Only in this way can signing a contract become easier.

Otherwise, even if the contract is signed successfully, what should you do after leaving the live broadcast platform?

Even if there are 3,000 people here who are willing to follow you because they like you, what should you do if some of them only follow you because of your face?

They just like your face, not really like you as a person.

So, in this case, interaction becomes particularly important.

Interaction is the process of communicating and exchanging with fans.

Only if you treat your fans sincerely and listen to their ideas more, your fans may like you more and more.

Only in this way can you have a greater chance when signing a contract.

There is no problem in interaction, and then you should consider how to increase the number of fans.

Although there are still relatively few fans at present, there are many resources on the platform.

These resources include promotion resources sponsored by major companies, promotion resources of major Internet celebrities, and promotion resources of some celebrities, etc.

He was just curious about what kind of conditions Miss Puff would put forward.

However, what he didn't expect was:

Miss Puff, who usually looks very quirky, was acting particularly serious and serious at this moment.

She looked at Zhou Yang seriously and said, "I need you to be my full-time anchor in the game field."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but complain in his heart:

I really didn't expect that this quirky girl would actually play such heavy things!

"Okay, but I have a condition."

Miss Puff said, "You must open all your social accounts for free and cannot do anything that damages your image."

Zhou Yang nodded and agreed.

He didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, as a public figure, he has the right and obligation to maintain his image.

Besides, if the cooperative relationship with Miss Puff is terminated, it is equivalent to losing a large number of fans that have been accumulated so far.

Therefore, at this moment, even for the sake of the future, he must comply with this requirement.

Only in this way can he continue to be active on the Internet.

"There is another point."

Miss Puff added: "Since we are going to cooperate in the field of games, you'd better show some achievements in games."

Hearing her say this, Zhou Yang immediately fell into thought-

Logically speaking, a hard-working and serious girl like Miss Puff must have already put all her thoughts into the game.

At least, from her recent live broadcast, it can be seen that her daily time is almost fully arranged.

If you really want to achieve enough results in the field of games, it is indeed a very difficult thing.

Among these promotional resources, celebrity promotion is the most important one.

Because fans hope that the anchors they follow can appear on certain programs instead of their idols, thereby increasing their popularity.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, celebrity resources are undoubtedly the top.

"Then... what should I do?"

Miss Puff is a little unclear about what to do at a specific time.

After all, she has not really entered the live broadcast circle yet, and her understanding of many things is just superficial.

"You don't need to do anything for now, just go online on time at 8 o'clock every night for the next three days.

During these three days, I will arrange two popular anchors to live broadcast together.

If you think this is not enough to boost the popularity of the entire live broadcast room, then I will arrange two more Internet celebrities to accompany you to live broadcast.

Anyway, they themselves have a lot of fans, and if they live broadcast with you, their popularity will not be lower than your live broadcast of any one person alone.

In general, I will let you feel the unprecedented grand occasion."

Zhou Yang suggested.

Although the number of fans of nza during this period is only a few hundred thousand, its popularity has already surpassed most of the star artists.

The reason is that in addition to his own strong appeal, it is also related to the many promotional resources he has.

After all, the resources that can be controlled by him are very top-level and do have a high conversion rate.

The live broadcast platform opened by Zhou Yang is one of the excellent live broadcast platforms he chose.Here, not only are there the top live broadcast resources on the entire network, but also the most recognized strongest card in the network anchor circle - Star Show.

The so-called Star Show is the highest level, and it is also the most stable level division.

In other words, as long as your level is high enough, even if you are a newcomer who has just entered the live broadcast industry, you can quickly accumulate your popularity on the Star Show platform.

In terms of the background, although Miss Puff cannot mobilize too many resources for the time being.

But as her good girlfriend, Zhou Yang can still use his influence to open a live broadcast account for her on several other major live broadcast platforms.

At that time, whether it is a newly registered account or an old account, it will have a turnover of over one million on the same day.

After all, even if the anchor is old, he cannot support the turnover of the entire live broadcast room by himself.

"Okay! I got it!"

Miss Puff agreed very readily: "I will play by myself for the next three days, and you can work with peace of mind. I will come to see you again in three days!"


Zhou Yang nodded and left the room immediately.

After walking out of the door, he couldn't help but sigh softly.

Half a year has passed since he was inexplicably pulled into this live broadcast circle.

During this period of time, he has indeed experienced many pleasures that even celebrities cannot enjoy.


If he really couldn't give up his current identity, he should have quit this circle and chosen to live an ordinary life as early as the beginning.

Because he really couldn't stand dressing himself up like a star and appearing in front of the camera every day.

After all, he is not one of those real artists, so how can he interact with fans every time he broadcasts live?

This is simply too troublesome!

At least, here he can fully play his promotion advantages.

"Okay! That's decided for now."

Miss Puff nodded, agreeing.

"By the way, there's one more thing I need to tell you in advance."

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