Chapter 123


Wang Jie looked at Qin Zhong’s dress.

Qin Zhong’s dress today is a small thief.

And just after the scene of rolling down the cliff, the clothes were torn in several places.

The hair is also messy, no matter how you look at it, you can’t beat Shuai!

It’s a beauty in the eyes of a lover.

Wang Jie looked at Qin Zhong with envy,

Qin Zhong, who wanted to hide in, immediately showed a very bright smile after being discovered by his fans.

“Hello, I am Qin Zhong! Are you here looking for me?”

The two girls were very excited and said, “Qin Zhong, can you take a photo with us?”

“I like you so much. Can we ask for an autograph?”

“Qin Zhong, I am a fan of you. I like you so much. I have watched all your movies. Your real person is so handsome, much better than the ones on TV!”

At this time, a staff member came over and immediately said with a black face: “What are you doing? Who are you?”

“Why did you come to this place?”

The two girls were scared and overwhelmed.

In fact, the staff has no choice.

There are regulations in the crew that outsiders are not allowed to enter these places.

If there is a precedent, there will be more people in the future, three to five, to ten, to more than a hundred, noisy, no other actors can rest.

That’s why he pretended to be so fierce on purpose.

The two girls were startled, and immediately looked very aggrieved.

Qin Zhong immediately said: “It’s okay, it’s okay, this is my fan!”

The staff was already aggressive, but seeing that Qin Zhong actually maintained his fans in this way, he immediately changed his attitude.

Qin Zhong said: “Come on, let’s go find another place, and don’t disturb other people to rest!”

Qin Zhong’s cordial and kind attitude moved the two girls so much.

“Qin Zhong, you are so kind, so happy to be your fan!”

“We brought you a gift!”

“I really like your performance in “Infernal Affairs”. Not only me, but my whole family likes you very much. You are not only the idol of young people, but my parents love you very much!”

One of the girls said with tears: “Brother Qin Zhong, I, I am so touched, you are not only so handsome, but you also have such a good attitude!”

The two girls were chatting, and they were very excited when they saw their idols.

“Thank you uncle and aunt for me!”

Qin Zhong is very patient.

Taking pictures, taking photos, and talking with them for a while.

“Okay, dear beauties, it’s too early now, I’m really sorry, I’m going to rest!”

“You guys go back too, we will end here today!”

The two beautiful women said excitedly: “Thank you, Qin Zhong!”

“You are good, then we will go back first. By the way, you should remember not to be too tired from filming, otherwise we will be uncomfortable!”

“By the way, I heard that you had a cold before, and we also brought our own ginger tea! You must protect your body!”

“Hmm, I got it! Thank you, if you care so much, my cold will definitely get better soon!”

After receiving the items sent by the fans, Qin Zhong was very moved to see that the fans care about themselves so much.

“But don’t rush in next time. I don’t want to affect the rest of other staff because of my relationship. If you want to see me. You can pay more attention to my Weibo, I will often keep my news Send it up.”

Qin Zhong said.

“Yeah. We just know now that we broke in and caused a lot of trouble for your work, and we won’t do this in the future!”

“Hmm, goodbye then!”

After speaking, Qin Zhong also personally gave the two girls out, and it was impossible to move the two girls.

Wang Jie stared at all this in amazement.

“Qin Zhong, you are too good, how did you manage these crazy fans?”

The corners of Qin Zhong’s mouth curled up and smiled.

“This can only show that Brother’s charm is too great, and Brother’s fans are also very qualified and sensible!”

Wang Jie couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“The sneaky guy just now doesn’t know who it is. I guess you originally wanted to take refuge in my room!”

Qin Zhong does not deny Wang Jie’s statement.

But Qin Zhong’s on-the-spot reaction was so fast that Wang Jie had to admire it.

Qin Zhong hummed a song and entered his room, Wang Jie shook his head.

Another five or six days have passed 0 ……..

“A Westward Journey” came to an end smoothly.

Subsequently, after all aspects of publicity. The news of the completion of “Western Journey” spread throughout China.

Immediately afterwards, “A Chinese Journey to the West” began its official promotion.

Today’s headline: This summer, not lonely! Qin Zhong is shocked with “Western Journey”!

Sohu Entertainment: “Journey to the West”, Zhou Xunxuan and Qin Zhong joined forces.

Pain Xun News: The most recommended movie “Western Journey” in this summer

With the overwhelming propaganda of various media, the whole network also boiled up.

Qin Zhong’s previous “Infernal Affairs” craze has not receded.

Audiences are very much looking forward to Qin Zhong’s new movie,

“”A Chinese Journey to the West”? Is it a Journey to the West? The Journey to the West theme is not easy to shoot, after all, the previous TV series are so classic!”

“Should it be one of the plots? But judging from the title, I don’t know for the time being whether it’s three dozen white bone spirits or a daughter country!”

“I guess it’s the country of daughters. I heard that the actresses who participated in this time have very good looks!”

“Oh my God, Brother Qin Zhong is finally equipped with on-screen CP. I look forward to it! Yes

“Super looking forward to it!”

With the eagerness of the whole network, the publicity of “A Westward Journey” has also begun.

July 11.

The press conference of “Journey to the West” was officially held at the Mandarin Hotel in the Imperial Capital.

On that day, more than 300 reporters from media and entertainment channels all got up to participate, and the momentum was huge! Even the people from China Central Network and Xinhua Network sent reporters.

This time, Zhou Xunxuan took the initiative to stand beside him. Let Qin Zhong stand in the middle.

The media were very surprised.

Zhou Xun smiled and said: “This time I didn’t directly participate in the performance of the movie. I was only responsible for the investment and some of the post-production. If you want to ask about the movie, please ask Director Liu and Qin Zhong!”

Zhou Xunxuan’s remarks made the media suddenly realize. It turned out that Zhou Xunxuan had completely let go of these things this time. It also proves that Zhou Xunxuan attaches great importance to Qin Zhong!

“Qin Zhong, why do you want to shoot Journey to the West?”

“Don’t you know how popular the TV series “Journey to the West” is? Will your “A Chinese Journey to the West” be compared to the TV series by the audience?”.

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