Chapter 105

“I think this is a good movie!”

Qin Zhong said decisively!

Suddenly, Zhou Xunxuan showed a puzzled look.

For ten years, he has heard too many doubts.

But no one has ever said that this script is good!

Everyone said, “A Xing, you are a person with talent, just too naive!”

But the young man in front of him saw himself for the first time, and he was able to identify with himself so much.

Zhou Xunxuan’s heart was excited.

Finally someone can understand him!

Qin Zhong continued to express his thoughts: “If you believe me, I will decide to invest in “Journey to the West”!”

He knew that the only thing Zhou Xunxuan was worried about right now was his fear of not being able to attract investment.

You know, Zhou Xunxuan in his last life was desperate and took out all his company’s savings to make this movie. In the end, he was heavily in debt and had to be with Wang Jing to make bad movies that he no longer wanted to continue.

So in order to let Master Xun dispel his worries, Qin Zhong simply put forward the idea of ​​investing in movies.

08 Zhou Xunxuan showed unbelievable eyes.

In fact, not only Zhou Xuanxuan was shocked, but also Liu Dehua was a little confused.

He introduced Qin Zhong as the leading actor.

As a result, Qin Zhong didn’t want the actor, but instead invested in a script that was killed by Zhou Xunzhang himself?

What is the situation?

Do young people today have such ideas?

“Qin Zhong, I know you are a young man and have ideas, but the market is cruel!”

Zhou Xuan was so scared to stop!

If it’s someone else, if someone has taken a fancy to this movie and is ready to invest, it will be too late to be happy.

But Zhou Xunxuan did not hesitate to pour cold water with Qin Zhong.

“I have looked for someone to do market research, and 90% of them are not interested!”

“This is a movie that is destined to lose money. Although you admire the script very much, I’m sorry, I won’t agree with your investment!”

But Qin Zhong knew it well.

Even though “Journey to the West” was cold in the Xiangjiang market, it was a mess on the mainland.

The impact of this movie is immeasurable.

The people of Xiangjiang didn’t understand it, but the people of Mainland China understood it.

No one knows Journey to the West better than Zhou Xunxuan.

This movie will surely sell well.

“Master Yao, if you do a survey, they will tell you that they like watching “The God of Gamblers”, but when you make a movie exactly like the God of Gamblers and put it in front of them, they refuse it! Because they just want to Watch similar, good-looking and wonderful movies, not a copy of the god of gamblers!”

“So, when the audience says what they like, they actually don’t know what they like!”

“So, I think your movie will be a success!”

Liu Dehua next to him was dumbfounded.

What’s happening here.

One wants to invest, and the other pushes out the investment that is delivered to the door.

These two people really don’t understand.

Looking at Qin Zhong, with a confident look on his face, Liu Dehua couldn’t help but doubt himself again.

Qin Zhong won’t do things that are so uncertain!

Zhou Xunxuan was unwilling, and Qin Zhong was not in a hurry. He decided to work with Zhou Xunxuan.

Anyway, I will stay in Xiangjiang for the next half month to participate in the announcement of this matter.

He didn’t believe that, relying on his eloquence, he would not be able to convince Master Xiang!

Qin Zhong looked regretful, Zhou Xunxuan was kind of guilty.

“Qin Zhong, although we didn’t cooperate this time, it really doesn’t matter, you Qin Zhong, is my good friend of Zhou Xunxuan, good brother!”

Zhou Xunxuan was also moved by Qin Zhong, and even the good brother said something like this.

“By the way, this is my personal phone number. Remember, don’t tell anyone unless it’s a close friend of you!”

When Qin Zhong was leaving, Zhou Xunxuan put his number in Qin Zhong’s hands on purpose.

Zhou Xunxuan’s meaning is very clear. If Qin Zhong’s good friends come to him, he will also look at Qin Zhong’s face and help.

“Thank you, Master Xuan!” Qin Zhong said sincerely.

“Smelly boy, don’t call me humiliated like the media outside. You call me humiliated. My friends call me like that!”

Zhou Xuan said with a smile.

Liu Dehua also looked at them with relief on his face beside him.

Although Ah Zhen always looks funny in movies, in fact, he has always been lonely inside.

Not many can be regarded as friends by him.

This time, the matter was not settled, but it was just an episode.

Work still has to go on.

The promotion of “Infernal Affairs” is already on the agenda.

Promotional photos of “Infernal Affairs” began to appear on major websites and Weibo.

Even in the subway, posters from “Infernal Affairs” appeared.

Above the poster. Two men stood.

Qin Zhong held a gun against Liu Dehua’s forehead.

It is the scene of Qin Zhong and Liu Dehua on the rooftop.

This poster immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

“It’s actually Qin Zhong holding a gun at Liu Dehua!”

“I like both of these men. What a great movie? It actually gathered two of my husbands…”

“Why do you have two husbands?”

“This is not the point, the point is when will it be released!”

People around are talking about it.

Qin Zhong also announced on his Weibo that his starring “Infernal Affairs” will be released.

“Hello everyone, the movie “Infernal Affairs” starring Andy Lau and I will be released soon, I hope you will like it! I believe this time, everyone will see me differently!”

Immediately afterwards, Liu Dehua reposted Qin Zhong’s Weibo with a one-minute trailer.

As a result, the number of comments below the trailer reached more than 20,000 in just a few hours.

Enough to see how big a sensation this movie caused.

“The trailer is wonderful. Why did you aim at Brother Qin with your gun at Brother Qin!”

“Qin Ge plays the villain in it?”

“Anyway, I think the villain should not be Hua Zai!”

Many people have @了 Qin Zhong.

For these people’s curiosity, Qin Zhong will not untie it so easily.

“Sorry, about the characters in the play, everyone will know soon!”

Qin Zhong didn’t say that everyone’s curiosity became stronger.

Simple background, strong Xiangjiang style.

When Qin Zhong confronted Liu Dehua, he did not let the wind fall in the slightest, and Qin Zhong’s gaze has been restrained!

This alone has aroused the curiosity of the majority of netizens.

“Wow. It’s coming out so soon!”

“I’m ready, ready to watch it with my girlfriend!”

“What does Infernal Affairs mean?”

“It means infinite hell, how do you feel high and deep!”


As a director, Liu Weiqiang is naturally very happy.

“Have you seen it, Qin Zhong, I really underestimate your weight in the hearts of fans!”

“Almost half of these messages are about you!”

Qin Zhong scrolled down the Weibo comment.

Sure enough, many comments are complimenting oneself. .

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