Mime private 896

When Lao Mouzi finished speaking, the hostess continued to talk.

"In order to let everyone understand our movie more intuitively."

"Let’s play right away, our promotional video for this movie!"

The host motioned to the people on the stage to give in a little.

Then the lights in the meeting room dimmed, and the screen behind the stage turned on!

A very sensational two characters "hero" leaped on the screen.

Then there is Wuming played by Zou Wenping, walking along the steps in front of the palace towards the main hall.

On both sides of Zou Wenping, there were black soldiers from the State of Qin.

Then the picture turned, Zou Wenping was in a dialogue with Qin Shihuang played by Chen Daoming.

Then there is the picture of Liang Caowei and Zhang Manyu embracing and writing.

Turn to the scene where Liang Caowei pushed Zhang Manyu to.

Various fighting plots.

The promotional film is to reveal the content of part of the plot while attracting the attention of the audience.

But let it be enough, too much is too late!

Leave some suspense, whet the audience's appetite, and let them walk into the cinema for a more detailed understanding!

So this promo is only about one minute.

20   I couldn't help seeing many reporters present, and I was curious as to what the film would include.

Through the live broadcast of Chinese and foreign reporters, anyone who saw the promo couldn't help but send barrage!

The liveliest thing is undoubtedly the barrage of Xia Guo netizens. Many people watch the press conference through live broadcast.

"I just transferred to this live broadcast room from those anchors' rooms, and I saw the promotional video as soon as I came in!"

"When Brother Ping confronted Chen Daoming just now, he felt very much. Brother Ping should be an assassin!"

"Hehe, what I am most interested in is that Liang Caowei pushed to Zhang Ziyi's scene!"

"Sure enough, the eyes of the gentlemen are the same! I saw it at a glance!"

"Ouuuu, unfair, why can Actor Liang have a **** scene, we Ping brother don't have it!"

"The one in front is not, do you want Brother Ping to have a **** scene with whom? Sister Manyu or Sister Ziyi?"

"By the way, when will Brother Ping be able to act in a **** scene? Even if it's a kiss scene!"

Not only Xia Guo's netizens, but also many foreign netizens, also watched the press conference through the live broadcast room.

Although the shooting of "Chinese Restaurant" has ended for three months.

However, many foreign fans captured by Zou Wenping at that time admired him very much.

In addition, Zou Wenping's various attributes have been increased later, making fans more sticky to him.

Once you enter the pit, you won't be easy to take off the powder!

"I just noticed that the person at the beginning of the promo looks like a fire mage!"

"Nonsense, that is Fire Mage Zou Wenping! I am his die-hard fan, and I made a special trip to see him this time!"

"It's three o'clock in the morning in our place. In order to see the fire mage, I'm squatting in reverse jet lag!"

"While paying attention to the Fire Mage, can you also pay attention to this movie?"

"Yes, the director of this movie, it seems that Xia Guo is also a very good one! I am looking forward to this movie!"

"It is estimated that it will be released on our side after Xia Guo is released!"

"Just after watching the promo, I became very interested in this movie. There is a fire mage in it, and I am even more interested!"

People on the Internet are discussing enthusiastically.

On the stage, after playing the promo, the game started.

Several staff members moved to the stage and a few tables.

The host said.

"Please put some of our leading actors in place, and here is our answer section!"

"We all said that the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, which seven heroes are they?"

"Please write the name of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period on the answer board, and draw out the territory of each country you think!"


Zou Wenping was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't expect such a problem.

However, painting is completely difficult for Zou Wenping. With the ability of painting (lv99), painting is a matter of hand!

Fortunately, Zou Wenping also has a bit of historical knowledge, so the outline of each country of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period came to mind.

Then I started to paint!

Others also began to devote themselves to their own creations.

At the same time, the host also invited Lao Mouzi and other creative staff to sit down.

Taking advantage of the gap in Zou Wenping's paintings, I chatted with you about the behind-the-scenes story of the shooting of "Hero".

The purpose is also to let reporters and people in the live broadcast room have a more comprehensive understanding of the film.

When the question and answer was over, the host said.

"I believe that through the Q&A just now, everyone has more expectations for this movie!"

"Please remember that our "Hero" will be released nationwide!"

"It will be shown in many countries around the world such as Europe and the United States later! Stay tuned!"

"Okay, after talking with our director, we have to look at the answers of several leading actors!"

"Which seven heroes are in the Warring States Period, and what is their national outline?"

"Everyone, please don't reveal the question board, let's look at it one by one!"

Speaking, the host looked at Zhang Manyu.

993   "My sister Manyu, please open your question board first!"

Zhang Manyu nodded and opened her question board.

Then everyone at the scene was happy.

A white inscription board contains a lot of writing and drawing, but it doesn't look like a map, but rather like a hand-drawn graffiti.

Except for the two countries of Qin and Zhao, the other seven of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period were randomized.

Zhang Manyu said embarrassedly.

"In fact, when I was in school, the history was bad, let alone memorizing the map!"

Then came Zhang Ziyi's.

She is relatively better. She has written the names of the three countries correctly, and the map is drawn casually.

Liang Caowei's is not better than that.

Then came Chen to Ming's.

When his question board opened, applause broke out at the press conference.

Although Chen Zhiming’s map of the Seven Kingdoms is incorrect, the names of the seven countries are all right!

Anyway, the question is half right!

The host smiled.

"Teacher Chen, you really deserve to be a professional emperor!"

"My own situation is still very clear!"

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you give me some flowers? .

Chapter 897

Then it's Donnie Yen's turn.

After his question board was opened, the audience roared with laughter!

The names of Donnie Yen’s Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period are all right, it’s just his map...

Someone else’s map is drawn, but Donnie Yen’s map is drawn with seven circles!

Write the name of a country in each circle.

This is equivalent to a map!

In fact, Donnie Yen was thinking very clearly. The press conference raised such a question just to amuse everyone.

After all, all of them are acting or singing.

Not a painter, let alone a historian.

Even if you know the name of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, it is impossible to draw a picture of their country.

After all, how many people have seen ancient maps?

Simply speaking of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, they can still know the approximate range.

The territory of each country in the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, it’s good to know what it looks like, let alone draw it!

So Donnie Yen decided that this painting is to amuse everyone!

Lao Mouzi laughed.

"The content of the Zidan painting, a perfect interpretation, what is meant by enclosure is king!"

"Draw a circle on the ground, the inside of the circle is my site!"

"In this way, Zidan is more suitable for you to engage in real estate!"

Yen Zi smiled, and didn't refute anything.

After all, it is to make the audience happy.

The hostess said.

"It seems that the name of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period is not difficult for you all."

"But the map is a bit embarrassing for you all."

"Next, let's see how Ping Ge painted!"

"Brother Ping, please open your question board and let us take a look!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

As his title board opened, the audience exclaimed.


Both Lao Mouzi and others on the stage, as well as other viewers in the live broadcast room, were surprised and speechless!

Because Zou Wenping not only wrote the names of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, but also drew the map.

And the map seems to be copied from the actual map!

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