
After hearing this passage read by Zou Wenping, Deng Ziqi's brain buzzed.

Deng Ziqi wrote this book "The Imperial Master's Skill", so he regarded this as a diary.

Many of my own real thoughts, private thoughts, and even explicit thoughts were written in.

Now that Zou Wenping read it out like this, it was simply dissecting himself.

Zou Wenping frowned and said.

"Ziqi, I swear to God, I am not an eunuch!"

"Of course, it's not curved!"

Deng Ziqi's head was darkened and her face flushed.

The whole person is dizzy like a fever.

She didn't know how to argue now.


This kind of thing was discovered by Zou Wenping, I'm afraid I won't be friends anymore, right?

What about tomorrow's rehearsal?

It is estimated that Zou Wenping will change.

Deng Ziqi was in a state of confusion, not knowing what to say and do.

Zou Wenping sat upright and turned his notebook to the first page.

""Fufushu: Methods of Raiding Zou Wenping""

"Why is there such a name?"

Deng Ziqi was embarrassed and shrank her head very low.

She didn't dare to look up into Zou Wenping's eyes, and she didn't know how to say these things.



I fumbled for a long time, but still couldn't tell why.

After a while, Zou Wenping asked slowly and gently.

"¨`Do you like me?"


Deng Ziqi's expression stagnated, and quickly raised her head to look at Zou Wenping.

The eyes are facing each other.

She swallowed, and finally mustered up the courage and nodded.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"If you like it, just say it, what is "Yufushu"!"

"The content written in it is in line with the art of war, and those who don't know thought I was a heinous person."

"A lot of your content here is slanderous. How can I be as unbearable as what you wrote?"

Zou Wenping said it lightly.

But Deng Ziqi was a little confused, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Then how are you going to respond?"

Looking at the somewhat timid Deng Ziqi, Zou Wenping smiled.

"How could I refuse such a good thing?"

Zou Wenping is not stupid either. After turning a few pages of "Yuhushu", he understood what was going on.

No wonder Deng Ziqi in private has been weird during this period of time.

During the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, it seemed very serious, but when I got back to the hotel, I often teased myself inexplicably.

The reason for these actions is in this place.

It's just unbelievable. I didn't expect Deng Ziqi to like herself.

This may also have something to do with the increase in your charm value.

So Deng Ziqi was gradually attracted to herself.

Now that you know Deng Ziqi's purpose, should you agree to it?

This matter, Zou Wenping had an answer in his heart.

Of course you have to agree!

A fool would refuse, okay!

However, there are some things that Zou Wenping feels need to explain to Deng Ziqi.


Six more, twelve thousand.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

Chapter 883:

I heard that Zou Wenping agreed to himself.

Deng Ziqi ran towards Zou Wenping very excited.

"Really? Did you really agree?"

"I'm not dreaming? You slap me and see if I'm dreaming!"


Beat you?

This is the first time I have heard such a special request.

Looking at Deng Ziqi who was coming over, Zou Wenping quickly stepped away.


Deng Ziqi pounced and lay directly on the bed.

Zou Wenping said quickly.

"Ziqi, calm down!"

"There are some things you want to hear from me."

"It's not too late to make a decision after listening to me!"

Before Yang Mi, Liu Sisi, and Liu Tianxian, Zou Wenping wanted to talk about it.

However, at that time, Yang Mi and the others were too wolves and tigers.

Zou Wenping had no opportunity to explain at all.

So this time Zou Wenping intends to explain everything clearly in advance, so as not to have to explain it for a long time.

Seeing Zou Wenping's serious expression, Deng Ziqi calmed down.

Asked suspiciously.

"what do you want to say?"

Zou Wenping adjusted his state, then said sternly.

"Actually, I already have a wife!"

987 "I can't talk about my wife either, because I'm not married yet."

"They are girlfriends, but I have decided to marry them!"


Deng Ziqi raised her eyebrows, and then sadness appeared on her face.

She smiled bitterly in depression.

"Well, I was thinking before, you such a good person, are other girls blind?"

"Sure enough, the grass has a master, I am a bit late!"

"Sorry, I interrupted abruptly."

A lost expression appeared on Deng Ziqi's face.

Tears came out of my eyes, it was regret and unwillingness.

Why, why is it like this, the man I like already has a wife.

Wait a minute.

Deng Ziqi recalled what Zou Wenping had just said in her heart.

Then stopped the tears and asked tentatively.

"You just said about them?"

"How many girlfriends do you have now?"

Zou Wenping stretched out his right hand and waved in the air.

Then replied.



Deng Ziqi was taken aback, and tears were immediately collected as a whale sucked in water.

"How much (caad)?"



"Yes, five!"


Deng Ziqi took a long breath.

Originally, I was thinking that as long as Zou Wenping's other half was willing to accept himself.

If it doesn't work, just be a junior.

Now I find that Xiao Wu is not in his turn!

Deng Ziqi stretched out her right hand in front of her and looked at these five slender fingers.

Can't believe it.

"It's really you, you can actually capture the hearts of five beauties!"

"Can I take the liberty to ask, who are these five people?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"You should all know each other."


Deng Ziqi was shocked.

"I know?"

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