Chapter 121

Liu Zhengwei was stunned.

He can now be completely sure that this line is definitely not in the script.

Why did you change the lines?

However, this question seems to be a thorough explanation of his relationship with Zixia to the audience.

The effect…but it seems to be very good, and it is more smooth than the original lines.

Qin Zhong also asked angrily next to him: “Is it necessary?”

Liu Zhengwei’s mind was full of doubts.

Although Liu Zhengwei was confused by Qin Zhong’s sudden change of lines.

And he was madly complaining in his heart.

“Why do I need a reason? How do I know!”

However, Liu Zhengwei’s face still looked extremely calm, just a little dazed, and then proceeded step by step.

He couldn’t help but follow Qin Zhong’s words, “Don’t need it?”

Qin Zhong asked again: “Need it?”

It seems to be talking to Bodhi, but it seems to be asking myself.

Love needs a reason. In fact, he already knows the answer, but he just doesn’t want to admit it.

“Don’t need it?” Qin Zhong asked in desperation.

“Hey, I will study with you, why are you so serious, do you need it?”

After Liu Zhengwei said the last sentence, he was questioned by Qin Zhong and fled.

When the deputy director called “card”, Liu Zhengwei wiped the sweat from his head.

The temporary change of lines just now almost broke him.

At this time, the doubts in his heart were about to overflow.

He must ask clearly.

“Qin Zhong, did you forget the lines in the script?”

Liu Zhengwei himself thinks that this possibility is not very great.

To say that everyone in the crew has this possibility, but Qin Zhong alone has a very low possibility. He has seen Qin Zhong’s acting skills, and the entire 9-page lines of the line are all the performances without a word. Come down, and it’s not NG once.

Others in the crew still have time to rest, but when Qin Zhong is resting, he is studying the script!

Qin Zhong uses his own actions to explain what is called, people who are more talented than you work harder than you!

And while other actors discussed him before, he was able to answer fluently, and gave a more in-depth explanation of the role. Originally, some actors thought the scene was too noisy and could not understand what was being said at all, but after Qin After Zhong’s analysis, it suddenly became clear.

How could such a person forget his lines?

Moreover, his expression was extremely natural just now, and those movements were even more obvious to his heart. He didn’t think it was a reaction from a panic, so that he was taken aback by Qin Zhong’s question just now.

Actions and eyes can’t deceive people. Liu Zhengwei feels more and more that he is not mistaken. Qin Zhong said that on purpose.

“Well, I added it temporarily. Earlier, I was thinking about Zhi Zun Bao’s heart. When I was performing just now, I couldn’t help expressing the doubts in Zhi Zun Bao’s heart. It was an improvisation. !”

Qin Zhong didn’t conceal the questioning gaze of Liu Zhengwei and the deputy director, but naturally expressed the thoughts in his heart.

Before, he found that there were a lot of soul sentences missing in the script.

Without these classic sentences, when “A Big Story Westward Journey” is spread on a large scale in the future, it can be discussed a lot less.

For example, one of the most classic sentences: “Is there a reason to love someone?”

It is also the top ten love sentences of the year. I don’t know how many generations of people have been affected. Some people took this sentence and put it into other works and songs.

However, Qin Zhong didn’t mention this matter at the beginning. He followed the progress of the entire script and slowly based on some of the actor’s own problems. Come to make some changes to the lines.

Only by letting those actors experience it themselves and participate in it will they be inspired and wonder which one is more appropriate.

Liu Zhengwei was dumbfounded.

But now he doesn’t know whether the original effect is good or the effect after changing the lines is good.

Seeing Liu Zhengwei hesitated. Qin Zhong said again: “Why not, let’s follow the previous lines again and repeat!”

He is not the kind of actor who says one thing is the same. If the effect does not reach his goal, he can use the original one.

Liu Zhengwei nodded, as long as a better movie is made and the audience is moved more, he is willing to make changes.

The director and Qin Zhong both agreed, and the deputy director did not hesitate to organize the staff just now and take the shots again.

“The camera is in place!”

“The lights are in place!”


Qin Zhong came under the camera.

“Grapes, come out!”

After the two episodes were filmed, the deputy director and Liu Zhengwei repeatedly compared them, and Qin Zhong also came to observe.

The result is really obvious.

“It really is……”

Liu Zhengwei muttered to himself: “Qin Zhong, you are such a genius. If you don’t change it, I still don’t think there is any problem. With your change, the original paragraph suddenly becomes dull!”

“It’s changed well!”

It seems that Supreme Treasure should have said these things.

With only a slight modification, not only the Supreme Treasure, but even the character of Bodhi has become a lot richer.

“Qin Zhong!” Liu Zhengwei said with joy: “What you have changed is simply wonderful. It is simply a stroke of magic. It completely expresses the doubts in Zhi Zun Bao’s heart. Also, what do you think there are in the script? If the place needs to be changed, you can change it!”

He patted Qin Zhong.

“I give you the right, don’t worry, do it boldly, I’ve seen it a long time ago, you have a lot of ideas!”

Qin Zhong smiled faintly.

“Thank you director!”

Changing the lines is one thing.

Getting the director’s approval to change the lines is another matter.

If the director does not speak, he even has doubts with Qin Zhong. Then Qin Zhong will give people the impression of being a big name, not cooperative, and arbitrary.

But now, Liu Zhengwei let go and gave him this right, and the mouths of all those who disagree will be blocked.

All, Liu Zhengwei decided to delegate power to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong is also unceremonious.

“Thank you director!”

After making the decision, Qin Zhong did not hesitate to change some of the lines he thought should be changed.

Qin Zhong not only changed some of his lines.

Even the lines of some supporting actors have been changed.

There were still many supporting actors who didn’t quite understand.

They think that actors only need to act according to the script.

But soon, those supporting actors discovered that they were wrong.

In the past, their supporting roles were particularly non-existent, and they were designed to highlight the protagonist.

But when Qin Zhong replaced them with some unforgettable lines, their characters immediately became fuller! .

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