Chapter 172

The audience couldn’t help being very nervous. Shanshan had been looking for opportunities before, but because of the crowd around, it was hard to start!

But now, it seems to be the best time!

“You are an angel!” After Liu Xuan said something, the audience felt relieved.

A young girl patted her breast exaggeratedly.

I was almost scared to death by Shanshan just now.


Liu Xuan said.


Shanshan panicked, a trace of doubt flashed across her face, has it been discovered?

She secretly stuffed the fishbone knife back into her bag.

He smiled and pulled out a ring.

Put it directly on Shanshan’s finger.

“Marry me!” Liu Xuan said solemnly to Shanshan. “Don’t you say you like me, I will marry you!”

Shanshan hurriedly struggled, trying to take off the ring on her hand.

“Aren’t you, you wear a little bit of dirt, eat, chirp, walking is weird, singing is terrible? Does it matter, I like it!”

Liu Xuan said solemnly.

“A business of tens of billions of dollars, I decided in a few seconds, but this decision, I thought about it all night!”

Shanshan ran away.

Liu Xuan chased after him without hesitation.

I met Ruolan on the road, and Ruolan satirized Liu Xuan with vicious language as always.

But Liu Xuan was really angry this time.

He didn’t want to fight with Ruolan like before, but directly tore his face with Ruolan.

Ruolan was angry.

She threatened with divestment.

But Liu Xuan, who always cares about money the most, only left one sentence: “I beg you, you want to withdraw quickly!”

Liu Xuan followed Shanshan all the way to the outside of Xiaopai on the cliff.

“It’s so touching!”

“It’s just that the overbearing president fell in love with me!” An audience member watched with great enthusiasm. “If I were a mermaid and met such a good man, I would definitely fall in love with the opposite!”

“But didn’t you see it? Octopus, they didn’t plan to let Liu Xuan go!” another person reminded.

Everyone seemed to remember this.

Everyone got involved in the plot of the movie again.

On the big screen, an anxious Liu Xuan just knocked on the door and found Shanshan who was half-man and half-fish.

Half man… half fish!

The secret was broken at this moment.

A hint of surprise flashed in Liu Xuan’s eyes.

Before he could say a word, he was knocked out by Luo Zhixiang with a hammer.

Luo Zhixiang knocked this stick very hard, and it was considered revenge for his previous injury.

When Liu Xuan found out that he was imprisoned, he was scared to death.

The people around were staring at Liu Xuan fiercely, holding sea urchins and various fishbone knives in their hands.

But at this time, still calmly negotiate with the mermaids.

“You let me go, I’ll turn off the sonar!”

But the mermaids didn’t believe him at all.

They have suffered a lot.

Many merfolk don’t even have a whole piece of flesh on their bodies.

The hearts of the audience agitated again.

Especially when Luo Zhixiang and others were all staring at Liu Xuan, the great villain in their mouths, except for Shanshan who hesitated, everyone seemed to hate Liu Xuan.

Liu Xuan was completely stunned.

He had never thought that he would cause them so much harm.

Slowly the mermaid began to believe in Liu Xuan,

Because they are kind by nature.

But Luo Zhixiang was unwilling. He stretched out his paw and wanted to kill Liu Xuan.

Fear flashed in Liu Xuan’s eyes.

He seems to have seen death.

When it was critical, Shanshan shot again and rescued Liu Xuan.

Liu Xuan ran away.

Liu Xuan ran to the police station, gasping for breath.

At this moment, Shanshan had already drew an equal sign with the monster in his heart, and they wanted to kill herself.

Originally, I wanted to marry someone home, but in a blink of an eye I wanted to kill myself with others, no, other fish gang killed myself!

He was almost frightened to death.

Out of instinct, Liu Xuan, who was still in shock, went into the police station.

But no matter how he explained it, the two policemen regarded him as insane.

“I was kidnapped by a mermaid just now!”

The two police officers immediately became serious.

“Who is the mermaid?”

“It’s half man and half fish!”

The police immediately took out a picture with a person on the left and a fish on the right.

“Not up and down, but left and right!”

Then there is another picture. The upper part is the fish tail, the lower part is the human lower body, and it is the lower body of a man.

“No chirps. She is female!”

Finally, Liu Xuan reluctantly described it: “Have you ever watched the movie, a mermaid with long hair and a very good figure, she chased me crazy and said I was handsome!”

The two policemen could no longer laugh.

Coupled with Liu Xuan’s anxious look.

The audience in the cinema was all laughing.

“This painting is really lifelike!”

“These two policemen are too funny, but they endured so hard!”

“What are you laughing at?” Liu Xuan was surprisingly angry.

Their personal safety is threatened, but they are still laughing at themselves?


But no matter what Liu Xuan said, they didn’t believe in themselves!

The two police officers said solemnly: “Mr. Liu, we are strictly trained people…. No matter how funny things are, we will not laugh!”

“Unless you can’t help it!”

Screen transition. Liu Xuan came to the company.

Even his assistant didn’t believe it.

But at this time, Ruolan appeared.

She was going to the other mermaid with Liu Xuan, but Liu Xuan was thinking whether she was really doing something wrong.

After walking out of the laboratory, he finally understood why the mermaid hated herself so much.

He also requested that the reclamation project be suspended.

Even, resolutely ask yourself to enter the sonar room and feel it!

The audience saw a trace of determination in Qin Zhong’s eyes.

“I tried it just now, it really doesn’t work!”

Walking out of the sonar room, Liu Xuan’s expression was weak, and at the same time he immediately grabbed the hearts of the audience.

Liu Xuan was finally lost, and the audience sympathized with Liu Xuan even more.

But Ruolan surreptitiously carried weapons of mass destruction to find the hiding place of the mermaids.

At this time, the screen became a unilateral beating.

It wasn’t until the appearance of the mermaid grandma that this picture was reversed.

“Wow! Grandma is mighty!”


The audience said very relieved.

The movie continues.

Shanshan was seriously injured and dying.

But when he knew the sonar was turned off, he smiled.

“I knew, he didn’t lie to me”

“Then at the end of the movie, Liu Xuan carried the Fetion device on his back and went to rescue Shanshan.

The audience thought that Liu Xuan would fall from the sky like “A Chinese Journey to the West”, stepping on colorful clouds under his feet to rescue Shanshan.

But this time, there is no hero.

There is no big scene of blood spurting.

There is no halo of the protagonist who is showing great power,

Only Liu Xuan, an ordinary person, with his own flesh and blood body, his pale face, step by step, holding Shanshan, who was seriously injured and dying, walked towards the coast.

But the audience was deeply attracted by Qin Zhong’s acting skills.

“So pretty!”

“I’m going to cry!”

“So torture! I can’t stand it anymore!”

When Ruolan shot with a fresh arrow again and again, every time, he snorted.

He even laughed to hide his pain.

As if forgetting what pain is,

The blue veins on his face were about to burst out, and the sweat was left drop by drop.

Enduring the pain, he said to Shanshan: “Don’t be afraid, I am not afraid of anything!”

Although Qin Zhong didn’t scream in pain, the audience couldn’t help crying. .

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