Entertainment: This Bit Player Is Crazy

Chapter 63 Money Is Such A Good Thing!

In the final celebrity fundraising session, Qiubai silently donated a set of ambulances, which was the ticket.

If you are not willing to donate even this, there will be no trace of you in such activities in the future.

What's more, Teacher Guo Degang is on the stage - reading the name of the donor, you just say you have the nerve to sit and listen?

After the group photo, there is a donation link, which is the real love link.

Those who want to do charity can come here to donate, but there are only a few people.

After all, according to past practice, this list will not be exposed, and no one will know about the donations. For celebrities, it is a loss-making business.

When Qiu Bai came, he happened to meet Brother Xiao Ming and his wife who had finished donating.

One thing to say, although many people say that Brother Xiao Ming is greasy, he has never been absent from charity work.

After saying hello to Brother Xiao Ming with a smile, Qiu Bai came to the registration place.

"Hello, please help me remember that Yang Mi donated 3 million and Qiu Bai donated 200,000!"

The staff member raised his head and glanced at Qiubai, who smiled and said:

"Yang Mi is my boss. She is busy socializing and has no time to come over. She asked me to donate."

"Okay, thank you for your love, please transfer the money here."

After Qiu Bai finished transferring money, he turned around and found Liu Yifei.

"Teacher Yifei."

"Qiubai? You too?"

"Well, a love."


"OK, bye."

Liu Yifei nodded and then walked towards the registration place.

In her previous life, Liu Yifei was always criticized for her nationality, but her name was always on the donation list every year.


When he went back, Qiu Bai went with Yang Mi. Sitting in the car, Qiu Bai held his chin with one hand and looked out the window, but his eyes were empty.

Yang Mi glanced at Qiu Bai doubtfully and said:

"What's wrong with you? Do you regret not getting Liu Yifei's contact information?"

Qiu Bai smiled and shook his head.

This reaction made Yang Mi even more confused. Ever since the two broke through the last layer of their relationship, Qiu Bai had not been so honest in front of her.

"What's wrong with you? You shouldn't be shocked, right? Let me tell you, you've only debuted for half a year and you don't have any works. It's already amazing to be here.

If it weren't for your popularity on the Internet, you wouldn't even be able to get a ticket. Look at Reba, she's considered a second-tier actress now, and she can't even come here.

Don't get discouraged after being a backdrop once, just have fun~|| "

"No, I'm not thinking about that."

"Then what are you doing? Pretending to be depressed with me."

"No, I just think money is really a good thing."


Yang Mi couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"That's not what I meant. What I meant was that I always thought that the value of money was purchasing power. With money, you can buy whatever you want.

Today I really felt the power of money. If you have money, you can ask the movie king to make you laugh. If you have money, you can ask the movie queen to flatter you.

If you are rich, you only need to spend hundreds of thousands to have members of the national variety show do push-ups for you on the spot. If you are rich, just a word and a popular little girl can perform a dance for you.

Boss, maybe I should apologize to you. "

"What do you want to apologize to me for?"

"Before, I always felt that you gave up a lot of things in order to climb up, and I thought you were a bit greedy.

If you don’t have to worry about food and food, why do you still make yourself so tired?

Today, maybe I understand you a little bit. "

Yang Mi sighed and said:

"The sky is so big when you are in the well, but when you climb out, you realize how vast the outside world is.

At one time, my dream was just to be in a movie. Later, I wanted to be a heroine. And then I wanted to be in a movie.

As I came into contact with more and more people, and the things I saw became more and more beyond my knowledge, I realized that the world could still be like this. "

Qiu Bai nodded in approval.

Yang Mi continued:

"Qiu Bai, you should be lucky."


"Now you have seen the peak and the beautiful scenery from above, but you have not lowered your head yet.

When one day, you lower your head and suddenly find that there is a height of 10,000 meters below you, then you will understand that people can only climb up, and they will be shattered if they fall.

Although you can see further if you stand higher, the higher you fly, the more tragic your death will be if you fall.

However, I hope you will never have the opportunity to look down. That fear will be deeply rooted in your bones and unforgettable. "

Qiu Bai looked at Yang Mi, then stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms and said softly:

"Don't worry, from now on, you will still have me behind you. I will hold you firmly and never let you fall down."

"Although I am very touched by your words, how can you support me with your little achievements now?

Wait until you can protect me again and say this to me again. "

Qiu Bai was speechless and choked up. Sure enough, an eighteen-year-old girl is still easy to deceive. Even when she was twenty, she began not to believe in love.

But Yang Mi didn't know that Qiubai's protection for her would come soon.

".`Wait a minute, this is not the way to the company.

"I'm tired today, let's go to the hotel."

Qiu Bai's eyes lit up when he heard this, and Yang Mi rolled her eyes at him:

"You get excited when you say this, right?"

"Well, hey, the boss is always willing to serve you!"

At the company, he has to run to the lounge every time before dawn, but the hotel is more comfortable.

"Didn't you get your salary? If you don't want to buy it, you can rent a house. Hotels are not safe after all."

"I know, I'll rent it tomorrow."

He definitely can't afford it now. He has spent nearly four million, so how can he still have money?

"By the way, Sissi told me today that she has accepted a movie based on a novel called Three Lives, Three Worlds and a Peach Blossom.

Qiu Bai trembled when he heard this.

"Are you so excited when you hear about Liu Yifei?"

"No, oops, you don't understand."

"Hmph! It's not easy for Yifei after so many years (making good money). She can hardly survive on the big screen. It's really not easy to get this movie this time. It's really great.

Qiu Bai looked at Yang Mi. Who would have thought that the two of them broke up completely because of this movie in their last life.

"By the way, I asked her to ask the director if she could arrange a role for you when the movie starts shooting, and she agreed.'

"Haha, let's talk about it then."

"What's your tone? Do you know how rare it is to get Sissi to ask for help? She hardly asks for help and doesn't know how to cherish it."

"Cherish, of course I cherish it, but rather than being grateful to Liu Yifei, I think I should be more grateful to you for cultivating me, right?"

"You can talk."

The two of them said that the car had stopped. Qiu Bai and Yang Mi got into the hotel fully armed, and then. . . It didn’t stop much the whole night.

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