Chapter 119

After Qin Zhong returned to the room, he turned on the system.

He directly redeemed a music gift package in the system mall.

After using this spree, Qin Zhong’s understanding of music has reached the peak level.

Then he directly recalled the song “Love of a lifetime” in his mind.

Then began to make songs.

Arrange music, compose lyrics, and finally record musical instruments.

Finally, some of them were modified.

After completing “The Love of a Lifetime”, Qin Zhong wrote several other soundtracks one after another based on his own memories.

After one night, Qin Zhong took out all the soundtracks in “A Chinese Journey to the West”!

Some of the soundtracks need to be played with pure instruments, while some of the music needs to be played by people.

Early the next morning, Qin Zhong knocked on the director’s door.

“It’s Qin Zhong, come here so early, what’s the matter?”

Liu Zhengwei rubbed his eyes, Qin Zhong came before his face was washed.

“I brought the soundtrack for the movie!”

Liu Zhengwei and the deputy director next to each other glanced at each other, and in 08 they could see the look of horror in each other’s eyes.

The two hurriedly followed Qin Zhong.

Although they feel incredible!

In one night, actually completed the soundtrack of the entire movie?

Qin Zhong took out a folder, took out the paper one by one, and patted it on the table.

“This song “Love in a lifetime” will be placed when Fairy Zixia dies!”

“This was when Monkey King was reincarnated. When Supreme Treasure looked in the mirror, he posted a monkey face for a long time. I made an adaptation of the prelude to “Small Knife Society”, not completely loyal to the original, but very clever!”

“This is the final farewell song between Zixia and Monkey King, “Lonely Shadow of Heaven and Earth””

“This is the soundtrack used in the final battle…”

When Qin Zhong took out the scores for that song, not only Liu Zhengwei, but even the musicians in the crew were completely confused.

Really so powerful?

Liu Zhengwei walked over with an incredible expression.

When he saw the first glance, his eyes widened.

“I didn’t come back yesterday and today

Red fallen leaves are long buried in the dust

From before to now

Start and end always, no change

A sea of ​​bitterness, turn up love and hate

In time, it is hard to escape fate! ”

When Liu Zhengwei gently hummed the song, almost everyone looked at Qin Zhong in shock.

This composing ability!

Simply a genius!

When they saw other songs, they were also deeply attracted.

Every song is so fitting to the scene at the time.

When fighting, I was nervous and broke through the suona.

The world is broken!

There is also the sad and painful music that Zixia remembered when she died!

Even if Qin Zhong came up with a piece of music, it was enough to shock the music scene.

The person in charge of the film soundtrack murmured: “Qin Zhong, you are such a talent! No, you are a genius. I have been doing film soundtracks for 30 years, and I have never met you. Such a powerful person!”

“These songs are classic! Too classic! I feel that this song will be a big hit!”

“I can release the album directly, maybe I will win this year’s Golden Melody Award!”

“It was also the best soundtrack for the last time, a ghost, a ghost, how many years of skill would it take to write such a good song?”

“Qin Zhong, did you write these all by yourself? Haha, I really missed you. There is such a powerful man in my crew, I need to invite Wang Xiaotian!”

Qin Zhong has gotten used to these boastings.

He just said politely: “So so so!”

“No, no!” the man said excitedly: “You are a once-in-a-hundred-year-old musical prodigy. If you want me to say, in fact, film scoring is also very promising. You can think about it!”

The man said directly: “According to your ability, within a few years, you should be able to dominate the music scene!”

After speaking, he tremblingly held those scores. “What a rare piece of music, it took only one night to make it!”

Liu Zhengwei blew his beard and stared and said, “Go on the other side and get your later stage! Give you one week. If these things can’t come out, I won’t let you go!”

After that, those people sent the later ones to Xiangjiang, and there were specialized people to solve the problems in the production of these soundtracks. Instead of looking for other music companies in the market to produce.

At this time, Wang Xiaotian was living in a hotel not far from the studio.

“Mr. Wang, are we really not leaving?” Assistant Zhang Lei asked.

“Go? Ha ha, no need, let me tell you, in less than three days, I affirm that Liu Zhengwei will come and look for me obediently!”

“Their movie has been filmed for more than half, and now I am looking for the soundtrack temporarily. Who dares to take such a big risk to take this list!”

He smiled slightly and said, “So, you just have to wait patiently!”

And for that Qin Zhong who doesn’t know the heights of the sky, he will definitely want the other party to look good.


One day, two days, three days…

Five consecutive days passed, and Wang Xiaotian’s expression kept changing.

Is Liu Zhengwei really going to die with himself to the end?

He finally couldn’t bear it.

Tentatively made a call to Liu Zhengwei.

“Old Liu, we have been in friendship for so many years, forget it, I will sell you face!”

Liu Zhengwei was taken aback for a moment, and then after he understood Wang Xiaotian’s intention to call, he smiled like a spring breeze.

I used to treat you as an uncle, thinking that you could help this movie make it more successful, but Wang Xiaotian is too selfish, he only has money in his eyes, and his works are also very bad.

Liu Zhengwei said arrogantly: “Wang Xiaotian, don’t worry about the soundtrack of our movie!”

Wang Xiaotian’s heart sank suddenly.

“What do you mean?”

Liu Zhengwei smiled and said, “Didn’t you understand what you said that day? We solve the soundtrack by ourselves.”

“Okay, I’m going to have a look, what can you do if you don’t have me!”

Wang Xiaotian put down the phone angrily, and the assistant asked tremblingly: “Boss, are we still waiting?”

“Don’t wait!”

He has been here for so many days, no wonder they refuse to call himself, at this moment Wang Xiaotian feels like a fool! .

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