"Should be a housewife, right?"

What Sha Yi asked was called a speechless, after confirming that none of the four people could cook.

Then four people slumped on the sofa with their heads down.

Sha Yi shouted weakly.

"It's over!"

"Four people, none of them can cook."

"Then what do we open a restaurant to sell? For laughs?"

Gao Yuanyuan is also a little depressed.

"This is how to do ah?"

Yang Zi thought for a while.

"Or let's learn it first! I just brought this recipe here!"

Li Xiaoqin shook his head.

"The point is that we don't have time!"

"The Chinese restaurant will open tomorrow. Can we learn the recipe in one night?"

Sha Yi scratched his head.

"Opening is closing, is it okay?"

The low atmosphere diffused in the living room.

In order to highlight the current atmosphere, the program team deliberately made haze special effects.

Then the screen turns.

Downstairs at the hotel, Zou Wenping got off the pickup truck.

In an instant, a piece of music of the God of Gamblers played.

At the same time, the program team also added light-emitting special effects to Zou Wenping.

The audience discussed it on social platforms.

"Fuck, Brother Ping is just like the savior!"

"It's not the savior. We all know that due to the relationship between the first two seasons, many people are not optimistic about the third season."

"That's right, if it wasn't Brother Ping in the third season, I'm afraid "Chinese Restaurant" would fall to grandma's house!"

"I also agree that for the program group, Brother Ping is the savior, and an important person who helps the building and will dump!"

"Look at just now, Sha Yi and the four of them are all downcast, even thinking about closing the door!"

"There's no way, who makes them know how to cook? Ping Ge mighty!"


Zou Wenping went straight up the stairs to the second floor, and the light-emitting special effects on him never stopped.

The style of his appearance is completely different from the other four.

When Zou Wenping appeared from the stairs on the second floor.

The luminous special effects all over him immediately turned into brilliant golden light!

The haze that was originally shrouded in the vicinity of Sha Yi and others, under the golden light, vanished in a moment!

Moreover, after Sha Yi saw Zou Wenping, his expression really seemed to see the savior!

Relatively speaking, Gao Yuanyuan and Yang Zi had never heard of Zou Wenping's name at that time.

Li Xiaoqin's eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoqin did not appear in the camera at the time.

The expressions of Gao Yuanyuan and Yang Zi were also cut off by Zhang Tong.

If you let the audience see it, it will probably cause discussion.

The effect of "Chinese Restaurant" this season is so good that there is no need for controversial discussions, but more positive topics!

After learning that Zou Wenping could cook, Sha Yi and others felt saved.

Then it's time to draw start-up capital.

Li Xiaoqin is responsible for the extraction!

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

As a result, after the red envelope was opened, there was only 10,000 baht in it.

On the subtitles, a line of words was also typed very intimately.

10,000 baht is approximately equal to 2,000 RMB!

Seeing this scene, not only the faces of Sha Yi and others on the TV were entangled.

Even the audience in front of the TV was taken aback.

"Really? Is the start-up capital only 2,000 yuan?"

"Don't talk about the tourist attractions in Tyre Country, even if you open a roadside stall in Xia Country, it's more than that, right?"

"Do you still remember how much their profit was in the end?"

"I remember! I remember! I took a screenshot! The final total profit was 1.25 billion RMB!"


"Fuck, doesn't this mean that they have turned 625,000 times in 30 days?"

"This is a managerial genius! It should be mostly Ping's credit, right?"

"Brother Ping is mighty, brother Ping is awesome! Brother Ping asks me to do business, so I can double it 62 times!"

As the audience watched and discussed, "Chinese Restaurant" continued to be screened.

The following plot, whether it is shopping for vegetables or making roulades, will make the audience watch with gusto.


Of course, Zou Wenping remembered the broadcast of "Chinese Restaurant" today.

But he didn't look at it, there really didn't have much time.

Besides, he personally experienced the entire recording process of the show.

As for the audience's response, Zou Wenping only needs to see the increase in system reputation!

Now he just wants to go well and take every shot of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

While enjoying the filming process, he silently counted the time in his heart.

Today is January 1st, and soon he will get up and go to Yanjing for the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal.


Six more, 12,000 words.

Really terrible, these days there is relatively little time for codewords during the day, and they are basically written at night.

Tomorrow another busy day, I will have more time from the day after tomorrow.

Eight shifts or something should be fine.

Finally, ask for a wave of flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes! three.

Mime private 850

After the "Chinese Restaurant" was broadcast, its related information has been released online.

There are discussions about the first period everywhere.

Because at the beginning of the recording, the live broadcast room had not been opened, which also made many people not watch the previous content.

In addition, the various live broadcast data of "Chinese Restaurant" went wild all the way.

The ratings of the first episode of the program broke the ratings records of all variety shows, as well as the ratings records of all TV programs!

These are two records.

Viewing records of TV programs, just like the viewing records of sports programs, are divided into several types.

Variety show viewing records, news program viewing records, TV viewing records, prime time viewing records, late night viewing records, etc.

In short, the ratings records can be divided into the records of TV programs in the “Nine-Five-Seven” category, or they can be divided in detail.

The rating record broken by "Chinese Restaurant" is the rating record of all TV programs!

Even the previous ratings record created by "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was stepped underfoot.

Chief director Zhang Tong was so happy!

This ratings record is not only expected but also unexpected!

This year's year-end bonus is estimated to be cramped after counting the money!


Regarding the good results of "Chinese Restaurant", Zou Wenping was also the next morning.

Early in the morning, Zou Wenping was preparing breakfast, and Zhang Tong couldn't wait to call and talk about the result in person.

After hearing this result, Zou Wenping was very happy, which expanded his influence a lot!

Both the Mango Channel and the official Weibo of "Chinese Restaurant" published about the first issue of "Chinese Restaurant" breaking the ratings record.

It triggered a lot of reposts and comments from the audience.

"Brother Ping, awesome!"

"Yesterday's first issue amusing me to death. As soon as Brother Ping came up, he was dragged by others to rent his wife!"

"It's really spectacular to see those foreigners queuing up to sell meat and steamed buns, I have only seen them in my life!"

"I want to keep chasing it down, I want to see how Ping brother doubled 2,000 yuan, 625,000 times!"

"After watching the Mango Channel yesterday, I went to the Internet to check it out. Many foreigners have also been fancied."

"The star who has gone to sea with fans has gone to Brother Cheng Long. Isn't that Brother Ping?"

The lively discussion of netizens was given to Zou Wenping and "Chinese Restaurant" two hot searches.

Yang Mi, Liu Tianxian and others, after learning of the result, also became lively in the WeChat group.

"@邹文平 Come out and give out red envelopes!"

"How can you not have 10 red envelopes for such a festive thing?"

"Hurry up, if you don't give out red envelopes, let Mi Mi deduct his salary!"

Seeing the wives in the group, so lively, Zou Wenping is naturally willing to be noisy.

Sent 20 red envelopes in a row!

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

Alone Better Together.

Zou Wenping simply sent 10 red envelopes in the WeChat group of [Xianjian Crew].

Many people in the crew are very concerned about Zou Wenping's dynamics, and others watched yesterday's "Chinese Restaurant" program.

Today’s Weibo hot search, of course, many people have seen it.

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