After a long time.


Warm applause broke out at the scene.

A lot of barrage in the live broadcast room has been brushed up.

"Brother Ping is Brother Ping, that's amazing!"

"After listening to Ping Ge's "General Order", I kicked my old scalper away and plowed two acres of land by myself!"

"This song "The Power of Generals" sounds enthusiastic to me. I might be a general in ancient times!"

"You? You were a general in ancient times, buried alive by Bai Qi!"

Not only are Xia Guo’s netizens discussing intensely, but even foreigners are also discussing it.

Foreign anchors used relevant languages ​​to explain what happened to foreigners in the live broadcast room.

"Ohmygod! What instrument is that in the hands of the fire mage?"

"Listen to the host, this seems to be called a drum! It is more shocking than the drums we usually play!"

"This kind of musical instrument seems to have a long history. It seemed to be used frequently in wars before!"

"Xia Guo has a long history, and all musical instruments will have a long history!"

"Don't say anything else, I will definitely go to see the movie he played by the Fire Mage!"

"He has already conquered me with his drums, so when this movie is released in the Bald Eagle Country, I will also go to see it!"


Seeing Zou Wenping on the stage, Chunfeng proud, Yen Zidan was very depressed, and Lao Mouzi admired them very much.

Feeling almost done, Zou Wenping bowed to the audience.

Subsequently, the others returned to the stage again, and this press conference continued.

The host continues the following content according to the process of the press conference.

After another while, this conference is finally coming to an end.

The staff pushed up a light box with a switch on it.

Lao Mouzi, Zou Wenping, Liang Caowei and others stretched out a hand and pressed it on the switch.

The hostess said.

"Let our directors and protagonists light up our wishing lights together."

"Bless our movie "Hero" is a big box office!"

"I'll count one, two, three, everyone push the switch up together!"


Six more, twelve thousand!

I slapped my face again, woo woo woo, no more promises!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There must be no shortage of flowers! .

Chapter 899

As the host's voice fell.

Zou Wenping worked hard together and pushed the switch up.

In an instant, the light box lit up.

In the middle of the light box, ~ is the poster of "Hero".

There are some wheat around-which means a big box office!

At the same time, the big screen behind him also switched to a poster, and at the same time it also wrote-the date of the show.

The host said.

"Finally, I will emphasize it to everyone."

"February 4, which is the zero point zero on the first day of the Lunar New Year, let us look forward to the release of "Hero" together!"

"After Xia Guo's screening ends, it will be broadcast worldwide!"

"Please support the work of our director Lao Mouzi!"

Lao Mouzi led the actors and bowed slightly to pay tribute to the audience.

The host said again.

"Invite our directors, chief creators, overseas distributors, and our lead actors to all stand on the stage."

"We have invited our reporter friends to take photos, and these photos will appear on the news at that time!"

After all the photos are taken.

The host continued.

"Dear audience friends, friends in the live broadcast room!"

"This time the "Hero" conference is over!"

"Thank you for watching, on February 4th, let us meet in the cinema, see you or leave!"



Back in the lounge, Zhang Manyu and Zhang Ziyi were already tired and slumped on their chairs.

Liang Caowei smiled.

"Looking at what you are like, is it really that tired?"

Zhang Manyu gave him a white look.

"You are all wearing flat shoes, of course you will feel nothing."

"But Ziyi and I, we both wear high heels!"

"Go to the stage, you are standing on the flat ground, but we are standing on the hillside!"

"Let you stand on the hillside for another two hours, and you will be able to experience how we feel now!"

Zhang Ziyi nodded in agreement with what Zhang Manyu said.

"Yeah, my feet are sour now that I can't turn!"

"I have to take a break, or I won't be able to go back!"

Zhang Manyu seemed to think of something and looked at Zou Wenping.

"Xiao Zou, don't you know how to massage?"

"Massage your sister's ankles, it's really sore!"


Zou Wenping, who was looking at his cell phone, suddenly froze.

Can't help laughing.

"Sister Manyu, you really can find work for me!"

"In fact, you and Ziyi sister, you can rest for a while!"

He is looking at the next schedule.

Three days later, he participated in another publicity meeting, and he could return to the crew of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

Zhang Manyu smiled silky eyes.

"Come on, sister won't let you work in vain, sister will pay you!"

Zou Wenping asked curiously.

"Sister Manyu, what kind of remuneration can you give?"

Zhang Manyu raised her eyebrows.

"It's too vulgar to withdraw money."

"You give elder sister a good massage, elder sister is at your disposal!"


Looking at the charming smile from the corner of Zhang Manyu's mouth.

Zou Wenping shuddered all over.

Sure enough, you can't molest a woman casually, or you will be molested by others!

Zou Wenping shrugged.

"Okay, then I'll rub the two sisters a little bit!"

With that, Zou Wenping walked over and gently lifted one of Zhang Manyu's foot.

Then gently massage her toes and ankles!

This made Zhang Manyu couldn't help but mumble a few times.

"Okay! Both feet are pressed!"

"Sister Manyu do some activities and see how it works!"

When Zou Wenping finished speaking, he also finished his hand movements.

Zhang Manyu's expression was slightly disappointed, as if there was still some meaning left.

However, with so many people present, it is impossible for her to have other performances.

Gently move the ankles, and said in surprise.

"The foot is no longer sore, and it doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Xiao Zou, you can do it!"

"Let's open a massage shop with this strength, my sister will introduce you a bunch of customers!"

Liang Caowei laughed.

"I'm afraid Xiao Zou just opened a massage shop for his front feet, and you will take care of his back feet!"

"At that time, he will live a life of rich clothes and jade food, clothes to stretch out his hands, and food to open his mouth."

"This kind of life is quite boring to think about. Why don't you take care of me!"

Looking at Liang Caowei with a hippy smile, Zhang Manyu looked disgusted.

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

"Come on, go back carefully, it was taken care of by Carina!"

Zhang Ziyi looked at Zhang Manyu's dexterous little feet and was surprised.

Just now, Zhang Manyu was like herself, her feet were sore, she didn't dare to move too much.

Will such a gentle massage have this effect?

real or fake?

When everyone had a bad cold in Mogao Grottoes before, Zou Wenping gave other people acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment.

At that time, Zhang Manyu's symptoms were the most serious, so only Zhang Manyu enjoyed Zou Wenping's massage service.

Therefore, Zhang Ziyi has never experienced the strength of Zou Wenping's massage.

But both she and Zhang Manyu have worn high heels for more than two hours, and the condition of their feet should be similar.


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