Chapter 104

Zhou Xunxuan said with some pride: “Look, Huazai, although you are acting handsome in front of me all day long!”

“But if you see it, everyone’s eyes want to be sharp. Just look at Qin Zhong’s reaction and you will know that my charm is much stronger than you!”

The black line at Liu Dehua’s end.

Although he and Zhou Xunxuan often make such jokes and seem to be fighting each other, in fact, the relationship between the two is very good!

But after seeing Qin Zhong’s reaction, he was still very depressed.

Qin Zhong looked at the person in front of him with surprise, and said: “It turns out that it is Master Xuan, you are looking for me, how are you, Master Xuan!”

Zhou Xunxuan looked at the young man in front of him with a smile, and said, “Qin Zhong, I have seen you as “Big Man” and “Slaying the Wolf” before. To be honest, I admire your acting skills very much.”

“You are a very good actor, so I won’t talk nonsense and go straight to the subject!”

“I’m here this time because I want you to star in my new movie.”

Zhou Xunxuan took out his script.

“Let’s take a look and reply to me. I hope you will think about it!”

Speaking, Zhou Xunxuan took out a script.

Put it in front of Qin Zhong.

Adapting a masterpiece is the most difficult.

Before that, there were so many classics in Journey to the West, and the audience was already very picky.

But you can’t be too innovative, because the audience may have never seen your movie adapted from other novels, and may not have seen your script, but it is impossible that they have not seen “Journey to the West”!

Three dozens of white bone spirits, a riot in the palace, three borrowing of banana fans, Pansidong fight against monsters and so on…

The classic scenes of this scene.

The audience is familiar with it!

If it is too conservative, the audience will dismiss it.

So Zhou Xunxuan added some elements based on some popular movies, such as horror and love.

There are some similar comedy scenes.

After some artistic processing, the monsters on the road were beaten away, and there is a happy ending that people love to see.

Qin Zhong bowed his head, accepted the script, and began to read it slowly.

Both Liu Dehua and Zhou Xunxuan were watching them quietly by the side.

For a while, there was only the sound of Qin Zhong flipping through the paper in the room.

Qin Zhong felt a little disappointed.

This script is not “Journey to the West”

It’s “Journey to the West: Fighting Demons”!

Zhou Xunxuan poured a glass of water for each of them and put it on the table.

He saw that Qin Zhong had already watched almost, so he said: “This time I am in charge of the director, but I may not play a role in it myself, so I want you to play the protagonist in it, that is, the role of Tang Seng!”

Qin Zhong was actually a little disappointed in his heart.

He didn’t know for what reason, the script that Mr. Xuan produced would actually be “Journey to the West: The Demon”

To be honest, after seeing this script, Qin Zhong’s desire to perform is not so strong.

Qin Zhong is a little curious as to why Master Xuan produced the script of “Journey to the West” instead of the script of “Journey to the West”.

Of course, as a commercial film, “Journey to the West: The Demon” is also a very successful commercial film.

And it is relatively classic.

It won a good box office, and the audience response seems to be good.

Unfortunately, this Tang monk was not what Qin Zhong wanted.

After careful consideration, Qin Zhong decided to give up this opportunity.

Because of this role, there is almost no challenge.

There is hesitation in Qin Zhong’s eyes.

Zhou Xunxuan seemed to see the hesitation in Qin Zhong’s eyes, and smiled.

Then he patted Qin Zhong on the shoulder and said, “It doesn’t matter. If you have your ideas, you can bravely say it. If you think it’s not suitable, I won’t force you!”

“And this project has not officially started yet!”

Qin Zhong hesitated for a while, and then said: “Actually, Master Zhang, I certainly have no doubt about your talent. This script will be a very good one, and after it is made into a movie, it will definitely sell well!”

“But I think, Master Zhang, did you write this script completely according to your inner thoughts? Or did you write something deliberately based on the taste of the audience?”

“Did you write a script exactly according to your own ideas before?”

Zhou Xingxing looked up at Qin Zhong and was silent.

He wrote a script according to his own mind before, but as soon as he finished it, he was killed by himself.

Because no one will like it.

The current master Xun is no longer the pure Zhou Xun. ……..

When doing anything, the first consideration is the market.

A movie without a market is a bad movie.

This is where the Xiangjiang director is different from the mainland director.

In their hearts, there are only movies that have withstood the test of the market. No matter what the story is, even if it looks stupid, as long as someone pays the bill, it is a good movie.

“Before, I asked several directors, and I also found a lot of audiences to do market research. They don’t like watching this kind of alternative stories!”

With that said, Zhou Xunxuan took out another script,

The script is a little yellow and crumpled on it.

And there are many traces of alteration. It can be seen that the author has spent a lot of thought on this script.

Liu Dehua is also a little curious.

“A Xing, your script feels very different!”

Zhou Xun smiled, and then with a look of memory, he said: “This is a script I completed ten years ago. I poured a lot of enthusiasm for this script, when I was very young. I thought, the future The movie world will be mine. The road is at my feet, as long as we go out, it will be success…”

“Until, I found almost all the companies and directors. They all felt that the script was terrible, and no one was optimistic about it. I found a lot of audiences, and they all sneered at it!”

Zhou Xunxuan said there was silence here.

Liu Dehua seemed to be in a bad mood seeing Zhou Xunxuan.

He deliberately changed the subject.

“Qin Zhong, I’m a little surprised, how did you know that Zhou Xunxuan has another script!”

“Does your kid have clairvoyance?”

Qin Zhong coughed to hide his embarrassment.

“Well, I just think that Master Zhang’s script is completely a mature commercial film, so I asked it this way.

Qin Zhong feels that Zhou Xunxuan now seems to be in a trough.

None of his films achieved good results.

He urgently needs the market to prove himself.

But Qin Zhong was not reconciled.

If Master Xuan really breaks “A Journey to the West” into the cold palace, then there will be one less classic Journey to the West in this world!

He wants to try to change his own opinion. .

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