Seeing her so bored, Zou Wenping did not intend to persuade her.

Because the main reason Deng Ziqi is upset now is that they are not familiar with Yang Mi!

Although they are all entertainers, they all work hard in the entertainment industry.

But the entertainment circle is also divided into many small circles.

Yang Mi, Liu Tianxian, Liu Sisi and others are all actors, and they are fairly familiar with each other in the entertainment industry.

Even if there is no co-operation in acting, they will meet each other at ordinary times, so they are not too unfamiliar.

But Deng Ziqi is different. She is a singer and has never acted on TV.

There is almost no intersection with Yang Mi.

Therefore, it is difficult for Zou Wenping to resolve the grudge in Deng Ziqi's heart.

The best way is to wait for her to meet Yang Mi and Liu Sisi.

After getting acquainted with each other, all problems will be solved!

Not to mention more or less, always get beaten in the face.

Anyway, it should be able to change at least five times today.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 912

After the two changed their clothes, Zou Wenping helped Deng Ziqi make changes.

Zou Wenping started with Liang Caowei and others this time, so he was not suitable for disguise.

After all, disguise is Zou Wenping's secret!

After finishing Deng Ziqi's disguise, Zou Wenping brought three big celebrity disguises.

In order not to let others notice Deng Ziqi, the two of them left as far as possible next.

Even when you go out, you have to leave one after another.

Zou Wenping took the lead to leave the room, and Deng Ziqi also left a few minutes later.

At the Yanjing International Airport, Zou Wenping, from here, flew to the factory prefecture to promote the "Hero".

The airport is a place where people gather, and it is also a very suitable place to build momentum!

Before Wenping Zou arrived at the airport, the publicity team had already released the news.

Many entertainment journalists, paparazzi, anchors, and fans all moved by the wind and waited at the airport!

This is Yanjing International Airport.

It is also the first stop for many foreigners to arrive in Xia Country.

There are many foreigners coming and going here every day.

Therefore, the anchors, before Zou Wenping arrived, they aimed at the camera, the guests in the airport.

Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, many people have begun to join the vanguard of the Spring Festival!

Many viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but send messages.

"It was not easy for everyone to catch Ping's news before!"

"Yeah, Brother Ping is always fascinating, and rarely shows up on the initiative. This time, he also worked hard for "Hero"!"

"I look forward to it very much. What kind of dramas like Ping and Wei will perform together!"

"I also look forward to it. This is not only the first time Ping got an electric shock, but it is also a rare and powerful lineup!"

"It will be released during the Spring Festival, it's very fast!"

"Hey, wait a minute, did I seem to see Jin Chongguo just now?~?"

"Nani? You have seen it too, I thought I was wrong!"

The anchor holding his mobile phone saw the barrage of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Slightly frowned, and looked around.

Not far away, there are indeed several familiar Asians walking.

Among them is a big guy who is very conspicuous.

The reporters and anchors who were familiar with the domestic and foreign entertainment circles quickly recognized it.

That person is Kim Jongguk from Goryeo!

Now that the Spring Festival of Xia Guo is about to come, many places have begun to hold evening parties and annual meetings.

This parallel world has not issued a restriction on South Korea.

Many small stars in the third-tier of Korea entered the country of Xia and began to make money after simple packaging.

It seems that when Jin Chongguo came to Xia this time, he was also fishing for gold.

"Nima, when I was running, I was rubbed against the ground by Brother Ping, but now I dare to appear in Xia Guo?"

"Which place did you invite this Korean man who tried to humiliate Xia Guoren?"

"The capitalists only have money in their eyes, so they don't care if he humiliated Xia Guo?"

"I really hope that Brother Ping will come quickly and give Jin Chongguo a lesson!"

Under the protection of several assistants, Jin Chongguo pushed aside the crowd and walked forward.

Seeing many people holding their cameras facing them, they thought that these people came to the airport to pick them up.

Several assistants around him spoke in Korean.

"Brother Jin, I didn't expect you to be so popular in Xia Country!"

"Yeah, yeah! For us Koreans, Xia Guo has a very big market, and we can stand firm here and insist on making money!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that our tourism industry is all supported by the people of Xia Guo. I have long wanted to visit this place!"

"Looks like Big Brother Jin, you are going to be so prosperous in the future. Don't forget us if you make money!"

Being so touted by several assistants, Jin Chongguo was about to fly.

He said triumphantly.

"Then you need to talk about it, brother hasn't been for nothing in recent years."

"Do you know how many Xia Guo TV stations there are, do you send me an invitation?"

"Just this time here, there are three TV stations!"

"So you guys should also quickly learn some skills, and then come to Xia Guo to make money!"

Except when he was beaten in a fancy run by Zou Wenping.

The development of Jin Chongguo in Xia Country is simply smooth!

Even with Zou Wenping, Jin Chongguo still has a lot of fame in Xia.

Many Xia people seem to have a soft spot for foreigners.

As long as it is a foreign star, even a third-tier or even a child, it can be touted as a super star in Xia Guo!

This also makes many foreign stars, especially the Korean stars near the water tower, particularly keen to come to Xia.

Looking upstairs and downstairs in the airport, there are people from Xia who are holding their mobile phones at him.

Jin Chongguo is so proud of it!

Soon, he also noticed that some people from Xia were holding signs with their names in their hands.

Many people’s names are written on it, except for the three words ‘Jin Chongguo’.

If you want to develop in Xia Guo, you must learn some Xia Guo characters, and the writing of Xia Guo characters in your name is what you must learn!

Just when Jin Chongguo was puzzled, he found a name that made him unforgettable.

Zou Wenping!

Jin Chongguo has written these three words countless times!

Why does this name appear here?

Didn't these Xia people come here to pick up the plane for themselves?

On the second floor of the airport, an anchor aimed at the camera, and Jin Chongguo was walking downstairs.

An anchor next to him asked with a smile.

(Of) "¨`Are you here to pick up Jin Chongguo?"

"Of course not, I'm here to pick up Brother Ping."

"Then how do you shoot Jin Chongguo?"

"Hey, this is not idle, but also idle, just pat him, somehow give yourself some attention."

"It seems that everyone has the same idea. It would be great if Ping can show up now!"

"Haha, if this is the case, it is estimated that the attention in the live broadcast room will be fried!"

Not only these two anchors.

Other entertainment reporters and paparazzi at the scene also shared this idea.

Zou Wenping and Jin Chongguo once had conflicts when they were running men.

As the so-called enemy meets extremely jealous!

If two people can meet at this time, they will surely get a lot of attention!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for zero evaluation vote!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 913

Several assistants of Jin Chongguo formed a circle, temporarily acting as security guards, enclosing Jin Chongguo in the middle.

"Brother Jin, don't worry, we will block those onlookers!"

"But just a few of us, don't you look a little bit weak?"

"I think so too, or let's contact Xia Guo's organizer to see if we can find a team of security guards for us!"

"It's a good idea. Look at so many onlookers, if they rush over, maybe the few of us won't be able to stop it at all!"

Jin Chongguo raised his eyes to look around, and the crowd of onlookers holding cellphone cameras.


"Alright, then I will trouble you a few."

While speaking, Jin Chongguo's heart kept murmuring.

Although there are many Xia people surrounding him, Jin Chongguo always feels that these people are not coming for him.

Because they just took photos, they didn't take photos, and they didn't ask for autographs.

There was no such hot onlookers when I came to Xia country before.

Although the scene felt very dangerous, but also very proud!

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