Seeing Zhang Manyu's little feet that can move as he pleases, Zhang Ziyi pursed her lips.

Then speak softly.

"Xiao Zou, can you rub it for me?"

"My feet are so sore!"

Zou Wenping, who had just stood up, was taken aback when he heard these words, and then nodded.


To be honest, he and Zhang Ziyi are not very familiar, even in the "Mythology" crew, the two people rarely talk.

Anyway, a person has already been massaged, and it is nothing to massage another person.

Zou Wenping moved a short stool and sat in front of Zhang Ziyi.

She gently lifted her jade foot with her left hand, and put it on her right hand.



After being pressed so by Zou Wenping, Zhang Ziyi suddenly snorted twice.

This massage technique is simply amazing!

Although sour, but very comfortable!

If not, there are three gentlemen around Liang Caowei, Chen Daoming, and Donnie Yen.

Zhang Ziyi was afraid that she could no longer control herself.

Right now she can only close her mouth and don't let herself scream.

After a while, Zou Wenping stood up.

"Press OK, sister Ziyi, take a look!"


Oh, the author really didn't mean to be so late.

There is really something to do, and I can’t save face!

But it can be guaranteed that the bottom five shifts will be guaranteed in the past few days. If it is not enough, two shifts will be made the next day!

After waiting these few days, we will keep eight more! three.

Chapter 900

Hearing this, Zhang Ziyi began to move her ankles and toes.

The sourness just now is gone, comfortable!

Looking at the handsome Zou Wenping, Zhang Ziyi recalled the throbbing in her heart during the massage just now.

Let her be a little bit contemplative.

She already has half of her husband now, so she won't accept a second husband any more?

Zhang Ziyi smiled with a smile.

"Xiao Zou, thank you!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Sister Ziyi, you're so polite!"

Seeing this scene, Liang Caowei also sat down, pretending to take off his shoes.

"Xiao Zou, please help Brother press it too!"


Zou Wen showed disapproval and immediately replied.

"Brother Wei, please turn left when you go out, take a taxi, and go to a foot bath."

"Where can there be so many beautiful "Nine-Seven" women, waiting in line for a massage for you!"

After hearing this, Liang Caowei shrugged helplessly.

"Xiao Zou, I was right, you are a person who values ​​sex and despise friends!"

The corners of Zou Wenping's mouth twitched.

Isn't this nonsense?

Don't emphasize color over friends, shouldn't you still value friends over color?

However, like Sister Manyu and Sister Ziyi, Zou Wenping has only respect!

There will never be any wrong thoughts, absolutely not!

At this time, Lao Mouzi walked in.

After the press conference, several leading actors of Zou Wenping returned to the lounge first.

As the director of a play, Lao Mouzi still has many places to make arrangements for the outside world.

So he came back after finishing all these tasks.

Also coming in was Lao Mouzi's assistant brother.

The assistant looked at Zou Wenping and asked politely.

"Brother Ping, now only your hotel has no arrangements."

"I will release the hotel to you later?"

Zou Wenping shook his head without hesitation.

"No, I have opened the room."

"It's cumbersome to go back and forth, let's make arrangements when we get to the next stop!"

Just kidding, Deng Ziqi is still waiting in the room.

With such a beautiful thing as Jinwu Zangjiao, a fool would go to live with Liang Caowei and other guys on the first floor!

Zou Wenping is not stupid, so he won't go!

However, he also promised to accompany Liang Caowei to talk tonight, really wondering what annoyance this actor has.

After hearing Zou Wenping's words, the younger brother did not dare to call the shots without authorization, he looked at Lao Mouzi.

Lao Mouzi nodded.

The little brother bowed slightly and said.

"I see!"

After speaking, he backed down.


After that, Lao Mouzi gave them another explanation, and the next stop was the propaganda situation in Changzhou.

This stop is also the publicity meeting where the six starring actors will appear together at the end.

After the factory state is over, Lao Mouzi will take a few artists, and then run to other places a little bit.

Such as Hong Kong, such as Wanwan.

For the rest, it depends on how the propaganda during this period of time is used to build momentum!

After saying this, everyone broke up.

Originally, Zou Wenping thought about renting out by himself, but there were Liang Caowei and others around, and there was no way to change his appearance.

I had to get in the car arranged by the planning team.

At this time, Zou Wenping was surprised to find that the hotel where he and Deng Ziqi were staying was actually the same as the "Hero" crew!

Liang Caowei and Zou Wenping made a car. After learning the news,

He hugged Zou Wenping's shoulder.

"Hahaha, Xiao Zou, it must be a special fate that allowed us to stay in the same hotel!"

"Then we two will be drunk tonight!"

"Which room do you live in, if you don't come down for a while, I can find you!"


The corners of Zou Wenping's mouth couldn't help but twitched.

What a coincidence.

Why is the hotel where I stayed with the crew of "Hero"?

If you think about it, you can understand it.

Liang Caowei and the others are all actresses and queens, and Lao Mouzi is also a national superb director.

So when these people come out to attend the press conference, they must stay in a five-star hotel!

Besides, Lao Mouzi is a very generous director and he is very willing to spend money.

The movie "Hero" used more than 4,000 people to perform in the light group!

So staying in a five-star hotel is as easy as opening an hourly room.

Near the Yanjing Convention and Exhibition Center, there is only one five-star hotel, that is where Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi stay..0

So the two sides met by coincidence!

After understanding this, Zou Wenping regretted it and chose a five-star hotel for Mao to stay?

It's better to choose an ordinary hotel, so that he and Deng Ziqi can order casually.

Now that Liang Caowei and the others had known it, it was impossible for him to find other reasons to get out.

Liang Caowei saw that Zou Wenping did not answer for a long time, and asked again curiously.

"Xiao Zou, my room number is 8006, what is your room number?"

"Sorry to say so?"

"Or do you forget which room you live in?"

"Should I follow you to find your room?"

After hearing this, Zou Wenping waved his hand quickly.

"Of course not! I'm just a little sleepy, so I'm not focused on the experience."

"I live in the 2002 room. After I go back to the room, I will take a break and then I will find you in your room!"

"But I don't want to cook today anymore. We will start the fire when we arrive at the factory the next day?"

Liang Caowei thought for a while and nodded.

"Okay, anyway, the purpose of looking for you is to chat with you."

"Then you take a break first, and I will order dinner from the hotel when I go back!"

Liang Caowei said so, and Zou Wenping couldn't refuse, so he agreed to 0.3.


After arriving at the hotel, all the main actors and crew members got out of the car.

Zou Wenping walked quickly into the hotel with them.

These celebrities and queens walked together and immediately formed a compelling aura.

If you don’t leave quickly, it will soon attract the attention of passers-by, and then there may be many fans coming to the hotel to block.

If it's not for activities, in private, they don't really like being surrounded by others.

It seems to be looking at animals, even the most basic private space is gone.

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