to Liu Sisi about Yang Mi and sent it to Reba and the others in private.

Reba: "Yes, Sister Sisi is getting cold! I still have a shadow on Miss Mi's whip!"

Liu Tianxian: "Silent silence, I hope Liu Sisi can see the sun tomorrow!"

Li Xiaoqin: "Liu Sisi is awful enough, and Yang Mi is going to provoke him too. Seeing her girlfriends' sake, she should give Sisi a sigh of relief!"

Seeing the teasing of the three wives, Zou Wenping couldn't help but sigh.

As expected, it was Yang Mi, with such a strong deterrent power that made them convinced by Heat!


After half an hour.

Liu Sisi sent a message in the WeChat group of [Love and Love Family].

"I was wrong, I shouldn't be arrogant, let alone be tricky."

"From today I absolutely support Mi Mi to take the top spot, and I am willing to take her to the top!"

"My loyalty to Mi Mi is like an endless river, and like the Yellow River overflowing out of control!"

"Sunrise Dongfang 950, only honey is undefeated, for generations to come, dominate the rivers and lakes!"

After seeing the information sent by Liu Sisi, Zou Wenping was shocked.

Good guys.

Even for generations to come, a unified world has come out.

Is this going to practice the Sunflower Collection, or to join the Heaven and Earth Club?

I have to sigh Yang Mi's strength, so soon to subdue Liu Sisi!

Although I don't know what Yang Mi did to Liu Sisi for half an hour after entering Liu Sisi's room.

But it must be very tragic.

Reba: "Sister Mi is mighty!"

Liu Tianxian: "Sister Mi is mighty!"

Li Xiaoqin: "Sister Mi is mighty!"

After a short while.

Yang Micai sent a message in the WeChat group.

"It's easy to talk, but I didn't expect Sisi to be reasonable."

"It only took me half an hour to train, and sincerely let me be the boss."

"I suddenly felt a little bit ashamed!"


After seeing this reply, Zou Wenping couldn't help but shivered.

Half an hour!

How many methods does this guy have, if he accidentally offends Yang Mi in the future. (caad)

Will you give me an hour?

Thinking of this, Zou Wenping felt a little liver tremor.


Since everyone is an entertainer, we will be filming tomorrow.

Zou Wenping sent out a few red envelopes and went to sleep separately.

the next day.

Yang Mi and Liu Sisi came to Zou Wenping's room for breakfast as usual.

After entering the room and closing the door, Liu Sisi threw himself into Zou Wenping’s arms

Said wronged by Valle.

"Brother Wang, you have to call me the shots!"

"Do you know how tragic things Mi Mi did to me yesterday?"

Zou Wenping looked at Yang Mi curiously.

"What method did you use to make Sisi yield?"

"Could it be that she succumbed to a few strokes with a small leather whip?"

Yang Mi smiled and raised her hands.

"Don't be so troublesome. I did plan to use a small whip at first, but if you think about it, it may not be effective."

"So I gave Sisi the Christmas gift I originally prepared for you."

"After she saw the gift, she was grateful, and said that I should be the boss of the user for everything!"


Zou Wenping's curiosity was aroused.

"What gift, so attractive?"

Yesterday Yang Mi did say that she would give herself a Christmas gift.

But because of Liu Sisi's various mischiefs, let alone give gifts in the end.

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