
After seeing this foreign girl, Zou Wenping was taken aback first, then surprised.

Can't help but shout.

"You are, thirteen?"

Zou Wenping took a closer look. Isn't this the apprentice he accepted in "Chinese Restaurant", Mary Thirteen?

When it was recording "Chinese Restaurant" in Tyre.

Zou Wenping accepted several apprentices.

Dewdrop, the princess of Tyre, and Wu Xiaoman of the Wu Family Group in the new home.

There are also 4 trillion in assets, the twelfth son and the thirteenth lady from the Leopold family of Hibánya.

One of these two is called Marie Twelve, and the other is Marie Thirteen!

Mali Twelve got part of the property from his father and is now taking care of it.

Mary Thirteen is a popular star in Europe and America!

Zou Wenping looked at Mary Thirteen in amazement, and asked in authentic Spanish.

"Thirteen, why are you here?"

This place is where Xia Guo recorded the Spring Festival Gala, and the basic confidentiality is still there.

How could the Hibanese appear here?

Mary Thirteen gently lifted the hem of her skirt with her hands, and bowed her knees slightly.

She herself is the daughter of a nobleman, with incomparable noble temperament on her body, and her blond hair and blue eyes set off her beautiful face.

This curtsy is even more elegant!

Mary Thirteen replied in Hibana.

"Back to the teacher, I also came to participate in the recording of the Xia Guo Spring Festival Gala!"


Zou Wenping blinked puzzledly.

Beside Mary Thirteen, stood a lady in a one-step skirt over-the-knee suit. She was Mary Thirteen’s translator.

After seeing Zou Wenping's expression, I thought he didn't understand it.

He was about to open his mouth to translate for Zou Wenping, but Zou Wenping waved his hand to stop him.

Zou Wenping smiled in Hibana.

"I can speak Hibana, but I'm just a little surprised."

"Thirteen, you mean, are you here for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Is it also invited by the program group?"

Mary nodded thirteen.

"Yes, in the program group here, I hope foreign singers can also participate."

"So I sent invitations to the European and American film and television circles. I saw that it was Xia Guo's invitation and I agreed!"

"Because my instinct tells me that I can meet the teacher when I come to Xia Country! I didn't expect to meet it!"

"For this, I also deliberately learned a few words of Chinese, but it was a shame to make the teacher laugh!"


Zou Wenping nodded clearly.

Xia Guo hopes to make the Spring Festival into a world-renowned holiday such as Christmas and Halloween.

Therefore, on the stage of each Spring Festival Gala, some foreign friends will be invited to send blessings on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala!

Mary Thirteen probably saw the invitation from the program group, so she signed up.

She is currently a popular young idol in Europe and America. She is coming to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, which will definitely bring a wave of foreign attention.

Of course, the Spring Festival Gala will not refuse.

So she appeared here.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"You have to practice your Chinese again. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. It is not so easy to learn."

"What is your brother doing now?"

Zou Wenping was very impressed with the apprentice Mali Twelve.

After all, when they first met, the two of them were ready to do it!

It can be regarded as no acquaintance without fighting, and then Mali Twelve became his apprentice.

Now that I saw Mary Thirteen, of course I couldn’t help but ask about Mary Twelve’s situation!

Mary Thirteen smiled.

"When I was in Tyre, my father gave my brother some of the property to take care of."

··0 Seeking flowers 0····

"Through his unremitting efforts, now that part of the industry has begun to officially operate."

"He also knew what I had done before, and wanted to follow it, but there are so many things that need him."

"He is now, unlike before, he can have time to do other things at any time."

Zou Wenping nodded clearly.

"At his level, I guess he can't help it again,"

"It's hard to imagine that he was originally impatient and could endure the management of the company."

Mary Thirteen shrugged.

"So as long as I see him, I can hear him complaining all the time."

"However, it is precisely because of my brother's efforts that no one in the entire Leopold family dares to despise us anymore!"


"All this is thanks to the teacher!"

Zou Wenping waved his hand again and again and said with a smile.

"It has nothing to do with me. I have nothing to do except teach you a few dishes."

"Achieving such results shows that you and Twelve are both very good talents."

Zou Wenping couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he recalled the bits and pieces at the beginning.

It can be said that he watched Mali Twelve with his own eyes, from a stubborn boy, an internet addicted teenager, to a strategizing boy brother!

Looking at Zou Wenping and Mary Thirteen, you talk to me, talking and laughing.

Deng Ziqi, Jiang Yuhua, and Cai Weiqing were all stunned and didn't know how to talk.

When "Chinese Restaurant" was recorded, although it was broadcast live, many people watched it, but not everyone watched it.

Like Deng Ziqi and the others, they all have their own things to do. Where can they have time to stay in the live broadcast room every day?

So they did not know the relationship between Zou Wenping and Mali Twelve and Mary Thirteen.

It's just that when Mary Thirteen walked in, they felt that a foreign beauty came in.

As for who this beauty is and whom she is looking for, Deng Ziqi and others are all dumbfounded!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! Four.

Chapter 940:

Deng Ziqi pulled at Zou Wenping's clothes and asked in a low voice, puzzled.

"Wenping, what's going on?"

"Who is this foreign beauty?"

After hearing this, Zou Wenping patted his forehead.

"Look, I'm just talking without telling you about it."

"I'll introduce to you."

"Thirteen, this is Jiang Yuhua, the deputy head of our Xia Guo Art Troupe, and this is Teacher Cai Weiqing."

"This is Deng Ziqi, a very famous singer!"

"I will introduce you again, this foreign beauty."

"Her full name is Philip Leopold Mary Thirteen. You can call her Mary Thirteen or Thirteen."

"Thirteen is a Hibanga, and also a star in Europe and America. At the same time, she is my apprentice!"


As soon as this remark came out, the dressing room fell into a mysterious silence.

Zou Wenping motioned for the translation, and translated what he said just now to Mary Thirteen.

Miss interpreter nodded, leaning into Mary Thirteen's ear and talking softly.

Deng Ziqi blinked.

"Such a beautiful girl, is actually your apprentice?"

"Really, when did you receive it?"

Jiang Yuhua said thoughtfully.

"I heard Ji Ziqiu mentioned it before."

"The foreign singers invited this time are four very famous actresses in Europe and America."

"Unexpectedly, you actually invited Xiao Zou, your apprentice!"

Cai Chenqing looked at Mary Thirteen.

"This girl looks very expensive, I didn't expect you to accept her!"

"But why is she called Mary Thirteen? Was she born on the thirteenth?"

Zou Wenping shook his head.

"No, no."

"She is called this name because she is ranked 13th in the family!"

"The father of Thirteen went to six wives and gave birth to thirteen children."

"She is the youngest child, and her brother is called Mali Twelve, who is also my apprentice!"


After hearing this, everyone present was surprised again!

Married six wives and gave birth to thirteen children!

It's so fertile!

Compared with the surprise of others, Deng Ziqi's mood is more complicated.

She looked at Zou Wenping and overturned the five-flavored bottle in her heart.

Six wives?

Isn't she the sixth wife of Zou Wenping?

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