Chapter 118

After finishing work, Qin Zhong came to Liu Zhengwei’s office.

“Qin Zhong, what’s the matter?”

After Liu Zhengwei saw Qin Zhong, he was very happy.

During this time, Qin Zhong brought him too many surprises.

His acting skills are perfect, and the other actors were brought into the play by him.

Qin Zhong said: “Director, have you finished the soundtrack for this movie?”

Liu Zhengwei smiled slightly.

Pointing to a person on the chair next to him, he said, “This is the composer we invited! Master Wang Xiaotian!”

“Introduce everyone, this is the famous movie star Qin Zhong! Teacher Qin.”

Hearing this, Qin Zhong looked at the two people next to him.

Master Wang sat there proudly. Holding their script in his hand, he said, “Your script is really messy. What and what is written, how can Monkey King fall in love?”

Liu Zhengwei’s face was a bit ugly, and it hurt a bit to say such things.

But the other party is a gold medal arranger after all, so I can’t afford to offend it.

“But, depending on the relationship between me and Director Liu, I will reluctantly help you compose music!”

“You know my price is 800,000 pieces a piece, I plan to match you with ten pieces.” He said that he put a contract in front of several people.

Qin Zhong curled his lips, “It’s really expensive.”

“Expensive reason! Our Master Wang is well-known. The most important part of a love movie is the soundtrack. Without Master Wang, your movie would have failed in half!”

The assistant coughed and said excitedly.

Hearing this, Liu Zhengwei’s expression was hesitant.

Indeed, the love between Fairy Zixia and Zhizunbao is poignant.

Throughout the history of China, there are so many touching love stories, but if you say “Blessings of Love” is a household name.

Because the first thing people think of is that lingering and beautiful soundtrack!

Qin Zhong picked up the samples on the table that were said to be Master Wang’s arrangement, and looked at it casually.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it.

The sample chapters that Wang Xiaotian used actually used some very ordinary songs, and it was slightly changed, and the charge was so high.

And this tune doesn’t match the situation of the movie at all.

Rotten vulgar! vulgar!

Seeing Qin Zhong frowning, he couldn’t agree.

As soon as the talk fell apart, Wang Xiaotian said lightly: “It seems that some people are not satisfied with me, Director Liu, we are leaving!”

Is this going to go?

Liu Zhengwei hurriedly wanted to stop.

This Wang Xiaotian is a very famous film arranger.

Qin Zhong’s anger came up.

Are they fooling fools?

“Let them go!” Qin Zhong said.

Wang Xiaotian’s figure suddenly froze. He thought that Qin Zhong was just an actor and he must listen to the director, but this time he miscalculated.

Liu Zhengwei never refuted what Qin Zhong said, so when Qin Zhong wanted to drive them away, Liu Zhengwei went forward to open the door and acted as if he wanted to drive them away.

Wang Xiaotian suddenly said with a gloomy face: “Have you thought about it?”

Qin Zhong thought to himself, would he dare to charge such a high price by just copying some songs?

Immediately sneered and said: “Isn’t it just the film arrangement? Director Liu, you don’t need to know this, I will too, and my music is better than his!”

Wang Xiaotian had been walking slowly, so he waited for Liu Zhengwei to pull him back, and then took the opportunity to increase the price.

But I didn’t expect that Qin Zhong could say such hard words, and suddenly became a little angry.

“What do you mean? Haha, it’s ridiculous, you, an actor, do you know what is called arrangement and what is called soundtrack?”

Wang Xiaotian’s complexion was a bit bad in an instant.

“Director Liu, I came here to give you face. I didn’t expect that there are such people in your crew who don’t know how to advance or retreat!”

Qin Zhong smiled, and didn’t take his words to heart at all: “Master Wang, I think you are too vain. If this goes on, it will harm others and ruin your own reputation!”

Qin Zhong’s words are very heavy, and immediately that Wang Xiaotian slapped his hands on the table, his face full of anger: “Boy, if you don’t understand the arrangement, I can point you, but if you are insulting I would not agree to my professional level!”

At this time, Liu Zhengwei had no choice but to go forward and persuade: “Qin Zhong, Master Wang, each of you are leaders in the field, why bother arguing about such a thing?”

“Haha, I’m going to see what you are capable of!” Wang Xiaotian lowered his face and said coldly 0 ……..

Qin Zhong smiled softly and said, “Director Liu, if you believe me, I will kick you out all the songs in three days!”

Hearing this, not only Liu Zhengwei, but also Wang Xiaotian next to him was shocked, and then he burst into laughter.

“Arrogant, too arrogant!”

“A movie must have at least five or six soundtracks, at least one month! Someone said that it can be made in three days, it’s ridiculous!”

Wang Xiaotian left without looking back.

After Wang Xiaotian left, Liu Zhengwei said with a serious face: “Qin Zhong, I know that the person’s attitude just now was not good. If you don’t want to, I’ll just hire someone!”


This Wang Xiaotian was originally set by them two months ago.

Looking for someone temporarily now, there is no need to be scorched.

And the price may be a bit more expensive than the original one.

Qin Zhong smiled.

He said lightly: “Director Liu, you wouldn’t think I was bragging just now!”


“Isn’t it?” Liu Zhengwei and the other staff looked at Qin Zhong in surprise.

Qin Zhong said silently: “You have no confidence in me! I drove these two scammers away, of course because I have something in my hand!”

Suddenly, Liu Zhengwei and the crew were extremely excited.

Liu Zhengwei knew that Qin Zhong would not say such things casually.

It’s just that there are a few older staff members with a look of suspicion.

Young people, do things impulsively, regardless of the consequences.

A few of them whispered.

“It is estimated that this Qin Zhong will surrender in a few days!”

“Too impulsive!”

For these small discussions, Qin Zhong ignored them.

In the previous life, “A Journey to the West” was so popular, it was indispensable to the touching soundtrack in it.

A good soundtrack can play a finishing touch.

On the contrary, if it is a bad soundtrack, it will make the audience feel that it is very acting, and even make people have the desire to not watch the movie! .

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