Chapter 339

Qin Zhong saw the animated version of the movie “Mulan” when he was a child.

Originally, Qin Zhong also thought about shooting a movie version of “Mulan”, but the copyright is in Disney’s hands, and Qin Zhong can’t really buy it.

You must know that the Disney Company regards their copyright as more important than fate.

Qin Zhong was able to take away the copyright of the Joker’s movie, completely taking advantage of the loopholes.

If you want to take away the film copyright of this “Mulan”, you don’t have to think about it.

After coming to the cinema, Qin Zhong looked like this movie.

The trend of the plot inside is still relatively simple, it is a common story of Mulan joining the army for her father.

Compared with the animated version, the live-action movie version has some changes in the plot.

It’s a film whose plot trend is based on commercial films.

Apart from the actors, there seems to be no bright spot in the movie.

After all, it is bottled old wine, with a certain feeling in it, and the audience is willing to buy it.

On the day of the premiere, Qin Zhong was not sure whether “Mulan” could consistently surpass “Interstellar” at the box office.

But presumably the box office in China will not be bad.

Liu Yifei’s fans will buy it.

When the movie was over, Qin Zhong left with the Wushuang company.

After returning home, Qin Zhong turned on the computer to observe the evaluation of “Mulan” on the Internet at any time.

At any rate, Disney also took out their big IP for housekeeping, so at that night, the score of “Disney” was not low, and it had a high score.

This is only the day of the premiere. It is estimated that if this posture continues, it is not difficult for “Mulan” to score more than 9 points.

However, Qin Zhong’s “Interstellar” has not yet been released, and more people are focusing on “Interstellar”.

“Interstellar”, which will be released next week, will surpass “Mulan” in praise and box office?

The relationship between Wushuang and Disney is an open secret.

It can be seen from the fact that “Mulan” was filmed and there was no rush to release it. Disney has been waiting for the film “Interstellar”.

In the second week, “Interstellar” reached its premiere day.

On the day of the premiere of “Interstellar”, it was considered a big event in the entertainment circle of Hollywood.

They want to see what the quality of the movie is. In the promotional film, the movie lasts close to three hours. If you want to sit and watch the movie honestly, for people with ADHD, maybe It’s a kind of suffering.

But the more so, the more they want to know what the movie is about.

It can be seen from the name of the movie that the movie has something to do with space, so what about the word crossing?

Is it talking about traveling through time and space in space?

If you want to go back, you still have to finish watching this movie.

Maybe if this movie is successful, it will give them some inspiration.

So after the movie started, in addition to the audience who watched the movie, the people from the film and television companies were all attentively looking at the movie.

The first few minutes of the movie are relatively flat and even boring.

It’s just telling about human life in the future.

But with the development of the plot, the movie gradually moved closer to science fiction, and they felt the hard-core scene of this movie.

The whole movie lasted for nearly three hours. No one left their seats. They watched the movie with wide eyes, for fear that they would not understand the movie if they missed a sentence.

Even more nervous than when watching “Inception” before, “Inception” has a certain flat plot, which can relax their spirits.

But in the movie “Interstellar”, once it enters the middle stage, don’t even think about being distracted.

Even if you miss a few seconds, you may not understand the plot of this movie in one sentence.

It was not until the end of the movie that they gradually came back to their senses.

The brain-burning level of this movie definitely exceeds that of “Inception”, and it is another masterpiece of the year!

“This is the strength of Wushuang, we have to study hard. ¨.” Warner’s president smiled wryly.

“I thought “Inception” is the top genre of brain-burning movies, but the plot of “Interstellar” has surpassed my imagination.”

“Using science to explain feelings, no, it is explaining family affection? I have never seen such a way in any movie. This is definitely another way!”

After they watched the movie, the contents of it could no longer be described as shock.

Even last week’s “Mulan” movie is not half as good as “Interstellar” in terms of quality.

Not even a third.

In the eyes of the audience, “Mulan” is a classic animation adapted from a real person.

But in the eyes of film and television companies, it’s just a commercial movie that sells feelings.

As long as they can have a well-known IP, they can also be adapted.

But “Interstellar” is different, he doesn’t have any well-known IP, it’s a completely independent story.

A super hardcore science fiction film.

“`” I believe that this movie will not only be liked by the audience, but will even cause turmoil in the scientific community. ”

The CEO of Twentieth Century Fox swallowed and said.

“Let’s go, there won’t be any movie surpassing Interstellar this year.”

The audience who watched this movie left with satisfaction after the movie ended.

But no one knows what the people in the film and television companies are thinking after watching the movie.

The success of “Interstellar” allowed them to really appreciate a good movie, but they also had a sense of fear for Qin Zhong’s talent.

You know that the director of this movie is Nolan, and Qin Zhong also helped a lot in it.

As for the screenwriter, Qin Zhong is the only one!

In other words, this movie was completely conceived by Qin Zhong alone.

“For such a family (good Li Zhao), who would dare to be an enemy of him?”

The presidents of Hollywood’s major film and television companies have this sentence in their minds.

On the night of its premiere, the movie “Interstellar” was screened on the Internet.

Both “Interstellar” and “Mulan” will be released at the same time around the world. According to the time of country M, they will be released at 8 o’clock in the evening.

After the premiere of “Interstellar”, I don’t know how many people discussed the film on the Internet.

Even well-known academic circles have conducted a rigorous analysis of this film.

The idea in this movie, even they didn’t even think of it, actually appeared in a movie.

What if the idea in this movie can come true?

This may change the world!

Those so-called intellectuals disdain to watch so-called commercial films.

But once a movie gives them a sense of identity, they will put aside everything to flatter them. .

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