Chapter 220

Qin Zhong was taken aback by Conan’s funny look.

“no need!”

He hurriedly waved his hand, he didn’t think he wanted to let someone become his apprentice.

Conan looked at Qin Zhong full of resentment.

After the talk show was over, the director said apologetically: “I’m really sorry, we didn’t expect how that guy got in! It has brought you such a bad influence!”

Qin Zhong waved his hand and said, “Speaking of which, this incident was also caused by me!”

With that said, Qin Zhong told the story of Scarlett’s encounter with the rich second generation in the nightclub that day.

“Unexpectedly, Mr. Qin is so young. But he is a truly countless master!”

The director said with great respect,

People with strength will be respected wherever they go.

Qin Zhong Chao so they nodded.

Just went back with other people,

The viewers in front of the TV are already watching crazy!

“Qin Zhong’s actions are so handsome!”

“I love this man, he is so perfect!”

“The punch just now. From our professional point of view, it was perfect!”

Some people did not react.

“The one who came on suddenly. Will he come to challenge specially, or come to the program group to arrange it?”

“I think that person is murderous, and the surrounding staff are also very nervous. I don’t want to arrange it specially!”

“But speaking of it, no program group will let such a person on stage!”

There are different opinions among the audience as to whether that person is arranged by the program group.

But there is no doubt that everyone was completely fanned by Qin Zhong’s performance in this talk show.

It was only the witnesses at the time who gave a vivid account of the situation at that time.

Unfortunately, not many people want to believe it.

This time the talk show has once again brought a huge reputation and publicity effect to [Pirates of the Caribbean], and everyone is looking forward to watching a movie.

For this effect, it is obviously unexpected.

Conan did not expect that the ratings this time would be 38 points high, far surpassing any previous [Conan Talk Show]!

And it also caused a huge sensation on the Internet.

But Qin Zhong doesn’t care about all this.

Because he has other things to be busy.

The movie will be released in two days.

On the one hand, Qin Zhong has to worry about the release of [Pirates of the Caribbean] and also prepare [Wushuang] film company to prepare the next movie script.

Qin Zhong, Gore and several other creative staff came to the cinema together.

It is Qin Zhong’s habit to watch the premiere of a movie.

When every movie was released, he insisted that he would find a movie theater to watch it.

Although he is now internationally renowned, he still hasn’t lost this habit.

Only when you get to the middle of the audience can you know the success and failure of this movie.

Qin Zhong remembers that when his first movie [Wolf Warrior] was released, he also went to see it.

After returning to the hotel, Qin Zhong and Wu Jing two people, each took out a piece of paper, and each wrote dozens of comments.

Some come from the audience, and some come from their own opinions.

It is because of maintaining this original intention.

That’s why Qin Zhong can maintain its acumen in the market!

After arriving at the movie theater, Qin Zhong found that there were not many people here, so he frowned slightly.

A person in charge has already been there waiting.

After seeing Qin Zhong and his party walking past, he trot all the way, very enthusiastic.

“Mr. Qin, you guys came here so early!”

Qin Zhong looked around and said, “How about the lineup here, I don’t see many people here!”

There are twenty minutes left in the opening.

In the cinema, there were only a dozen people, sporadic.

Don’t they know the premiere today?

Or the publicity is not in place?

Qin Zhong glanced at several people in charge of propaganda, feeling a little disappointed.

Tony shook his head.

“Mr. Qin, you don’t know, it’s not that they won’t come, but they can’t buy tickets!”

“Except for the ten or so tickets prepared for you, all the other tickets in our cinema are sold out!”

“They have been in line since early morning, and we started selling at one o’clock in the afternoon, and it was all sold out in less than an hour!”

“Some fans lose their temper with our staff when they see that they can’t buy tickets!”

“We have decided to add two more games today, and this is not enough to satisfy the audience! It seems that this movie is about to burst!”

Tony said happily.

He has been in this business for so many years, and it has been a long time since he saw such a phenomenon.

Three hours before the opening, the movie tickets have all been sold out.

Under the leadership of the person in charge of the theater, everyone went into the theater.

The audience watched it very seriously.

Among these audiences, there are many fans and some professional film critics.

They wear glasses and small notebooks in their hands, and their eyes are harsh.

Roger is a well-known film critic, and if it weren’t for Gore’s relationship, it would be difficult to invite him over.

The reason is simple. Although Disney’s investment this time is very large, the film prediction agencies are not very optimistic about the film.

Especially after the trailer came out, many people were even less optimistic about this attempt by Disney.

A pirate with a wicked look in a demon, with smoky makeup, still pointed orchids when he spoke, and some people even used a lady to describe Captain Jack of Qin Zhong.

There are also some people who have watched the film internally and saw the film in advance. The news from them is not optimistic.

According to what those insiders said, it was completely “a captain who has a demon-like atmosphere, who doesn’t even have a ship!”

Even Disney’s executives expressed their worries and asked Gore to talk, saying, “I really don’t understand why you want a GAY to play such a heroic role!”

But Gore’s temper was also very violent, and he said: “If they mess up this time, I will resign by myself!”

Seeing Gore’s insistence, Disney’s top executives are naturally helpless, but they have secretly put Gore’s retirement on the agenda internally, thinking that Gore’s age is here and it is not suitable to make a large-scale movie. , They are going to let Gore make some children’s dramas.

These are all materials that Roger obtained from the inside, which was only disseminated in a small area, and the outside audience would not know it.

But Roger knew that most of the authoritative film critics knew about this news, so even the news advertised in the newspapers was overwhelming.

But Roger only thinks this is a fan phenomenon. .

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