I wanted to wait and congratulate Zou Wenping on the set, which won Zou Wenping's favor.

Unexpectedly, Zou Wenping has already initiated red envelopes in the WeChat group, and there are still 10 big red envelopes!

All kinds of thank-you words in an instant, maxed out the WeChat group.

"thank you boss!"

"thank you boss!"

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

? ? ?

Soon people found something wrong, thank you husband?

What's the situation?

Who started this?

So some people started to trace the origin, and then found that the first person to send this news was actually Liu Sisi!

The other end.

Liu Sisi has been bombed by Yang Mi and Zou Wenping with WeChat group videos!

This is equivalent to playing a WeChat group and sending a nuclear bomb!

Yang Mi said angrily.

"Sisi, although the shape of the brain and the intestines are similar."

"But you can't use it all, pretending to be Yoneda!"

"When you send a WeChat message, you can't keep your eyes open?"

Liu Sisi is like a child who has made a mistake, pouting..0

"I didn't expect things to be like this!"

"I think people are sending'thank you boss', so I also sent one by the way. Who knew it would be'thank you husband'?"

"It's also to blame for the people who followed the wind to send WeChat. They didn't type by themselves and copied the content of my chat."

"As a result, what happened later, what should I do now?"

Liu Sisi's anxious tears are almost falling!

She also knew the seriousness of the matter.

For the sake of each other's image and career, the relationship between Zou Wenping and the few of them has been concealed up to now.

Even if you want to make it public, you definitely don't want to use this method.

If you don’t get things done right now, I’m afraid you don’t have to wait until tomorrow.

In a few minutes, you will have to fry the pot on the Internet!

Liu Sisi was already crying in a hurry, and Yang Mi stomped her feet in a hurry.

The eyebrows are on fire now, and it is estimated that discussions in the group will start soon, and some people will even post in the circle of friends.

At that time, this kind of thing will be difficult to put out!

The most terrible thing is that this explosive scandal is definitely not something that can be suppressed with money.

Is it destined to cause a storm?

At the time of 0.3 Liu Sisi and Yang Mi Liushen Wuzhu, the silent Zou Wenping kept thinking.

Then he smiled.

"You two don't worry, if you encounter problems, be calm and calm."

"Believe that there will be a solution to everything."


After seeing Zou Wenping so calm, Yang Mi and Liu Sisi were shocked.

Yang Mi asked quickly.

"Wenping, do you have a solution?"

Liu Sisi asked urgently as if seeing a savior.

"Really? Do you really have a way?"


All the things have been dealt with.

Next I will start to update.

Although I came back late today.

But visual inspection is no problem!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 851

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Time is running out, I will make a long story short..."

Zou Wenping explained the solution to Yang Mi and Liu Sisi.

Liu Sisi asked uneasy.

"may I handle it in this way?"

Yang Mi thought for a while.

"I think it should be possible, but we need the three of us to cooperate well."

"Furthermore, there is no particularly good solution now. If you don't want to solve it, you will have to explode the group later!"

Zou Wenping encouraged.

"The three of us are all actors. How can we not have this acting skill?"

"Hurry up and take action, if you drag it on, things will really be resolved!"

Yang Mi and Liu Sisi nodded, and then turned off the group video.

When Zou Wenping and the three of them had a group chat, Liu Tianxian and the others were also listening.

I probably understand what the situation is, but this kind of thing must be dealt with urgently.

Liu Tianxian and others don't know much about the situation, so rashly inserting 20 words will only affect the speed of discussions between Zou Wenping, Yang Mi, and Liu Sisi.

Said that he would choose not to intervene in a tacit understanding.

After Zou Wenping and the three of them left the group video chat, Liu Tianxian and others started chatting.

Liu Tianxian: "My God, how could this happen?"

Li Xiaoqin: "It's really too careless, right?"

Reba: "A person as confused as me has never made such a mistake. It's too bad for Sisi to make such a mistake!"

Liu Tianxian: "I am so nervous now, so I am afraid that this matter will not be resolved!"

Li Xiaoqin: "If it can't be solved, let's face it together!"

Reba: "That's right, if things really come to the point and detonate the Internet, then let's face the storm!"


When Reba and the others were discussing.

[Xianjian Crew] The WeChat group is also frying.

Many staff, after seeing Liu Sisi’s "Thank you husband", they fry the pot!

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"Why did Sisi send'Thank You Husband' to Ping Ge?"

"Did we find something extraordinary?"

"If it is really what we guessed, this is definitely big news!"

"Don't discuss it, be careful that Brother Ping handles you!"

At this moment, Yang Mi also sent a WeChat red envelope.

And indicate it on the cover of the red envelope.

"Congratulations to Wenping, another great achievement!"


Many people sent me thank you.

"thank you boss!"

"thank you boss!"

"thank you, wife!"

"thank you, wife!"

"thank you, wife!"


The staff in the group was stunned again after seeing the words after the screen was swiped.

Thank you husband just now, but thank you wife again?

What's the situation?

People who are curious began to scroll up the chat records, tracing back to the source to find the culprit.

Then they saw that the first person to send "thank you wife" was actually Liu Sisi!

The people in the group began to be trapped.

Is Zou Wenping Liu Sisi's "husband"? Yang Mi is Liu Sisi's "wife"?

What's happening here?

Then Liu Sisi also issued a red envelope, with a note on the cover.

"Congratulations, Brother Wang, for showing off again!"

And this time, the number of people who swiped the screen and sent out thank-you notes was significantly less.

But there are still many.

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

"Thanks husband!"

? ? ?

What's the situation, the building was crooked from the beginning?

This time the first person to send the message is Yang Mi!

so now.

Zou Wenping is Liu Sisi's husband, Liu Sisi is Yang Mi's husband, and Yang Mi is Liu Sisi's wife!

Everyone slowly understood while being trapped.

"It turns out that the so-called "husband" and "wife" titles are private titles!"

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