Zou Wenping raised his right fist, then extended his index finger to reply.

"The first one is Reba!"

Deng Ziqi raised her eyebrows, then nodded clearly.

"Oh, right."

"I remember you recorded "The Longing for Life" with her."

"To be together often, it is excusable to have feelings!"

"Anything else?"

Zou Wenping stretched out his **** and replied.

"And Yang Mi!"

Deng Ziqi's eyes widened this time, and she blinked her eyes in disbelief.

"Huh? Did you even accept your own boss?"

"It's amazing, what about the others?"

Zou Wenping stretched out his ring finger and continued.

"Liu Tianxian!"

"Sister Shenxian also entered the harem?"

"Li Xiaoqin!"

"Xue Baochai too?"

"Liu Sisi!"

"Hi, Yang Mi's best friend? Don't let this go!"

I heard these five names mentioned by Zou Wenping.

Every name surprised Deng Ziqi.

And she had heard of each one, and two even met.

It's just that they are both film and television actors, and Deng Ziqi is a full-time singer, and they don't have much intersection with each other.

But one thing is very certain.

Each of Zou Wenping's five girlfriends is a top-notch in China!

Originally, Deng Ziqi thought she would become Zou Wenping's girlfriend, and Zou Wenping was a bit high.

Only now I found out that I was climbing high.

Unexpectedly, Zou Wenping is such a beast, actually has five wives!

Even in this, polygamous world, this is amazing!

Zou Wenping shrugged and smiled.

"So after listening to what I said, you should calm down."

"You will like that I may be a hot head, but I hope you can make judgments after understanding the matter."

These words, several times before, Zou Wenping planned to say them.

But Yang Mi and others didn't give a chance at all!

After Ding Ling cried for a while, Zou Wenping had the opportunity to speak.

After listening to Zou Wenping's words, Deng Ziqi fell silent.

She thought about it very carefully, and then looked at the book "Yufushu" on the bed.

Then he smiled and asked as if he had made a decision.

"Then can you tell me that the five of them get along well?"


Unexpectedly, Deng Ziqi would ask this question.

Zou Wenping thought for a while, then nodded.

"It's still peaceful, there is no fire in the harem!"

Deng Ziqi nodded.

Then he turned around and walked towards the door, seemingly thinking clearly and giving up.

Seeing this scene, Zou Wenping was not disappointed.

Deng Ziqi can face her own choice, which is also a very good thing.

Zou Wenping stood up.

"It's getting late, and I will participate in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala tomorrow."

"You can rest early, I have to go back too!"



Zou Wenping has just finished speaking.

Standing at the door, Deng Ziqi closed the bedroom door and locked it back.

Zou Wenping was shocked.

"Ziqi, you..."

Deng Ziqi at the door turned around shyly.

"Go? Where to go?"

"Since Yang Mi and the five of them can get along in harmony."

"Then join me, maybe you can't fry the pan!"

Seeing Deng Ziqi approaching slowly, Zou Wenping naturally understood what he meant.

The previous few times Zou Wenping was very passive.

This time he decided to show his shame and walked towards Deng Ziqi on his own initiative.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 884

the next day.

Deng Ziqi whispered in Zou Wenping's arms and asked gently.

"My dear, should you introduce me to Yang Mi and the others?"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Actually, I planned to pull you into the WeChat group last night."

"However, it's too late to toss, so I have to give up."

With that said, Zou Wenping took the phone, opened WeChat and sent an invitation to Deng Ziqi.


Deng Ziqi asked suspiciously.

"The name of the WeChat group is [Family ~ Love Family]?"

"Such a low name-who got it?"


Zou Wenping did not hesitate to play Deng Ziqi-, a brain collapsed.

"Fuck you, I got it! What do you think? Any comments?"

Deng Ziqi looked at Zou Wenping with a slight surprise, otherwise she believed.

"Did you take it? Wow, I can't think of Brother Ping, who everyone admires, is actually a nameless person!"

"If you let those fans know, I might cry sadly!"

Zou Wenping scolded with a smile.

"You're so courageous now, aren't you, you dare to **** me so much!"

"Be careful I'm cleaning up your meal!"

After hearing this, Deng Ziqi quickly waved her hand for mercy.

"I was wrong, really wrong!"

"Let me go, otherwise I can't walk to the rehearsal today!"

Zou Wenping was right after thinking about it, so he let her go.

Deng Ziqi clicked into the WeChat group and sent a sentence.

"Hello everyone, I am Ziqi, please take care of me in the future!"

Yang Mi: "..."

Liu Sisi: "..."

Liu Tianxian: "..."

Reba: "..."

Li Xiaoqin: "..."

"Fuck, what's the situation? Why is there another one?"

"Ziqi? Are you Deng Ziqi?"

"Zou Wenping, didn't you go to the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Woke up in the morning and brushed my teeth. I heard the voice of the WeChat group. I got up and looked at it. There was an extra sister!"

"Wenping, knowing that you are in good health, you can't be so tossing about it!"

After seeing their answers, Deng Ziqi was happy.

Then replied.

"It shocked everyone, I'm really sorry!"


The hotel where "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III" stayed.

At this time, Yang Mi and Liu Sisi were about to go out and take the elevator.

There was a sudden addition of people in the WeChat group, which really surprised them.


Liu Sisi knocked on Yang Mi's door and said quickly after entering.

"Mi Mi, look, Wen Ping, this guy is so funny!"

"It turns out that he went to pick up girls under the guise of going to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"This guy is not satisfied with the five of us, and he is actually going to provoke others!"

Seeing Liu Sisi's look of resentment, Yang Mi curled her lips.

Then smiled.

"You are the least qualified to complain!"

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