Chapter 170

“Mermaid”, as a super blockbuster in the Christmas file, has received a lot of attention since it first started filming.

The outside media have high hopes.

The fans of Qin Zhong are looking forward to it.

“Qin Zhong, may I ask the box office of “Mermaid”. What are your expectations?”

“Director Zhou, do you have confidence in this movie?”

“Qin Zhong, I heard someone say that “The Mermaid” is a nonsense comedy. Are you confident in acting in such a comedy? Or are you purely imitating Zhou Xunxuan’s play?”

“Director Zhou, what do you think of Qin Zhong’s performance in the movie? Why don’t you play a role in it yourself?”

Faced with the questions of these reporters, Qin Zhong did not rush.

“As for the box office of “The Mermaid”, first of all, he hasn’t been released yet, so I can’t make inferences. However, Director Zhou and I are very confident!”

This question is tantamount to not saying.

“Wonderful comedy is a performance style. This style is carried forward in Director Zhou. However, I use my own way to interpret this role. I am not playing Zhou Xuanxuan, I am playing Liu Xuan!”

Qin Zhong’s answer caused many audiences present to arouse enthusiastic applause.

Zhou Xunxuan took the microphone.

“For this movie, I have said everything that should be said. Qin Zhong’s performance in the movie can definitely be described as wonderful!”

“As for me. Not appearing in the movie is to give them more room to play!”

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xunzhang’s performance this time was actually very stable.

There are no cold spots.

Zhou Xunxuan blinked at Qin Zhong when he finished speaking, seeming to feel complacent about his performance.

“Qin Zhong phenomenon, why do you stand on the sidelines?”

“As the protagonist, why don’t you be in the middle?”

Qin Zhong smiled faintly.

Said: “I don’t stand on the very side, why would you pass the microphone to other people?”

“And I’m at the very end, when you take pictures, you won’t cut other people off!”

Qin Zhong said as soon as he said it.

The thunderous applause came to mind again.

Qin Zhong is very familiar with these rules of the media,

They generally only select the most popular stars.

And those stars who are not popular will be cut off by them without hesitation. .

The entertainment circle stepped high and praised the low, and the world was cold and warm, that was the case.

But what is rare is that after knowing all the rules, Qin Zhong used himself to slowly change these rules!

Know the world but not the world!

It’s touching!

He was giving Lin Yun a chance to ask other reporters.

It also made reporters have to leave photos of all the creators!

In the entertainment industry, how many actors can achieve Qin Zhong’s step?

Reporters have seen too many actors who fought for the C position.

There is an actress who does not hesitate to step on other people’s skirts, and a more powerful little supporting role, directly squeezed to the C position, and squeezed the starring aside, so that the real starring will suffer.

Sometimes it is even torn to the dark because of the order of the names on the poster!

In fact, in the final analysis, it’s just because those people are not confident in their own strength!

The reporters spontaneously applauded Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong’s move today is really thought-provoking.

Soon, the premiere ceremony was over.

The news that “Mermaid” was about to be released was posted on the Internet.

Looking at the news on the Internet, the netizens were full of expectations.


“Brother Qin Zhong, I’m ready, just waiting for your movie to be released!”

“Wow, husband, you finally showed up. It feels like I haven’t heard from you for a long time!”

“As an old fan and a new Qin Jiajun, I really look forward to this movie!”

Of course, there are also very few discordant voices appearing on the Internet,

“Can Qin Zhong grasp the quintessence of nonsense? Hehe, I’m afraid that he will not be a dog like a tiger by then!”

“I think Lord Xuan saw the wrong person this time. Qin Zhong has never acted in a comedy before!”

Of course, such a handful of voices were slammed by a large number of netizens before they had time to flop on the Internet.

When I refreshed the webpage again, I couldn’t even find the shadow.

Netizens even made emoticons for Qin Zhong and Zhou Xunxuan.

“However, it is not easy for a comedy film to get a high box office! The comedies of the past few years seem to have faded.”

“Yes, it may be related to everyone’s taste. I remember that the best-selling comedy was “The Shame of Iron Fist” the year before last. This was the work created when the happy twist was in its heyday!”

Compared with optimistic netizens, some film critics appear to be very restrained and rational.

“The real red is still some gangsters, police movies full of violent aesthetics, action movies, etc.! These movies are more in line with the appetite of modern people!”

“Qin Zhong is still too optimistic!”

December 25.

This day is Christmas.

Although this festival is passed from abroad, young people in China like to celebrate this festival, and it has nothing to do with faith.

Everyone is just looking for a reason to come out and gather together.

And the lovers, they have already taken to the streets one after another, but they are dating.

When it comes to dating, they usually go shopping first, and then go to the movies.

What should I do after watching the movie!

On this Christmas day, there was a little snow in the sky.

The weather slowly cooled down. Qin Zhong wears a thick down jacket, a black hat and a mask. Under such a dress, Qin Zhong looks like an average passerby.

At most, the back is more tall and straight.

The two beauties around are different.

Lin Yun was charmingly dressed, wearing a short pink cashmere coat and small leather boots and leather skirts.

Zhang Yuqi’s mature woman style is very sexy, with a purple fur on the outside, and only a very sexy low-cut dress on the inside.

Although they all wear black top hats and eyes.

There is also the blessing of thick scarves and masks,

The facial features are covered strictly.

However, the two beauties are still showing their beautiful bodies.

At this time, Qin Zhong, who was standing between two big beauties, wearing a long black down jacket, black-rimmed glasses and a hat, seemed a bit ordinary.

“This figure is much more beautiful than those network anchors!”

“Give it eighty-five points. For the remaining fifteen points, you don’t see the face!”

Everyone was first surprised by the good figures of the two beauties.

Then he was shocked by Qin Zhong who seemed to be a kidnapped programmer in the middle!

Death due to drought, death due to waterlogging!

But how can such an ordinary man get the attention of two big beauties?

Many men passing by showed a jealous look at Qin Zhong.

“Hey, if I can find a girlfriend like this in the future. That would be great. I’m not greedy, don’t want two, one is enough!”

Such an ordinary man can actually bring two big beauties!

Maybe there are two bad money!



If you don’t see it, you should go to the cinema cleanly and watch Qin Zhong’s movies. Is it overwhelming?

Qin Zhong said helplessly: “Do you have to be so high-profile?”

Zhang Yuqi smiled and said, “Haha, if I didn’t follow, would you like to make an appointment with our Lin Yun alone!”

The black line at the end of Qin Zhong.

He lowered his head even harder.

I am afraid of being seen by those passers-by.

“Mermaid” was released on time. .

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