Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 62 Meeting Liu Yifei For The First Time

Just like that, Wang Zulan also became interested. He has so much experience in hosting, and he has many more jokes in his mind than Qiubai.

You said something to me, and the room was filled with laughter.

After a while, Li Chen came, and so did Zhen Kai. When Chen Chichi came, the laughter became even louder.

Wang Zulan even had a great time chatting with Qiu Bai, so he took the initiative to introduce Qiu Bai to several people, which helped Qiu Bai avoid embarrassment.

So when Yang Mi arrived and saw Qiu Bai mingling with a group of people, she was stunned.

Originally, she was thinking that today's artist Qiu Bai had the lowest status and the most junior qualifications, and Yang Mi was worried that he would be isolated, so she wanted to take care of him.

She never thought that Qiubai could talk and laugh with so many people. How did he do it.

Again, Qiubai is not inferior to anyone in terms of humaneness and sophistication!

Moreover, today's good relationship is not over yet, and it will bring more rewards to Qiu Bai soon.

As Yang Mi entered, others also entered one after another.

Chao Ge and his wife, Liu Shishi, are all here.

But compared with others, Master Liu sat quietly and didn't talk to anyone as soon as he came in.

Qiu Bai was a little confused. Although Liu Shishi was the first to create a character as pale as a chrysanthemum, judging from the circumstances of her breakup with Tang Ren, she was also a person who was good at dancing and shouldn't be so withdrawn.

Later Qiubai discovered that Liu Shishi was not withdrawn, but that she was not getting along with Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was chatting and laughing with everyone, but she didn't want to come over.

Thinking about this, Qiu Bai remembered that Liu Shishi was the bridesmaid when Yang Mi got married, but Yang Man was not informed when Liu got married.

Moreover, when facing the media, one said that they had not been notified, and the other said that they did not know. They all insisted on their own opinions. Anyway, the final conclusion was that the two people had broken up.

But according to Qiu Bai's memory, it seems that the two of them reconciled again.

All I can say is that the plastic sisterhood in your circle is really messy!

When Liu Shishi entered the room, not long after, the door was pushed open again.

Qiu Bai raised his head and glanced, and when he saw clearly who was coming, his eyes immediately lit up.

Liu Yifei is here!

Qiu Bai looked at Liu Yifei. She was really beautiful, but the clothes she wore were really ugly. The title of fashion disaster was indeed well-deserved.

If others have an elegant and indifferent personality, Liu Yifei is just the opposite. She never forgets to show her side.

Whether it's an interview or a variety show, this girl is so casually funny.

But the more this happens, the more Yinjia feels that she has such an airy temperament.

Qiu Bai didn't understand it very well before, but now that she has seen it with her own eyes, she finally understands that her every gesture, every frown and every smile exudes such a temperament.

This kind of temperament developed since childhood cannot be destroyed casually.



Yang Mi and Liu Yifei hugged each other, they were very close!

Famous paintings of the century, after next year, if you think Yang Mi and Liu Yifei can still hug each other so intimately, that is really a fantasy.

"Sissi, come here, I'll introduce you to someone."

Yang Mi pulled Liu Yifei to Qiu Bai's side, took a look at Qiu Bai and said with a smile:

"The Liu Yifei you have been thinking about for a long time is here. Do you want an autograph or a photo taken with her?"

One sentence made Qiu Bai and Liu Yifei embarrassed.


Mom, I saw Liu Yifei acting like a spoiled child.

"Hahahaha, Sissi, let me introduce to you. This is Qiu Bai, the artist I signed. He is your loyal fan. He is clamoring for me to bring him to see you every day."

"Ahem, boss, thank you for your kind words. I am very grateful.

Hello Teacher Yifei, I am Qiubai, a newcomer, and I am your fan. "

"Hello Qiubai, I know you, thank you for your like.

"Hey, are you so serious? What did you tell me?"

Qiu Bai looked at Yang Mi with pleading eyes, "What did I tell you? I want to sleep with Liu Yifei? Can you say this?"

"Okay, we've met and said hello, let's go. Sissi, please stay away from him in the future. Let me tell you, this guy is not a good person."

Qiu Baibai was dumbfounded. This is how you put eye drops on me, right?

Just like that, the first meeting between Qiu Bai and Liu Yifei ended like this. They didn't even get their contact information. What a pity.

After the people from the red team arrived, almost everyone from the other teams arrived, and soon they were notified to gather backstage.

It was only when Qiu Bai came backstage that he realized what real stardom was. More than fifty big stars who could usually only be seen on TV or in the cinema were all gathered behind the curtain at this moment. It was really dazzling.

There was a staff member organizing the positions, and Qiu Bai wisely stood at the end. Standing next to him was Zhang Yixing, one of the current traffic figures.

However, as soon as the two people said hello, Zhang Yixing was pulled away by Huang Bai and stood beside him.

Yang Mi no longer cares about Qiubai, she is competing with several female stars for position.

In front of the curtain, teacher Han Hong was singing. Behind the curtain, more than fifty celebrities didn't say a word, but Qiu Bai was watching with gusto.

When Teacher Han Hong sang the chorus, the curtain opened.

What's even more interesting is that although the staff has arranged the positions, there are still people who strode to the front of the crowd in two quick steps.

For example, Liu Yifei, who was originally arranged to stand in the middle, was blocked by Bai Yizhi because she was slow.

Qiu Bai calmly acted as the backdrop. It was really pointless to compete for a position like this. What he wanted was to be the same as Li Bingbing.

No matter how slow the pace is, even if there is no competition or grabbing, the C position is unshakable, and what is snatched is not recognized after all.

The appearance of many stars made the audience applaud politely, and the fans who entered the venue cheered enthusiastically.

Qiu Bai saw his own cheering light at a glance among the fans. Although they were not the most numerous among the crowd, they still had their place.

Although he didn't know if they could see it, Qiubai still waved in that direction, and then stood there quietly as a backdrop.

After taking a group photo, everyone left from the other side of the stage and began to enter.

The seats were all arranged, and Qiu Bai was placed in the third row on the left, uh, the last row of the 220-seat table.

Then I watched this celebrity feast quietly.

During the auction, although he also had a number plate, he was not allowed to hold it up.

That's right, this auction is raising funds. Even if you want to donate money, you have to see if you are qualified.

Those who can raise placards must at least be on the second line. Others can donate money if they want. You can donate in private later.

Collection after collection was sold for ten times or even hundreds of times higher than the market price. Big names teased each other, joked with each other, and made each other laugh.

If someone's performance can make the big guys in the audience hold up a sign for him once, it will be a very honorable thing.

Even Brother Chao and even Huang Bai are no exception.


At this moment, Qiu Bai finally understood why Yang Mi wanted to climb to the position of capital.

After feeling all this deeply, Qiu Bai finally understood why some people on the Internet said that celebrities are just actors in the eyes of big bosses.

At this moment, a seed in Qiu Bai's heart began to sprout slowly.

He doesn't feel humiliated. Being able to sit in this position and walk into this hall is not a humiliating thing in itself.

He was just envious, envious of the unstoppable boss, "I was envious of Song's position of being able to make a female star look good for them with just a few words.

Do princes and generals like Xiang Ning have the guts?

Although I don't know why Cheng Sheng and Wu Guang said such a sentence back then, Qiu Bai also thought of this sentence at this moment.

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