Several assistants rolled up their sleeves.

"Brother Jin rest assured, even though 003 is just a few of us, it can protect your safety!"

"I have just contacted the airport, and they will send a security guard over soon!"

"In terms of expenses, we will pay in advance, and then go to Xia Guo's organizer for reimbursement!"


A team of security guards appeared in the crowd and walked towards Jin Chongguo and others.

The security guards held hands side by side, propped up a wall of people, enclosing Jin Chongguo and the others.

Jin Chongguo took the bank card and paid in advance.

The concentration of so many people here immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The assistants brought by Jin Chongguo also speak a little Chinese.

They spoke loudly in Chinese.

"Dear fans of Xia Guo, please give in!"

"I know you like Big Brother Jin Chongguo very much, but we have other things when we come to Xia Country, don't stay too much!"

"If you have fans who want to take a photo or sign an autograph, please line up one by one!"


Things went against their predictions.

No one came forward to take a photo or sign.

They all seemed to be in the caae garden, watching animals, holding mobile phones and cameras.

Several assistants and Jin Chongguo looked at each other, all a little confused.

They are ready for everything, and the security guards are also pleased.

As a result, no one came over.

This is embarrassing!

Why is this happening?


At this moment, the entrance of the airport hall was suddenly crowded.

Surrounded by a large group of security guards.

Zou Wenping, Liang Caowei, Chen Daoming, Donnie Yen, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Manyu, show up together!

Lao Mouzi also appeared at the same time!

As soon as they appeared at the airport, they immediately aroused the cheers of the people on the scene!

After seeing this scene.


All the entertainment, paparazzi, and fans all gathered around.

For a while, all the people who were watching Jin Chongguo ran towards Zou Wenping.

Only Jin Chongguo and others, and a circle of security guards were left.

The scene was very embarrassing.

They looked at the crowd in the distance with all their faces.

"What's the situation now? Didn't these fans come to see Brother Kim Jongguk?"

"I think they seem to be waiting for the people over there, just by the way to see Big Brother Jin!"

"Who is that? I dare to steal the limelight from Big Brother Jin!"

"It must be Xia Guo's star to be hyped!"

"Damn it, it's so ridiculous, don't worry, Brother Jin, I will definitely give you this nasty breath for you!"


Seeing this situation, Jin Chongguo had already guessed a general idea.

The Xia people who originally surrounded him were actually waiting for Zou Wenping!

In other words, the person over there is Zou Wenping!


Jin Chongguo's deep breath is cold. It's really a narrow road.

Unexpectedly, when I first came to Xia State, I met Zou Wenping before leaving the airport.

When I came to participate in the recording of "Running Man" before, Zou Wenping was at the recording site, playing various fancy tricks on Jin Chongguo.

This was a big blow to Jin Chongguo, but it was his first variety show in Xia Guo.

In the end, nothing was done, and in the end he knelt down to Xia Guoren in public.

Even if he returns to Goryeo, there will still be a deep psychological shadow.

In order to retaliate against Zou Wenping, Jin Chongguo began to exercise, just when he thought he could beat Zou Wenping.

At this time, he got another news that Zou Wenping had beaten four Muay Thai masters when he was in Tyre.

Jin Chongguo's heart is ashamed, and he no longer intends to seek revenge.

However, what he didn't expect was that he came across Zou Wenping again this time when he came to Xia Guo to collect gold.

If Jin Chongguo didn't stay there just now, they would have already boarded and headed to the organizer's taxi.

As a result, after such a pause, he collided with Zou Wenping.

It's so narrow!

The most terrible thing is that those assistants actually planned to provocation Zou Wenping.

Not to mention that this is Xia Guo, someone else's place.

Speaking of Zou Wenping alone, I am afraid that a few of them are not opponents.

Jin Chongguo thinks about the reason for not passing.

As he was thinking, several assistants were already motivated.

"Guards, come with us!"

"Look at who it is, dare to touch our big brother Jin Chongguo's mold!"

With that, they were escorted by the security guards and began to move towards Zou Wenping.


on the other hand.

As soon as Zou Wenping entered the airport lobby, he was surrounded by people.

In fact, this scene was within Zou Wenping's expectations.

After all, before they came, the publicity department of "Hero" had already revealed the news.

When they came again, Zou Wenping, Liang Caowei and others were already mentally prepared.

What the announcement has to do is to get more audiences, especially potential audiences.

Learn about the movie "Hero" and what's going to be released in the Spring Festival file.

So that by that time, more people will be able to walk into the cinema to contribute to the box office!

Looking at the light signs held by the crowd, nearly half of them were Zou Wenping's name.

Liang Caowei smiled.

"Xiao Zou, I didn't expect you to be so famous."

"One person surpassed, the sum of the fame of the five of us!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Chapter 914

Entertainment reporters, paparazzi, fans, anchors.

They came around Zou Wenping.

The security guards immediately faced the enemy and built a wall of people to wait!

Some of the more enthusiastic fans tried to break through the blockade of the security guards.

But they were blocked by the security guards!

Liang Caowei exclaimed.

"This scene is really incredible!"

"Half of it is for you."

Zou Wenping said with a smile.

"This is thanks to everyone's love!"

Zhang Manyu smiled.

"It's also inseparable from your excellence."

"After listening to your songs, I have been overwhelmed by your talents, let alone other people-?"

Chen Daoming said to Lao Mouzi.

"This time you asked Xiao Zou to make a movie, you really made the most correct decision!"

"His appearance has brought a lot of attention to "Hero"!"

"Not only talented, but also very good acting. It's really awesome!"

Lao Mouzi nodded in agreement.

"Yes, when I was in the Expo, Xiao Zou and I worked together for the first time."

"At that time, I was impressed by his strength, and later I watched his stills in "Gu Jian Qi Tan"."

"It matches the image of an assassin in my mind, so I invited him to audition!"

"He lived up to expectations and perfectly portrayed the role of Wuming!"

Listening to Lao Mouzi and others, you praised me every word.

Donnie Yen next to him did not make a single shot.

From the very beginning, Yen Zidan saw Zou Wenping not pleasing to his eyes.

In "Hero", he also had a confrontation with Zou Wenping, although he was also surprised by Zou Wenping's acting skills.

This also made him hate Zou Wenping even more!

So he didn't praise it, but pretended to be nonchalant and looked in other directions.


At this time, Yen Zidan noticed that it was not just the entertainment reporters and fans who came to them.

There is actually a team of security guards!

These security guards wear the same clothes as the security guards around them.

It seems that they are all security guards at Yanjing International Airport!

But looking at the direction those security guards are walking in, they seem to be coming towards them.

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