Chapter 171

The light in the cinema is very dark.

While no one was paying attention, Qin Zhong tore off his hat.

Soon the movie started.

“Mermaid” is a super blockbuster for Christmas, and countless fans are looking forward to it.

Zhou Xunxuan did not let the faint eyes of the movie fans come, feeling that a basin of cold water was poured on his face. His storytelling ability is first-rate, and the shots are full of imagination.

When Qin Zhong appeared, many people were whispering underneath.

“Look, Qin Zhong is so handsome!”

“There is also a mustache, so stylish!”

In the beginning, Qin Zhong played a self-made rich ~ tycoon.

He is very rich, but because of his history, he is looked down upon by the wealthy and tycoons of the same level.

“You used to be a beggar!”

In Liu Xuan’s heart, he desperately wants to succeed. He wants to earn a lot of money to gain respect from others.

But when he photographed the Qingluowan project, everyone laughed at him as a shame.

Liu Xuan watched the people around him roaring with laughter, and he also laughed.

Suddenly, his voice changed.

“If Qingluowan can be reclaimed from the sea, it will make a lot of money!”

When everyone was waiting to see Liu Xuan’s ugly attitude, he took out Tianhai’s approval.


“Reclamation approval!” Liu Xuan said.

“Really?” Mr. Zheng picked up his glasses and looked at it carefully.

“It’s true!” said an assistant next to him.

Everyone was stunned.

Liu Xuan next to him was waiting for everyone’s reaction with a playful expression on his face.

“Stop playing!”

“It’s a good talk, why spray pesticides?”

Mr. Zheng was greatly stimulated, and the button was hit by Liu Xuan’s champagne lid.

Uncontrolled aircraft flew randomly in the sky, and Mr. Zheng was dizzy when he was hit.

“Turn it out! You can do it!” Liu Xuan cheered behind.

Finally, he was beaten out of the door with a baseball bat.

A roar of laughter broke out in the cinema.

Using a baseball bat to fly people out, only Zhou’s comedy can come up with such a stage.

The movie continues.

The mermaid in the movie does not have a gorgeous castle.

They were trapped in a small abandoned ship.

All of this is because of the sonar, which is very harmful to their fish.

The mermaid played by Shanshan received strict training to seduce Liu Xuan and take the opportunity to kill him.

When Liu Xuan was entangled by Ruolan. Shanshan appeared.

She smiled like a nympho.

Compared to Ruolan, who has tight makeup and a strong aura, Shanshan’s dress is simply terrible.

Liu Xuan had a dark face.

But he also left the phone number Shanshansai gave him.

Turning his head, he saw Ruolan whose eyes could kill people.

He deliberately called Shanshan to stimulate Ruolan.

Shanshan’s phone rang. Everyone sent away Shanshan with a tragic look, and she held the knife in her hand tightly.

But it was not Liu Xuan who came but his men.

The octopus was worried and followed behind.

He hid his lower body in the grass.

But he accidentally exposed his octopus paws.

Seeing those people take out the tools, Luo Zhixiang took a breath.

Shanshan was taken to the company by Liu Xuan’s men.

Shanshan first poisoned in the water glass.

But this poison is fine as soon as it encounters alcohol.

It’s a pity that this poison was drunk by the assistant in the company, but fortunately, Shanshan rescued him with wine.

“What happened just now?”

The assistant was a little confused.

“Mr. Li, are you all right!”

Those people thought that Shanshan killed Mr. Li and held Shanshan down.

But in a blink of an eye, Mr. Li stood in front of them like an okay person.

“Mr. Li, are you all right? Have a glass of water!”

The subordinates once again gave the poisoned glass of water to Assistant Li’s hands.


The assistant who had just been rescued fell down again.

Barbell-like laughter erupted from the entire movie theater.

“It’s so funny!”

“I can’t control it at all!”

“Killing me!”

The next scene where Shanshan assassinated Liu Xuan was full of laughter.

And Liu Xuan also discovered the existence of Shanshan.

He wanted to drive Shanshan away.

It turned out that he called Shanshan to restore his self-esteem in front of Ruolan.

Unexpectedly, Ruolan appeared in the company again.

In order to stimulate Ruolan, Liu Xuan took Shanshan out on a date again.

But in an ordinary playground, Liu Xuan found himself very happy.

“Just kidding, who am I, Liu Xuan? Will you eat roast chicken in a place like this?”

In a blink of an eye, the two of them have eaten up several plates of roast chicken!

“Just kidding! Who am I, Liu Xuan? Would you play such a naive game with you?”

Liu Xuan looked disdainful.

“Large slap-spot scene!” someone couldn’t help but said.

0 ········Find flowers···

“Liu Xuan: Who am I, Liu Xuan, who can eat roast chicken? Well, it’s so fragrant!”

The audience laughed.

The camera turned again, and Liu Xuan and Shanshan yelled happily on the pirate ship.

The date became Liu Xuan’s large-scale face-slapping scene.

The audience’s tears were about to fall.

Luo Zhixiang, the octopus, is not at ease.

Follow behind.

“You forgot to take your bag! Be careful, waiting for you outside at home!”

As a result, when those people first changed and left, they were trampled on their feet.

“what is this?”

“We are catching an octopus. Be careful, he is very fierce!”


A steel knife was taken by the bodyguard and appeared.

Luo Zhixiang was taken aback.

“Be careful, sir, there are bacteria on your knife!” Luo Zhixiang said fiercely.

.. ….. …

“Oh!” The bodyguard thoughtfully.

Then, took out a can of natural gas.

Spit out fire.


“Distressed Luo Zhixiang for a second!”

“I’m so laughing!”


The audience below roared with laughter,

Luo Zhixiang said exhaustedly: “What are you doing again. Where do you get so many fog weapons!”

The bodyguard said with a dull look: “Most of them are bought online!”

Luo Zhixiang said hurriedly, “I thought about it, it’s better to eat it raw!”

As soon as the voice fell, a fat bodyguard directly began to hold a paw and began to bite.

“What are you doing again!” Luo Zhixiang took out the twig and kept poking the bodyguard.

“Let go, let go!”

The fat bodyguard said: “I’m sorry, I’ve never talked about such a big octopus, I’m a little excited!”

The audience roared with laughter again.

The picture turns.

The octopus pretended to be a chef, and successfully chopped off one of its paws again and flew out of the window.

Liu Xuan retreated left and right.

He suddenly said coldly: “You are not a human!”

The audience was taken aback.

Has Shanshan’s identity been discovered?

They stared at Liu Xuan intently. If discovered, would he treat the mermaid like this?

“So nervous!”

A girl couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Shanshan was also completely stunned. She quietly took out a fishbone knife from the fishbone.

“It seems that Shanshan still wants to kill Liu Xuan!”

“No! Although Liu Xuan looks pretty bad, he doesn’t even know that it will affect the mermaid!” Ding.

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