Yuan Nong's telegram to his superiors has not received a reply, but in order to avenge Zeng Moyi, he still decided to go his own way and kill Zheng Yaoxian without the permission of his superiors. This unorganized and undisciplined behavior will inevitably lead to a big mistake.

When seeing this, all the people in the CCTV delegation were silent, with black lines on their heads.

Because in history, such teammates who pitted and were brainless really existed.

Ignoring the orders of superiors and going his own way, many teammates died innocently.

However, this also proves from another point that "Kite" is indeed a good drama. Although it is a bit of a reference to reality, it is very real!

The guerrillas under Yuan Nong have already ambushed, and the Central Bureau of Investigation has sent an action team to be ready to make up the knife at any time.

The Military Bureau of Investigation and Lu Hanqing who can save Zheng Yaoxian are still on the way.

The rickshaw has sent Zheng Yaoxian to the ambush site of the guerrillas. Fortunately, the alert Zheng Yaoxian found that something was wrong and quickly hid in the house next to him and exchanged pistols with the guerrillas.

When the guerrillas were attacking, they shouted to avenge their dead comrades, which made Zheng Yaoxian suddenly startled. In such a moment of distraction, he was shot in the chest by the guerrillas who did not know the truth.

When the guerrillas came forward to check on Zheng Yaoxian, they were shot to death by the Central Bureau of Investigation and Statistics.

The troops of the Military Bureau of Investigation and Statistics arrived suddenly and quickly sent the seriously injured Zheng Yaoxian to the hospital.

The trick of the Central Bureau of Investigation and Statistics agents succeeded, not only causing the Communists to kill each other, but also causing Zheng Yaoxian to be shot and his life to hang by a thread, and also causing three guerrillas to die in vain.

However, it is regrettable that Zheng Yaoxian, whom they tried to kill, did not die, and this blood debt must be paid with blood.

Zheng Yaoxian's attack shocked the Military Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, and both the leaders and ordinary spies put on various scenes, full of black humor.

Even Dai Li came to the hospital to visit in person. He learned the whole story from his men.

The next day, Zhao Jianzhi arrested a group of innocent people and shot them all to scare them.

Aimezhen was also killed by the Military Control Commission. Gao Zhanlong learned that Zheng Yaoxian was fine. He knew that their days were over. He did not dare to bear Zheng Yaoxian's revenge and immediately decided to separate from Tian Hu and hide.

After watching the second episode, all the members of the CCTV delegation were unable to recover for a long time.

The plot was full of ups and downs, with twists and turns.

Zheng Yaoxian, played by Liu Yunlong, performed very well, far beyond the expectations of the CCTV group.

They originally thought that the potential of this young man had actually been exhausted, but they did not expect that he would shine in the play "Kite".

"Anyway, the script is very good. I didn't expect Liu Yunlong to give us such a surprise."

"In fact, what surprised me the most was that this guy turned out to be the director of the drama "Kite". This is really rare."

"It seems that he has much greater potential as a director than as an actor."

"I have watched two episodes. Tell me what you think!"

"I think this drama is very good. Liu Yunlong wrote a good script, acted very well, and it is very real. It can be bought."

"Not bad, very good. After "The Hidden", I haven't seen such an excellent spy drama for a long time. I have a hunch that if this drama is broadcast, the ratings will definitely not be bad."


After watching the first two episodes, the people of the CCTV delegation would definitely be lying if they said they were not moved.

Especially Liu Yunlong's performance, which exceeded their expectations. In addition to being a very good actor, he is also very good at directing.

This also made Liu Yunlong's evaluation in everyone's heart rise to a higher level.

Of course.

Here we have to talk about Zhou Entertainment Media. They always have a very sharp and accurate vision, and can discover those talented and potential actors, which makes people have to admire them.

Especially Zhou Yang, the coal boss, the title of the God of Investment is really not exaggerated.

It would be great if they could also discover these talented newcomers.

After a slight sigh, I saw the executive representative of CCTV this time, turned around and looked at Zhou Yang with a smile, and said: "Mr. Zhou, we want this "Kite", please name a price!"

"I wonder if everyone is satisfied this time?"

Zhou Yang did not answer in a hurry, but asked first.

"Very satisfied."

The executive representative is a middle-aged man, vigorous and vigorous, with outstanding momentum, and directly slapped the table and said: "To be honest, I think this drama is very good. I have a hunch that this "Kite" will sell well, so I hope your company can bear the pain and give it up."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang smiled slightly and said nothing.

Zhou Xu next to him, however, opened his mouth at this time.

"Boss Zhou, I think it's a good idea to sell this drama to CCTV. Why don't we just agree to it? Just treat it as a favor. It will be more convenient to ask them for things in the future."

It must be said that Zhou Xu is really experienced in doing things, and he has a good vision. He knows what to say and when to say what. This is what Zhou Yang thinks.

"Haha, since Boss Zhou has said so, then let's make it a deal. The broadcast time of Feng Kite is yours."

Zhou Yang waved his hand and said domineeringly.

Seeing him so happy, the CCTV delegation was also delighted.

Good guy.

They didn't even talk about the price.

These people from Zhou Entertainment Media are really good comrades!

After the CCTV delegation negotiated the price with Zhou Xu, they quickly left the company with the finished film.

Zhou Xu said happily: "I can't tell, the drama "Kite" is still quite valued by them."

"It's not surprising. There are many anti-Japanese war-themed film and television works in this short period of time. Perhaps the quality and quality must be guaranteed by our Zhou Entertainment Media."

In fact, Zhou Yang is very clear that the reason why anti-Japanese war-themed TV series can have such a hot market now is mainly due to his "Bright Sword".

In "Bright Sword", anti-Japanese war-themed TV series and spy war-themed TV series are all unpopular, and no director is willing to shoot them.

But it's different now. With the emergence of "Bright Sword", the dead water of anti-Japanese war-themed TV series has been officially activated.

Even ten years later, it is still very popular.

However, when Zhou Yang heard the plots such as "Anti-Japanese War Heroes" and tearing the devils with bare hands, he couldn't help laughing.

You said you were going to shoot a movie, so why did you make it so outrageous.

To tear the devils with bare hands, why don't you use an embroidery needle to shoot airplanes and cannons.


This is all ten years later, and has nothing to do with the present self, so Zhou Yang doesn't need to think about these things.

Chapter 262

"By the way, Lao Zhou, how is the filming of Painted Skin going?"

Zhou Yang asked.

Hearing this, Zhou Xu shook his head and replied: "It's not very ideal. I don't know what happened. First Zhou Xun almost drowned, and then was saved by Chen Kun. Later, the heroine, Qin Lan, was also injured."

"Qin Lan was injured?"

Zhou Yang frowned. Zhou Xun almost fell into an ice hole in Painted Skin. None of the crew members found it, and it was Chen Kun who saved him.

He knew about this matter.

But Qin Lan's sudden accident and inexplicable injury still made him nervous.

"Do you want to go and see?"

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