Chapter 219

In the directing room, Gore said in a panic: “This content has not been communicated before!”

“Don’t worry, haha, director Gore, this is also a temporary intention of that guy in Conan, but this is a live broadcast!”

“Since we have spoken out. It’s not easy to change our words, but just make two gestures at random!”

Director Qiao Shi said casually.

At this time, the audience also began to applaud and watched enthusiastically.

The next thing seems to be the highlight.

Qin Zhong stood up and said, “Actually, I have always wanted to keep a low profile, but now it’s time to perform real skills!”

Suddenly, a spectator in Muay Thai costume stood up suddenly, as if about to rush up.

The staff hurriedly stopped, but don’t know why, the staff frowned, as if the results of the talk were not very good.

To make matters worse, the man in the Muay Thai costume seemed very arrogant, gesturing to the air from time to time.

Conan hurriedly gave the photographer a wink and moved the lens away to prevent the person from entering.

Although only a few seconds of effort.

The audience still saw it,

All of a sudden, the audience below the TV station began to think about it.

“How is this going?”

“Is there an accident on the air?”

“Maybe it was a funny plot arranged by Conan, you know, this guy always does everything for the ratings!”

The audience at the scene all looked at Qin Zhong.

Gore’s voice came from the headset.

“what happened?”

Taking advantage of a few minutes of playing the commercial, Qin Zhong asked quickly.

“That person, Rose!” Gore immediately told him what he knew.

“He is the person in charge of a local Muay Thai club. He has practiced Muay Thai since he was a child. Now I heard that there are many disciples in the opening of the museum. He is very arrogant in this area. And that person is the son of the president of Paramount Film and Television. **!”

“It seems to be looking for the fault, the people in their program group are already dealing with it!”

Qin Zhong nodded and walked towards Rose head on.

Ross is about the same age as Qin Zhong, and he is nearly two meters tall. Although Qin Zhong is 1.82 meters tall, in front of Ross, he seems to be one size smaller.

And Rose is a terrifyingly huge muscle, looks very strong, seems full of power.

Comparing this horrible to explosive muscle, Qin Zhong appears a lot thinner.

After Rose saw Qin Zhong, he had a general idea in his mind.

He looked at Qin Zhong arrogantly.

“Boy, I heard that your martial arts are very powerful. ¨!”

“I’m here today. I just want to compare it with you!”

“By the way, avenge my good brother!”

With that, he pushed the staff beside him.

“My name is Rose Charles, have you heard of it?”

Conan stood up, seeming to want to mediate.

Damn, the audience who came today, they have all investigated, how can there be such a person?

Rose’s temper exploded.

“Fuck! What are you, get out of me!”

The temper of ** came up all at once.

Conan’s face was pale,

But this is a nationwide live broadcast, in case there is an accident.

Then the whole country knows it.

Conan was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Qin Zhong glanced at him.

Disdainfully said: “What Rose, I haven’t heard of it!”

“Do you want to compare with me? To be honest, I really look down on it!”

Rose sneered and said, “You kid, I broke my brother’s arm last time. You are very poisonous!”

“I came today to seek justice for my brother!”

Conan suddenly became nervous.

The security guard next to him was also very afraid of Qin Zhong’s mistake, and immediately surrounded Qin Zhong.

“Why, isn’t it going to perform China Kung Fu? Just your two tricks, playing with cats?”

“Still hiding behind the security, why don’t you hide under your mother’s bed!”

Qin Zhong said to those around him: “You first step back, I will solve this matter myself!”

“Since you challenge me, let’s compete!”

The five-minute advertising time is over.

I thought there was an accident in the talk show.

In a blink of an eye there were two more people on the stage.

Tables and chairs have been moved aside.

“I’m going! What is this?”

“Is this? Someone challenged it?”

“There is a good show!”

In the directing room,

Gore was grumpy like a lion.

“I’m telling you, director, what if Qin Zhong has gone wrong! Wait for the lawyer’s letter!”

Speaking of Gore, he rushed out.

Rose’s fist slammed into Qin Zhong.

It was like a beast that burst out suddenly.

The crew members below were all scared by Rose’s fierce moves and opened their mouths.

Cowardly, he covered his eyes.

Even the people in the director’s room turned pale with fright.

Gore yelled “Ah!” and rushed out directly.

Qin Zhong’s face sank.

Facing such a fierce Rose.

His face did not change in the slightest.

Then stretched out his hand and grabbed Rose’s hand tightly.

Rose’s face changed drastically.

He exhausted all his strength, but with Qin Zhong’s hand, he couldn’t get rid of it.

The faces of the audience behind also changed.

What power is this?

They see.

Qin Zhong’s palm tightly controlled the opponent.

At the same time, he stretched out his right hand and hit Rose’s knee with a punch.

“`” Looking for death!”

Rose sneered and hit his knee with his fist?

Who knows, just when Qin Zhong’s fist hit his knee,

Rose suddenly felt a sharp pain.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the sound of “click!”

He took ten steps backwards abruptly.

“Don’t blame me for your brother’s affairs!”

Qin Zhong clapped his hands.

“It was he who molested a girl first, so…”


Rose and several of his disciples were almost not scared to death.

In fact, Qin Zhong has been merciful just now.

Otherwise, Rose will have to go to the hospital to sleep for more than a month at least.

“well played!”

(The money is good) The audience cried.

“Real Kung Fu. That’s awesome!”

Rose looked at the man in front of him incredulously.

He is taller and stronger than the opponent, but why can such a terrifying force burst out of this man’s body?

He was completely beaten up by the opponent.

He didn’t even know how he was dragged out by several subordinates.

Conan looked at Qin Zhong in shock.

“Mr. Qin. What effort did you use just now?”

“Bagua Boxing!”

“Baguaquan!” Conan muttered the name.

Suddenly, he looked at Qin Zhong with extremely admiring eyes.

“Master, please accept me as an apprentice!”

He has opened his eyes now, knowing what real kung fu is.

Compared with the Mr. Qin in front of him, the performances in the previous movies are at the level of kindergarten.

Gore, who had already rushed to the audience, was also shocked.

Fortunately, there was no accident.


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