Then he looked at Zou Wenping and asked with concern.

"I have been busy with so many things recently, so hard, right?"

"How about the Spring Festival Gala and movie promotion?"


I thought that Yang Mi would ask herself about Deng Ziqi when she came up.

Unexpectedly, the first words she said turned out to be concerned about herself.

This made Zou Wenping's heart feel warm.

"Fortunately, the rehearsal "0 and Seven" of the Spring Festival Gala has ended smoothly."

"The next step is to wait for the rehearsal on February 3, and when everything is completed, it will officially debut on February 5!"

"As for the promotion of "Hero", I have done my best to do what I should do."

"I don't know what kind of results will be achieved in the end."

"But I believe that this movie will achieve very dazzling results!"

Yang Mi nodded happily, from the day she signed with Zou Wenping.

She almost witnessed with her own eyes that Zou Wenping grew from an unknown newcomer to the now well-known brother Ping!

Now Zou Wenping's reputation has even surpassed her boss.

Every time I think of this, Yang Mi can't help but feel proud, her man is awesome!

Then Yang Mi looked at Deng Ziqi!


Feeling Yang Mi's gaze, Deng Ziqi couldn't help but shudder.

Is it finally to me?

Deng Ziqi took a few deep breaths, then raised her head and smiled.

"Hello Mi Mi, it's nice to meet you two!"

"When I came this time, I brought you two small gifts."

Having said that, Deng Ziqi picked up two handbags from her feet.

This was brought by Deng Ziqi when he first entered the dining room, and it was kept at his feet.

Originally, Zou Wenping felt that there was no need to buy gifts.

However, Deng Ziqi thinks that it is not strange for Liduo people to buy two gifts to bring each other's feelings closer.

Gifts are the reconciliation of interpersonal relationships!

Zou Wenping saw her persistence, so he didn't stop it.

No fire in the harem, everything is fine!

Deng Ziqi distributed the gifts to Yang Mi and Liu Sisi.

Yang Mi accepted Deng Ziqi's gift. She was smart and smart, and she quickly understood the purpose of Deng Ziqi's gift.

She put the gift away and smiled.

"Ziqi, actually you don't need to be so polite."

"We will all be good friends from now on, so let's get along well!"

Liu Sisi also nodded.

"Yes, yes, you are welcome to join us."

Yang Mi and Liu Sisi have already discussed.

Although very undesirable, Zou Wenping got a new sister every few hours.

However, he and Deng Ziqi had already uncooked rice and cooked mature rice, so they only accepted it with pleasure.

But they must set a tight-fitting spell on Zou Wenping, otherwise, if you join one after another, who can stand it!

Seeing Yang Mi and Liu Sisi who were greeted with smiles, Deng Ziqi relaxed a little, and her nervous heart calmed down a lot.

She picked up the wine glass.

"Thank you for your tolerance."

"I hope we can live together peacefully in the future!"

Yang Mi and Liu Sisi were also very elegant to clink drinks with Deng Ziqi.

Afterwards, they chatted with each other and connected with each other.


After dinner was over, Zou Wenping took the elevator and walked down.

The entire 6th and 8th floors of the hotel have been booked by the crew of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III".

Deng Ziqi is not a member of the residence, so her room is opened on the 15th floor.

Since the elevator runs down from the top floor, the first floor to arrive is the 15th floor of Deng Ziqi.


The elevator door opened with a slight noise.

Tonight, Deng Ziqi was poured some red wine by Yang Mi and Liu Sisi for various reasons.

Although the degree of red wine is not high, it can't stand to drink more.

So Deng Ziqi was already a little dizzy.

Zou Wenping asked with concern.

"Ziqi, can you go back to the room by yourself?"

"How about I send you?"

Deng Ziqi smiled, her cheeks were flushed in a slightly drunken state, and she looked different..0

She smiled.

"It's okay, isn't my room right across from the elevator entrance?"

"Now our relationship must be kept secret. It is not appropriate for you to go to my room."

"Besides, you have to film tomorrow, don't worry about me, I can go back by myself."

"Today I was tired after a day of flying on the plane. I will rest when I go back."

"After waking up tomorrow, I will go to your studio to find you!"

Zou Wenping thought for a while and nodded.

"Well then, I see you entered the room and left!"

Deng Ziqi hummed with a smile.

Then he walked towards his room, Zou Wenping stood at the elevator entrance, watching Deng Ziqi swipe the door card to open the door and walk in.

Only then can I safely press the elevator's door-closing button.

The next thing to go is the 8th floor where he and Yang Mi and Liu Sisi are staying!

Zou Wenping was about to reach out and press the elevator button on the 8th floor.


Yang Mi waved and opened Zou Wenping's hand.

Liu Sisi very cooperatively pressed the -2 button. This is the floor of the underground parking lot.

Then both of them took out the hoods from their shoulder bags.


Zou Wenping looked at Yang Mi and Liu Sisi dumbfounded.

"What's the meaning?"

Yang Mi and Liu Sisi, after wearing the masks, Yang Mi smiled.

0.4 "Guess what, there are rewards for correct guessing!!!"



Looking at the expressions of the two Yang Mi, is this still a guess?

Zou Wenping twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Is it okay another day?"


While speaking, the elevator door has reached the second basement level.

Yang Mi pushed Zou Wenping out.

"Stop talking nonsense and go!"

There is monitoring inside the elevator, so it is not suitable for disguising inside.

Just wear a mask and make a simple disguise.

The car was ready in the underground parking lot. After the three got in the car, they went to other hotels in the studio!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Mime private 926

After a pass, he was busy working eagerly.

Zou Wenping let out a long sigh.

"Long drought meets the rain, you are talking about this situation, right?"

Hearing Zou Wenping's ridicule, Yang Mi took a bite on Zou Wenping's shoulder without hesitation.


Zou Wenping took a breath.

"You really bite!"

In the past, when I bite, I used it lightly, worried that it would hurt Zou Wenping, and completely controlled my strength.

But this time is different. This time, Yang Mi really took off.

Yang Mi looked at the tooth mark on Zou Wenping's shoulder and scolded.

"Nonsense, if you don't give you any pain, you won't have a long memory."


Zou Wenping blinked in a daze.

"What do you mean? What memory do you have?"

"Did I make any mistakes?"


Liu Sisi took a bite on the other shoulder.

This was a real effort, and Zou Wenping's painful tears were almost left behind.

If these were two men, Zou Wenping would have fought each other a long time ago.

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