Chapter 106

This trailer has already earned enough attention.

People have read some profiles before and know that this is a story about an undercover policeman.

However, Zhuang Wenqiang played a trick when editing, and did not say who is the undercover and who is the decent character.

So people began to speculate.

Netizens use their imagination even more.

Trying to find some clues from this minute’s trailer.

But Zhuang Wenqiang was meant to create suspense.

How could it make them guess so easily?

If so, he wouldn’t be Zhuang Wenqiang.

“I think, compared with Hua Tsai, Qin Zhong’s acting skills are still a bit deliberate!”

“I’m looking forward to it. But I think Huazi should be an undercover police officer!”


The crowd at the bottom asked curiously.

“Just because he is Hua Tsai, it is impossible for Hua Tsai to play the villain! That’s how it hangs!”

“According to you, Qin Zhong is the underworld?”

When netizens analyzed it, they felt that this was true.

How could Huazi be the villain?

“What you said is quite reasonable, but Qin Zhong is the most handsome villain even if it is a villain! I only need to stay overnight!”

“I want both, I can do it for one night…”

After the trailer went live, Gu Tianle and Zhou Xunxuan helped forward it.

Zhou Xunxuan reposted it, and his fans immediately burst into flames.

“A work recommended by Master Zhang. It’s definitely not too bad!”

Liu Weiqiang said to Qin Zhong with a face of disbelief: “You tell me, if Gu Tianle helped you, I wouldn’t be surprised. After all, you have only collaborated on “Slaying the Wolf”, but Zhou Xunxuan seems to have nothing to do with you! ”

“Did Zhou Xuan take advantage of you?” Zhuang Wenqiang asked.

Qin Zhong was taken aback: “I didn’t give him any benefit!”

Seeing Qin Zhong’s retort, Liu Weiqiang had to touch his nose!

“Then what method did you use, let Zhou Xunxuan help you publicize? As far as I know, he has been in Xiangjiang for so long. Apart from his own movie publicity, he has not helped anyone publicize it. ¨! ”

According to what Liu Weiqiang knows, Zhou Xunxuan and Qin Zhong have no intersection at all!

But Zhou Xunxuan was willing to help Qin Zhong, a friend.

Although Qin Zhong is considered popular in China, its influence in Xiangjiang is still limited.

Moreover, these people are purely to help Qin Zhong, and they are not seeking any reward.

In this place in the showbiz. The probability of this kind of thing happening is very small.

Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows without raising his eyebrows: “Is it weird? We are probably sympathetic! He was attracted by my talents, so he couldn’t help but want to help me.”

Qin Zhong didn’t take it seriously, and showed an expression.

“Seriously, you are really the calmest person I have ever seen!” Liu Weiqiang said.

Zhuang Wenqiang was also very speechless. This kid’s words are really speechless, although he clearly feels awkward. But I couldn’t find any reason to refute it.

Zhuang Wenqiang wanted to jump up at this time and grabbed Qin Zhong and asked how mature, steady and humble was your kid when he first came here? Why has it become so cheeky in just two months?

And Yu Wenle next to him shed bitter tears.

When he was acting in a movie, he was abused by Qin Zhong, and now he was abused by Qin Zhong again in reality to doubt his life.

Although he is also a native of Xiangjiang, he has always wanted to see Zhou Xunxuan but has no way of doing it, but what happened to Qin Zhong, even let Zhou Xunxuan help him promote…

The following promotional videos are all positive reviews.

Soon it was the press conference of the premiere.

As soon as Qin Zhong got out of the car, reporters swarmed up and kept passing the microphone in his hand to Qin Zhong.

Although Qin Zhong doesn’t have a celebrity profile, he only has one pair of hands and can’t hold so many microphones.

Fortunately, Liu Dehua appeared in time to help Qin Zhong out.

Qin Zhong smiled at Liu Dehua.

“Excuse me, Qin Zhong, are you playing a villain in this drama?”

“Qin Zhong, I heard that you are meeting my mysterious girlfriend in Xiangjiang. Is there anything like this?”

“Regarding some film critics’ comments that your acting skills are not good, what do you want to say?”

Can’t acting?

Qin Zhong just smiled. Didn’t care about it at all.

Given his current position in the film world, there is no need to explain anything at all.

There are many people who want to get in and become famous under the name of Qin Zhong.

If Qin Zhong really wants to respond one by one, it would be trapped by others.

“No comment!”

Qin Zhong and Liu Dehua finally came to the backstage of the studio.

Most of the well-known domestic media came on this day.

The scene was basically full of voices, and the speeches basically depended on roaring.

And their questions basically surround Qin Zhong.

This is not that Liu Dehua is not red enough.

But Liu Dehua is already married and having children, so he doesn’t have anything that gossip reporters dare to be interested in. Unable to dig out the news, Hua Tsai is also a well-known good old man in the entertainment circle, so they also let Liu Dehua go.

But Qin Zhong is different.

He is not yet married, and his private life still attracted the attention of those reporters.

Qin Zhong couldn’t help laughing wryly as he watched all these reporters push the microphones towards him.

Recalling when I first debuted, when “Wolf Warriors 2” came to the publicity, I was left out in the cold, compared with the present, it is simply above the ground.

Soon reporters brought the problem to Qin Zhong’s emotional life.

Since Qin Zhong

“`” Qin Zhong, I heard that you were dating a mysterious woman during the filming of “Infernal Affairs” in Xiangjiang. Who is that mysterious woman? ”

Suddenly the scene was quiet.

Those rememberers who had a keen sense of smell instantly blocked Qin Zhong’s surroundings.

They rushed to Qin Zhong’s side, fearing that they would miss a detail.

Sure enough, Qin Zhong’s personal life is what more female fans want to see.

Liu Dehua next to him smiled happily.

“Hey, the fans of my brother back then were so crazy!”

Qin Zhong was silent for a moment.

Then he spoke lightly.

The media hasn’t seen Qin Zhong being so serious yet, all of a sudden, they have become quiet and quiet. At the same time, they have all pointed their cameras at Qin Zhong, afraid of missing a detail. Take up.

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