Chapter 122

Originally they were just a dispensable supporting role.

But when they uttered Qin Zhong’s revised lines, the whole task suddenly became very vivid.

The most important thing is that after they finish these lines, they will definitely impress many viewers very much, rather than being a stereotype.

Maybe it will attract the attention of other directors!

So they suddenly became very enthusiastic.

Efforts to cooperate with Qin Zhong.

Some even put forward their own views on the characters.

As for the changes in the people in the crew, Liu Zhengwei, as the director, is all aware of it.

Of course, when Qin Zhong is shooting, he will also post some of his own dynamics on Weibo from time to time.

So that my fans know their dynamics.

By the way, I also gave a free promotion for “A Chinese Journey to the West”.

But this time Qin Zhong’s image is not so good.

The first photo I sent was of myself as a bandit in Wuyue Mountain.

Thick and thick eyebrows, plus a full face beard. Coupled with the messy hairstyle and clothes, it immediately surprised the fans who were looking forward to it.

“I’m so handsome, wait, the style is wrong… Oh my god, what did I see?”

“Qin Zhong? This is Qin Zhong? Isn’t it wrong?”

“Where is my handsome guy? Is this a good thing that director did? Director, come out, I promise you won’t threaten your life!”

“Brother Qin is acting in which drama?”

The fans were in an uproar.

When Zhang Yi and Xu Zhen saw this dress of Qin Zhong, they also went to @ Qin Zhong.

“What are you doing, my brother, I haven’t seen you for a while, has your aesthetics dropped a lot!”

Qin Zhong: “The plot needs it, how about it, do you think there is a wild beauty in my body?”

Zhang Yi was completely speechless.

Xu Zhen: “In the past, fans often said that I was handsomer than Qin Zhong. I didn’t believe it before. Now I saw this photo and finally believe it!”

This guy, with makeup like this, didn’t have any idol baggage at all, and instead he posted this ugly look of himself!

“You are too confident, aren’t you afraid that fans will be scared off by your appearance?”

What Zhang Yi is telling is the truth. Many idols care about their own image. After spending two hours in the dressing room, they will continue to touch up their makeup after they come out!

But only Qin Zhong doesn’t care about his image at all.

Suddenly those fans were happy.

“I like Brother Qin’s rough look!”

“It’s so rough, I don’t know what Qin Ge is playing this time?”

“My Brother Qin really has no idol baggage!”

“It should be a role like a bandit!”

All in all, Qin Zhong’s image this time can be said to be a big breakthrough.

While fans are talking about it, they are also guessing what character Qin Zhong plays this time.

However, Qin Zhong did not reveal more.

By five o’clock in the afternoon, Qin Zhong ended his role.

In this scene, he jumped off the cliff.

Although there is Avia, he still made all the dirt, and now he just wants to go back to his dormitory and take a good bath.


As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw two sneaky figures.

And the two girls are at the door of their room.

Qin Zhong thought to himself that it was not good, could it be that these two people actually came to find themselves?

“Is Qin Zhong’s room really here?”

“Yes, I asked a friend for the news, but I also find it strange, you said that a big star like Qin Zhong, will he live with the rest of the crew?” said one of the slightly fat girls.

Another girl said: “I look at Xuan. As far as I know, those big-name celebrities do not live in such ordinary hotels, but non-five-star luxury hotels, and there are a lot of bodyguard assistants. Follow!”

“Hey, we have waited for three hours, and we haven’t come yet!”

“Maybe we haven’t got off work yet, we’ll be waiting for a while!” The two people were a little disappointed, but they were still waiting persistently at the door, and the two girls were still looking around from time to time.

“Oops!” Qin Zhong thought to himself, it was really his fans who came.

Fortunately, Qin Zhong at this time is still dressed as a bandit, and he has not had time to remove his makeup.

With this look, it shouldn’t be discovered!

Qin Zhong thought triumphantly.

So Qin Zhong lowered his head and prepared to go to the next room to avoid him, waiting for the two girls to come out after they left.

As a result, the next room really opened. Then the Bull Demon King Wang Jie shouted loudly: “Qin Zhong, I am going to find you!

0 ········Find flowers···

Qin Zhong wanted to cover Wang Jie’s mouth when he saw Wang Jie, but Wang Jie never thought that when he saw Qin Zhong’s movements, he became louder.

“Qin Zhong, what are you doing?”

Qin Zhong is very depressed. He has become like this now. He has a beard on his face and his body is in tatters. He looks like a group performer. In this way, Wang Jie can accurately recognize himself. It’s also a talent.

“You’re great, I’m like this, you can still recognize me!”

At this time, Qin Zhong wanted to escape, but couldn’t escape.

There were only oneself and Wang Jie in the entire corridor, as well as the two girls.

The two girls were boringly playing with their mobile phones. When they heard these words, they suddenly raised their heads and ran over quickly. And said with joy: “Qin Zhong!”

.. .. …….

Qin Zhong was about to rush into Wang Jie’s room and couldn’t help but stop when he heard the shouts of the two girls.

“Qin Zhong? Is that Qin Zhong?”

One of the girls asked curiously.

At the door of the next room, one was a monster with a bull’s head, and the other was a bandit with a beard. No matter how you looked at it, it had nothing to do with Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong also had a numb scalp.

Are the fans so powerful now?

Wang Jie recognized himself at a glance, and even these two fans, who had never seen him before, could recognize himself at a glance.

“Of course it is the one dressed as the bandit, he is Qin Zhong!”

The fat girl said with some joy.

She doesn’t know how many times she has read Qin Zhong’s photos, she can accurately find Qin Zhong just by looking at the back!

Wang Jie also looked dull.

He didn’t understand how these two girls ran up.

Moreover, neither he nor Qin Zhong can see the original appearance, he and Qin Zhong are also generally tall. But how can those two girls recognize Qin Zhong as love?

The eyes of the two girls shone, as if someone who had been hungry for several days saw food.

A gust of wind rushed over.

“Qin Zhong, I like you so much, you are so handsome!”

“Can we take a group photo?”

The two girls rushed over. He surrounded Qin Zhong.

However, Wang Jie, who was supposed to be a little handsome, was completely used as a background board.

Wang Jie’s heart was shocked. Ding.

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