After greeting the dance teacher and the other dancers.

Several singers, Wenping Zou, began to chat.

The content is nothing more than which part to sing, and which dance is followed by the backing dancer.

In the previous rehearsal, everyone has rehearsed countless times.

This is just to recall the content of the rehearsal. It will save a lot of time to run-in on the stage.

Now that the Spring Festival Gala officially starts, it has entered the countdown stage.

No one wants anything wrong at this time!

Not long ago.

The lights in the background turned on, and then gathered towards a high platform not far away.

The originally noisy backstage immediately calmed down, and his eyes were all attracted to him.

A figure appeared on the high platform.

The general director of this Spring Festival Gala, Ji Ziqiu appeared on the stage with a microphone.

"¨ Everyone, please be quiet!"

"Welcome everyone to participate, the final rehearsal of this Spring Festival Gala!"

"Any actors who come backstage, you all have the opportunity to be on the Spring Festival Gala stage."

"Even if you can't make it to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, you will be on the stage of the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month!"

"Anyway, you can already be on TV!"


As soon as this sentence was finished, there was a warm applause from the audience again!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 938

For people like Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi, it's commonplace to be on TV.

But for those who borrow unknown dancers, sketch actors, acrobats, etc.

What an excitement it is to be on TV, what a glory it is to be on the National Channel of the Spring Festival Gala!

Climbing to the Spring Festival Gala can not only give them honor, but also gild them, so that they can increase their income in the future.

So many people are very excited after getting a positive answer from the chief director Ji Ziqiu.

Many actors’ parents are rural people, if they can appear on the stage of the national channel.

Whether it is the stage of the Spring Festival Gala or the Lantern Festival.

Their parents can walk in the village all year long!

Suddenly, the enthusiasm of the actors was all brought up!

Seeing the expressions of the actors, Ji Ziqiu was very satisfied.

Boosting morale is an ability that every leader must know.

Especially when the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin.

Ji Ziqiu took the microphone, cleared his throat and continued.

"I know everyone is very happy, but now I ask you to be quiet."

"This year's Spring Festival Gala, Studio One will be the main venue, and the rest will have four branch venues."

023   "Next, I want to announce the order of appearance of this Spring Festival Gala, including the main venue and branch venues."

When he said this, the audience immediately quieted down.

But in the eyes of many people, there are still exciting gazes.

Ji Ziqiu took out a list and began to read it aloud.

"The first show, the opening song and dance "A Thousand Purple Thousand Reds Always Spring", performers: Liu Tao, Jiang Xin...!"

"The second show, the sketch "Little Love in the Big City", performers: Liu Liang, Guo Jie, Dai Chengcheng!"


"The last show, the song "Unforgettable Tonight", performer: Li Guyi!"

"The above is the order of appearance of all the programs in the main venue and branch venues!"

"Everyone now has two hours of preparation time. Two hours later, we will start the formal dress rehearsal!"

After reading the sequence of the program, Ji Ziqiu stepped back from the high stage.

With Ji Ziqiu's reading, people in the audience kept whispering.

Unexpectedly, this Spring Festival Gala actually had four branch venues.

One is the hometown of Huangdi, one is the hometown of Confucius, one is Bashu, and one is Changzhou!

These four sub-venues will host the evening party at the same time as the first studio.

It's just that the content of their party will not be released during the live broadcast.

Each sub-venue has two programs. When it's their turn, the director will cut over the live signal.

After the show is over, switch back to the main venue.

What surprised everyone present most was not just the wealth of the program group to hold four branch venues.

It can also be understood that the strength of the National Taiwan is not strong, what kind of Taiwan is strong?

There is also an unexpected name in this zero-point finale show!

"My God, I heard Zou Wenping's name just now, is he also participating in this Spring Festival Gala?"

"There was a gossip before, but it was confirmed today!"

"This is the first time Ping has participated in the Spring Festival Gala, right? Is it the finale at zero?"

"This is a symbol of strength, and his partner will actually be Deng Ziqi!"

"To be honest, I am looking forward to seeing the two of them perform during the rehearsal for a while!"

"I just don't know, other actors, will they be dissatisfied with Brother Ping's finale?"

Many people are discussing it with you.

Others stand on tiptoes, hoping to find Zou Wenping.

After listening to the list, Jiang Yuhua said to Zou Wenping.

"Let's go, let's go to the dressing room to prepare!"

Zou Wenping nodded and followed Jiang Yuhua Wan backstage (caae)!

This rehearsal will not only rehearse songs and dances, but also set makeup and costumes.

At the dress rehearsal more than half a month ago, several plans have already been set up, and this time the plan is to be finalized!

Zou Wenping followed Jiang Yuhua and looked around.

Many big names appeared in the list of programs this time.

It is indeed the Spring Festival Gala of National Taiwan!

It's just that many actors should have gone to the dressing room.

Along the way, many dancers waved hello after seeing Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi.

Zou Wenping is also not rejecting those who come and try to meet the requirements of taking photos and signing.

The Spring Festival Gala is broadcast live, once on stage, there is no ng, there is no chance to make up for mistakes.

So everyone is tense, especially dancers, everyone is nervous.

Zou Wenping felt that it was worth it to be able to use the way of signing to make them forget the tension temporarily.

However, these dancers did not show any excessive blocking behavior.

As the bottom, they didn't know Jiang Yuhua, the deputy head of the art troupe.

But they know that if there is too much disturbance in the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala, it will definitely be dealt with by then.

Therefore, the dancers just stepped in and asked for autographs, and did not stand in front of Zou Wenping.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuhua opened one eye and closed it.

Anyway, there are still two hours, just go slowly.


After Ji Ziqiu read the sequence of appearance of the show.

The official Weibo of the Spring Festival Gala also published the official Weibo.

"#春晚探秘#@邹文平@邓子琪, two new-generation idols, will accompany you for the New Year! What kind of programs will they bring us? On New Year's Day, please lock in on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala!"

Once this Weibo was posted, it immediately attracted a large number of reposts and comments.

[Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi, landing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala! 】

Such a hot search quickly climbed onto the Weibo hot search list!

"Fuck, Brother Ping? Spring Festival Gala? What's the situation?"

"Can I see Brother Ping on the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve?"

"To be able to be on the stage of CCTV, I must say something to Brother Ping, awesome!"

"I didn't have the habit of watching the Spring Festival Gala originally, but during the New Year, I had to open the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala. I will definitely watch it this year!"

"Congratulations to CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, and finally found the wealth code!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Chapter 939

In the dressing room, after Zou Wenping's consultation, the final styling plan was passed.

After the busy work of the makeup artists, Zou Wenping finally finished the styling.

"This is the dressing room, who are you looking for?"

At this time, a voice questioning in English suddenly came from the door.


Everyone in the dressing room was shocked.

what's the situation?

Are foreigners coming in?

Just when I was stunned, I saw a blond girl in a red festive dress walking-in.

Sweeping around in the dressing room, finally fixed his gaze on Zou Wenping.

Then he walked towards Zou Wenping, and bowed slightly when he got to his side.

Said in some crappy Chinese.

"Teacher, it's been a long time!"

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