Deng Ziqi in the poor room, now she is going to be alone in the vacant room!

Speaking, Zou Wenping looked at Chen Daoming and others next to him.

I've all made an appointment with Liang Caowei, so I can't be polite with other seniors.

Otherwise, I seem to ignore them.

But Zou Wenping just opened his mouth, before he could speak out.

Liang Caowei interrupted the conversation.

"This time, Xiao Zou and I are dating alone."

"I will invite you to dinner together in two days!"



Zou Wenping looked at Liang Caowei in amazement, is he such a tiger?

Chen Daoming, Donnie Yen, Zhang Manyu, Zhang Ziyi.

Those four are not well-known people?

Just refused directly?

Zhang Manyu seemed to know Liang Caowei's thoughts, so he smiled.

"Well, you and Xiao Zou are going on a date!"

"The two men should be careful of wiping out their guns!"


Zou Wenping took a deep breath.

What can happen to God? We are both big masters.

Someone started, and of course others wouldn't say anything.

Then this time it became a separate game for Zou Wenping and Liang Caowei.

Zou Wenping blinked and kept wondering in his heart, what exactly is this actor planning to say to himself?

While talking, Lao Mouzi also walked through the red carpet area and entered the conference room.

After a short break, the assistant brother walked over again and said.

"Director, it's ready now, the press conference can start anytime!"

Lao Mouzi nodded and looked at Zou Wenping and the others.

"Start our press conference!"

Of course, Zou Wenping has no opinion.

It is the first time for Zou Wenping to participate in the movie conference, and he is still very curious!

They all stood up and walked out with the assistant brother.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! three.

Chapter 895

Here, there are a total of four large lounges, one in each of the four corners.

There is still a red carpet here, connecting the two ends of the meeting room.

One end is the entrance to the conference room, and the other end is the stage.

Zou Wenping and the others are in the lounge on the side of the entrance.

Following the assistant brother, a few people came to the entrance of the red carpet in the conference room.

I saw a group of people coming out from the lounge opposite.

After seeing them, Zou Wenping was stunned.

Because these people are wearing the clothes of Qin Dynasty soldiers in "Hero", as well as halberds and shields.

The movements of these group performances are neat and uniform and well-trained.

At first glance, it looks like a real Qin soldier!

For those who play soldiers, those present did not dare to despise them.

Because they are all true soldiers of the "Nine-Nine-Three", soldiers who have been retired from the army!

This "Hero", Lao Mouzi is really generous.

It not only invited popular superstars such as Zou Wenping, Liang Caowei, and Zhang Manyu.

Even the group performances playing the soldiers of the State of Qin are veterans, and there are even some active armed police!

So when these group performances are now on the set, Zou Wenping feels oppressed!


The lights gathered, and the host lady appeared on the stage.

She is a very professional host.

While standing on the stage, she looked at the audience with a smile and spoke clearly.

"Hello everyone from all over the country and media friends from all over the world!"

"Our "Hero" conference will begin soon, please be prepared!"

This preparation has two meanings.

Because this press conference is a combination of online and offline.

Existing press conferences will publish relevant content this time on news websites, self-media, and so on.

Others are live broadcast through live interaction.

In today's society, traffic is king!

As long as there is enough traffic, it may be converted into economic income. For movies, this is the box office!

Therefore, some mainstream live broadcast software cooperates with the "Hero" conference, and broadcast the conference live in the venue!

at the same time.

Every time a press conference is held for Lao Mouzi's films, many foreign media are invited to participate.

Because every time Lao Mouzi makes a movie, his purpose is to break out of Xia and go to the world!

Let your own movies appear in movie theaters around the world, and let those foreigners feel the charm of Xia Guo's movies!

So this press conference is being broadcast live in many countries around the world at the same time.

And after the live broadcast ends, foreign reporters will also get press releases to help "Hero" gain a certain degree of attention abroad.

Prepare for future releases in various parts of the world!

Before Zou Wenping walked on the red carpet, these media people first arrived in the conference room.

The people in the crew responsible for the announcement have already communicated with them in advance.

Following the host’s words, the reporters have adjusted their cameras to the entrance of the conference room!


The hostess continued.

"Our press conference, start!"

Then, the group performers who were originally standing at the entrance, dressed in the clothes of soldiers of the State of Qin, stood in two rows.

With the accompaniment of exciting music, walking in a neat and uniform step, holding the halberd in the right hand and the shield in the left hand, walking towards the direction of the stage.

These group performances are all veterans, with an average height of about 1.8 meters.

As they walked around, there seemed to be a sense of oppression permeating the venue, with an overbearing aura!

It really seems to be a Qin army!


After the war in their respective positions, these soldiers stood at attention, rested, and turned left and right!

Then, the soldiers lined up on both sides of the red carpet, holding the halberd in their right hand, and placing the shield in front of them.

In an instant, the red carpet turned into a trench surrounded by shields!

The hostess continued.

"Let’s please, our directors, creators and protagonists are here!"

Zou Wenping is along this path towards the stage!

This time they no longer set off one by one, but set off toward the stage together.

Wu Wenping discovered one thing, that is, a few foreigners actually got in among them!

Looking at these foreigners, Zou Wenping quickly understood what was going on..0

Because "Hero" will be screened overseas, we need these overseas partners!

After everyone stood on the stage, the host looked at Lao Mouzi.

"Please our director, come and give me a brief introduction, the overview of our "Hero" movie!"

Lao Mouzi nodded, and took the microphone from the lady of manners.

"Thank you all in the media for coming to our press conference!"

"Thank you to our audience from all over the world for watching our press conference through the live broadcast room!"

"At the same time, thank you, all of our leading actors, for jointly contributing to such an epic film and television masterpiece!"

"The movie "Hero" was filmed by 1,500 staff from 47 countries together!"


After hearing this, everyone present, including the leading actors including Zou Wenping, were all taken aback.

Zou Wenping, who was filming with the crew, knew that there were many foreigners in the crew, but also saw that some of the photographers were foreigners.

Unexpectedly, the foreigners participating in the filming actually come from 47 countries!

And there are 1,500 staff! This scale is not simple!

Recalling the situation of living in Mogao Grottoes and serving meals, dozens of chefs served meals at the same time!

That battle is really only 0.3 in his life!

The hostess said in surprise.

"Are so many people involved in the filming?"

"Then our drama must be very magnificent, right?"

Lao Mouzi nodded.

"Our play is about the assassination of Qin by righteous scholars from various countries after Qin Shihuang unified the six countries during the Warring States Period!"

"In order to shoot this movie, we referenced a lot of literature and discussed it with more than a dozen screenwriters."

"The purpose is to tell the audience, Xia Guo's own historical story!"

"Let everyone cross the long river of time and feel the chivalrous demeanor of that era!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

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