The reason why he chose to become a popular male anchor is simply because he likes the emerging media industry of live streaming!

If he really plans to sign a contract with someone on the Internet... doesn't that mean that he needs to use his original contract?

Isn't that asking for trouble?


Considering the various realistic problems faced on the Internet from now to now, after feeling the extreme helplessness and heavy psychological pressure revealed by Zhou Yang, Miss Puff had to choose to watch Zhou Yang quietly for the time being.

See what amazing actions Zhou Yang will take for her next.

And see what countermeasures Zhou Yang will take for her next.

At the same time... Miss Puff is also afraid that Zhou Yang will really choose to continue to fly solo and give up signing with her.

After all, such a situation is indeed a headache for Zhou Yang himself.

Because if she really wanted to go solo, it would mean that she would terminate the contract with the boss of Dongxing Media, the largest live streaming platform on the Internet.

So... why is this necessary?

Isn't that just a matter of getting herself into trouble?

So... why is this necessary?

It has no practical significance at all!

And... in Miss Puff's opinion, since things have come to this point, why should she try to communicate with Zhou Yang foolishly?

Because this is undoubtedly asking for trouble!

Because if she really wants to go solo, she can only use the contract she originally signed with Dongxing Media, which is the simplest and most direct thing.

So... considering the various realistic problems she has faced on the Internet from now on, and after feeling the extremely helpless and heavy psychological pressure revealed by Zhou Yang, Miss Puff had to temporarily choose to watch Zhou Yang silently.

See what kind of amazing moves Zhou Yang will make for her next.

Then, Zhou Yang actually signed a contract with her.

And this signing shook the entire live broadcast platform. Zhou Yang's appearance instantly shook the entire live broadcast market.

Countless companies are contacting Zhou Yang, hoping to poach him.

At the same time, more companies are observing Zhou Yang, wanting to see if this guy who suddenly appeared has the same ability to bring goods as them.

Some people even expressed their sincerity with practical actions.

That is, they really plan to take out 5 million cash as Zhou Yang's signing base salary.

But Zhou Yang politely refused.

He only agreed to be a host for Miss Puff.

And there are no conditions or restrictions.

However, if he violates any of the provisions in the contract, he will have to compensate three times the total amount lost according to the popularity of his live broadcast room.

The contract was signed very quickly, and it only took half an hour from signing to fulfillment.

Miss Puff didn't know what was happening on the Internet at the moment.

Because of her recent busy exams, her schedule every night is almost full, and she has very little time to rest. Today is the same situation, so she has been sleeping in her room all the time, and she has not even left the door.

At this moment, after hearing Zhou Yang say that he is willing to sign a contract with her, she excitedly sat in front of the computer and smiled like a child.

Miss Puff really didn't expect that she could really become an Internet celebrity one day.

She really didn't expect that she could really get something with her own efforts.

Even if these things are nothing in the eyes of others, as long as they can make her happy, it is enough.

Zhou Yang then showed her his account.

The number of fans of this account is still relatively small, only about two thousand.

However, this is already the most powerful group of anchors in the live broadcast platform of Miss Puff.

Among the countless live broadcast rooms, a Zhou Yang suddenly appeared. And this Zhou Yang seems to be more topical than the previous live broadcast anchor Dongyang. Because he is doing charity, and the amount of donations is quite large. Ever since Zhou Yang did those things in obscurity, the entire Internet has been filled with legends about him—

Top Ten Outstanding Youths of the Year, Top Ten Outstanding Youths in the Country, Top 100 on the Forbes Young Rich List, the world's youngest billionaire...The accumulation of various honors made his life so busy that people gradually forgot his real name was Zhou Yang. So under the eager anticipation of fans, Zhou Yang resolutely chose to retire temporarily.

So, the only identity Zhou Yang left to many netizens was a sales expert, philanthropist, billionaire, etc.

Every day, watching different Zhou Yangs transform on different platforms and become stars in various fields, the attention and gifts from fans can be said to have broken one record after another.

Only Miss Puff can compare with such a scene.

In this regard, she knew it well: "Don't look down on me! Didn't you rush to the second place in the rankings at the beginning?"

Therefore, after feeling that Zhou Yang now has a huge traffic that far exceeds hers, Miss Puff also chose to agree to become Zhou Yang's exclusive sales anchor without hesitation.

After all, fighting alone on the Internet is not a long-term solution.

She needs to use Zhou Yang's traffic to increase her income.

On the other hand, Zhou Yang did not show much surprise when he felt that Miss Puff came to him solemnly and seemed to intend to cooperate with him for a long time.

After all, he had long been accustomed to such tricks by celebrities in the entertainment industry.

However, Zhou Yang's account has the most viewers among them.

In terms of the number of fans alone, it has even exceeded the top anchor with the title of the top ten of the year.

This is enough to prove that Zhou Yang has a strong ability to bring goods, and it also reflects who is the most popular one in the entire live broadcast platform.

"What should I do now?" Miss Puff asked.

"You don't have to do anything right away, because there is still a lot of time left, so I suggest you appreciate your current popularity first." Zhou Yang reminded her.

If you want to make the signing more smooth, it seems that you should interact more with the audience.

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