There is an independent space, a computer, a sofa chair, and a drink.

Isn't this the configuration of private rooms in many Internet cafes?

The plane will fly from Changzhou to Zhejiang Province at most three hours, but the cost of this first-class cabin is enough to play in an Internet cafe for three years!

Although the space is relatively independent, Zou Wenping still prefers business class or economy class.

Probably I like the feeling of being human, right and left!

With the feeling of weightlessness, the plane flew in the direction of Hengdian!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Mime private 924

This time, Zou Wenping did not leave with Deng Ziqi.

Because Lao Mouzi booked them all first class, while Deng Ziqi bought business class.

But in any case, both people are on the same plane.

As the plane landed, the destination also arrived.

After Zou Wenping changed his face, he took the three-piece camouflage of a star and got off the plane.

The flight attendant who saw this scene didn't think too much.

People are celebrities, it's normal to do some disguise.

After getting off the plane.

Zou Wenping went to the toilet, put away the three-piece suit on his face, and patched up the disguise.

Finally took an elegant step and left the toilet.

Soon Deng Ziqi called and told her that she had opened a VIP lounge.

Zou Wenping went as scheduled.

Entering the lounge, Deng Ziqi touched up the disguise on her face.

After seeing Zou Wenping, she smiled.

"Yeah, our Mr. Zou, how does the first class feel like?"

Zou Wenping walked over, gently hugged her shoulders from behind, and smiled.

"It's not good at all, I still like the feeling of business class and economy class."

"In the first class, I'm too lonely, I've been playing on the computer all the way, so it's better to find someone to chat with you."

Deng Ziqi smacked and smiled.

"Look, is this what someone said?"

"I'm on the plane and can't even play on my mobile phone. You can still play on the computer."

"It makes me crazy with envy!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Come on, Miss Deng."

"As a popular first-line singer, you must travel first class."

"It's like me, I only did first class this time."


Deng Ziqi looked at Zou Wenping in disbelief.

"real or fake?"

"You are the famous Ping brother, you haven't been in first class?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Will this kind of thing be fake?"

"But I really don't like first-class, either business class or economy class is comfortable!"

"Stop talking about it, it's already afternoon, let's go to the studio."

"I have already called Mi Mi, and she said that she will pick us up in the restaurant on the top floor of the hotel where our crew is staying!"


The set of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

Yang Mi and Liu Sisi are watching the show next to them.

Looking at the staff on the set, Liu Sisi couldn't help sighing.

"Since Zou Wenping, the bastard, left the crew."

"I lose my enthusiasm. I don't feel like doing anything all day."

"Now looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, I finally brought him here."

"He came with a green hat for me!"

Yang Mi looked around and found no one noticed here.

Then he said quietly.

"In this matter, you have the least say."

"You weren't while I was filming, you and Zou Wenping were making dumplings together."

"Give me a huge green hat, did I say anything?"

"We can only blame our husband, he is so good, so good that female stars can't extricate themselves from it!"

Liu Sisi flipped through the script sadly, flat his mouth helplessly.

"Hey, you can't find a man who is too good. You need to worry about whether he will be troubled by the flowers all day."

"Speaking again, he is too attractive to women's attention."

"If he is allowed to develop, maybe he will create a scene of three thousand beauties in the harem in the future!"

Liu Si thought, he is now in the rank of small five.

Hundreds and thousands of people will come later.

Then I will be crazy!

Yang Mi is also thinking very seriously, although she is now known as the head of the harem.

But this is just a joke, she doesn't want to really manage the Harem Three Thousand.

"It looks like he really needs to behave well."

"Otherwise it will be very uncomfortable in the future!"

"But this time about Deng Ziqi, we still want to welcome it."

"After all, people got to know Zou Wenping too early, and it makes sense to be attracted to him."

"Furthermore, Deng Ziqi and I have had several fate, although I didn't have a deep understanding."

"But she gave me the feeling that she is a very easy person to get along with!"

··0 Seeking flowers 0····

"Several of us are actors, it would be nice to join one who can sing!"

Liu Sisi nodded.

"Then we will finish the filming in a while, so let's go to the restaurant and wait!"


It was six o'clock in the afternoon.

Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi, with disguise on their faces, got out of a special car.

Looking up at the towering crew hotel, Zou Wenping couldn't help stretching.

It has been nearly half a month since I left this place.

When I came back again, there was a feeling of being far away for a long time.

No wonder.

After all, when he left, he was himself, and when he came back, he brought a daughter-in-law!

Zou Wenping turned to Deng Ziqi and said.

"When you get here, even if you want to live, under the watchful eyes of many people."


"So, we can't be as casual as before."

"For the time being, our relationship cannot be announced to the public, so show patience!"

Deng Ziqi nodded.

"Well, I know everything you said."

"We now can only be secretly ambiguous."

"But I believe that someday a few of us can embrace each other with integrity!"

Zou Wenping was silent for a while, and then said.

"Don't worry, this day is not too far away."

"Let's go, Mi Mi and the others just sent WeChat and they have already arrived at the restaurant!"

Talking about Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi walked into the hotel one after another.

I opened a room for Deng Ziqi here, and then took the elevator to the room first and put down the luggage.

Then the two of them took the elevator directly to the restaurant on the top floor.

Generally, there is a relatively high-end restaurant on the top floor of a hotel.

It's just that the height here is much worse than the small waist in Changzhou.

But it still looks very high-end, and the dishes and service are also good.

Deng Ziqi hid behind Zou Wenping and walked towards the box step by step.

Although the ugly wife always wants to see her in-laws, it is really awkward to see her husband's Dafang and Wufang.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! Four.

Chapter 925

Following the lead of the waiter, the two came to the box of Yang Mi and Liu Sisi.

After Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi were done, Yang Mi looked at the waiter.

"It's ready to serve!"

The waiter nodded and left the box.

After a while, various dishes were served.

After the service staff left, Yang Mi got up and closed the box door.

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