Chapter 338

Shooting a movie so quickly does not conform to Disney’s style.

“Mulan” has spent a lot of money on investment and publicity. If the audience is not satisfied, Disney will lose money.

“Yeah, I’m very nervous about shooting every day, so I shoot naturally. Also, during the casting of “Mulan”, they filmed some of the usual plots.” Liu Yifei said.

Qin Zhong scratched his head. At this time, the film “Interstellar” was less than half shot, and it was time for Nolan to work harder.

“Well, I will shoot as soon as possible, and finish the film as quickly as possible,” Qin Zhong said.

“In order to be screened with “Mulan”?”

“Of course, do you want to see the movie you starred in and compete with my movie?” Qin Zhong asked with a smile.

“Yes, this is really a difficult challenge.” Liu Yifei joked with a smile.

“Well, it’s late, let’s rest first.” Qin Zhong said.

“Okay, good night.”

The phone hung up, Qin Zhong08 was a little bored lying in bed.

What Liu Yifei and Qin Zhong said are not commercial secrets.

Do you think that the six major film companies in Hollywood have a good relationship with each other?

Qin Zhong believes that when he is filming “Interstellar”, there will definitely be other companies observing the movements of the crew.

Not only Disney, but other companies don’t necessarily regard Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company as a friend.

Even when chatting with Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei did not reveal the progress of Disney’s filming of “Mulan”.

Qin Zhong only needs to know, it takes only a few hours to inquire about these news.

It seems that Nolan needs to speed up the filming of the movie. Disney is not looking for Qin Zhong’s trouble now. Qin Zhong still wants to find Disney’s trouble.

The next day, both Nolan and Micro Tower were urged by Qin Zhong.

In terms of filming and production, both sides have put a lot of effort into it.

Two months later, the film “Interstellar Crossing” was finally completed.

During the filming process, Qin Zhong thought that Disney would release the movie “Mulan”, but the Disney company seemed to be waiting for something and never let the movie be released.

Could it be that Qin Zhong’s “Interstellar” is finished?

Qin Zhong doesn’t care about this. Whether “Mulan” is waiting for “Interstellar” to be released, he will arrange the release date first and see how Disney will respond.

Sure enough, after Wushuang Company arranged the release of “Interstellar”, Disney also arranged the release date of “Mulan”, which was less than a week away from “Interstellar”.

Qin Zhong knew what Disney was thinking.

Want to rely on their super IP to put pressure on Qin Zhong’s box office?

Qin Zhong is really not afraid of this.

In Qin Zhong’s Wushuang company, there is still a person sitting in the office, it is Liu Yifei.

After the filming of “Mulan”, Liu Yifei did not leave Hollywood and continued to rent a house here.

Because Qin Zhong feels that Liu Yifei can be assigned a role in the movie.

After Qin Zhong came to Hollywood to shoot a movie, he didn’t know any Chinese actors.

Since Liu Yifei can come to Hollywood to make a movie, it can be considered that Liu Yifei’s luck and strength coexist.

Qin Zhong hasn’t figured out what kind of movie he can shoot.

“I have to look at the results of the movie “Interstellar” before I can decide what type of film to shoot in the future. Should you still have time to wait?” Qin Zhong asked Liu Yifei.

“Well, time is enough, and there is nothing for me in China, just wait in Hollywood.” Liu Yifei responded.

Regardless of whether there is anything going on in China, if Qin Zhong asks him to make a movie appointment, Liu Yifei will honestly wait in Hollywood.

The filming of “Mulan” really made Liu Yifei a lot of fame. Even if the film has not yet begun to be released, many film and television companies at home and abroad are looking for Liu Yifei to shoot new movies.

But Liu Yifei rejected all these films. No matter what film company’s films are, in Liu Yifei’s view, they are far less attractive than the films that Qin Zhong wants to prepare.

Each of Qin Zhong’s films has achieved very good results, and Liu Yifei believes that the quality of the films that she is going to make will not be bad.

Qin Zhong really intends to let Liu Yifei come to make a movie. It is the fate of the two to know Liu Yifei in Hollywood. It is not a big deal to let her be the protagonist of a movie.

But Qin Zhong hasn’t seen the results of the movie “Interstellar”, so he hasn’t figured out what type of film to shoot.

If the film “Interstellar Crossing” has good results, Qin Zhong will continue to shoot brain-burning movies.

But if the performance of this movie is not satisfactory to Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong plans to make an inspirational movie, so that he can watch it when his son grows up.

“After you finish filming “Mulan”, the pay will definitely go up. I want to sign the contract with you in advance so that the price is too high to be too expensive to sign.” Qin Zhong smiled.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you can play the protagonist in your movie, you don’t need to pay for it.” Liu Yifei smiled.

I don’t know how many people want to appear in Qin Zhong movies. There are so many people who want to take Qin Zhong movies for free.

Qin Zhong wouldn’t really let Liu Yifei get a zero salary, so he directly discussed the contract with Liu Yifei.

After half an hour of discussion, the signing contract between Qin Zhong and Liu Yifei was drawn up.

The next movie will have Liu Yifei appear in the movie, and the pay will be twice that of “Mulan”.

Liu Yifei wanted to refuse the offer, but Qin Zhong did not give him the opportunity to refuse, and first signed his name on it.

“You got a high salary with me. After you return to China, the salary will be doubled. I’m doing this for your own good.” Qin Zhong said, digging his ears.

After all, I have known each other for a few months. Qin Zhong feels that Liu Yifei is a good person, so I can help.

“Then thank you first.” Liu Yifei thanked.

“It’s okay. The movie will be released in a few days. I want to see what you can do in the movie “Mulan”.” Qin Zhong laughed.

One week after “Mulan” was released, it was the release date of “Interstellar”. Qin Zhong was full of expectations for the results of these two films.

Time slowly passed, and finally the movie “Mulan” began its premiere.

Qin Zhong brought several Wushuang company executives to a movie theater to watch the movie “Mulan”. .

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