Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 120 - Receiving Transmission Of The Azure Firestorm Archer's Legacy Arts (1)

Once the spirit said that, Xiao Lin nodded his head.

Then with a brilliant flash of light, both of them suddenly vanished from the spot that they stood at and appeared in a particular room.

As soon as they appeared in that room which was massive in size, and was totally separated from all the other rooms in the mansion, Xiao Lin suddenly caught sight of a massive golden statue that wore a large cape, and held a massive, azure-colored bow that had raging flame fiercely burning around it in it hand. Then within it big eyes could be seen the bright glow of azure color emitting from it.

Immediately Xiao Lin saw the statue, he didn't need anyone to tell him that the statue before him was the statue of the Azure Firestorm Archer.

He then made a bow towards it. And after being in that position for a few seconds, he straightened himself back.

The spirit who was looking at Xiao Lin nodded its head. It was happy that Xiao Lin wasn't that bad in manners. Even though he was a ruthless person and was someone that practiced evil cultivation methods, he was still someone that gave utmost respect to his master.

When Xiao Lin straightened himself back, the spirit said, "Come with me. We have to get to that blue mat before the statue."

Immediately the spirit said that, Xiao Lin looked into the distance at the ground before the statue. Then when he saw the blue mat placed on the ground before the statue, he was able to quickly come up with a thought that the blue mat was a transmission mat. As in, it was what he would seat upon to receive transmission of the cultivation and battle art of the Azure Firestorm Archer.

Then when he and the spirit appeared before the mat, the spirit looked at Xiao Lin and said "Seat on the mat and prepare yourself to receive the arts of my master."

As soon as it said that, Xiao Lin nodded his head and went to seat on the mat in the cross-legged position.

Then the instant that he sat on the mat, the massive statue before him trembled. While the flame burning ferociously around the bow that it wielded, suddenly went off.

And as soon as the flame abruptly extinguished itself in a rather mysterious manner, the bright glow of azure light in it eyes grew stronger and powerful before abruptly shooting out of it as two continuous rays of light from it eye sockets towards Xiao Lin's head.

Then the moment that the rays struck Xiao Lin's forehead, they effortlessly penetrated through it and began to produce all sorts of texts, images and diagrams in his mind.

While all this was going on, the Ghostly Sword Deserter who had begun to wail like an hateful and resentful, evil spirit, had developed an hideous and ferocious expression in his face.

From the furious expression in his face, one would be able to tell that he would slash apart anything and everything that will appear in his path to challenge him.

But other than him who was busy screaming and shouting about in fury because of the sword and bow that he had lost to Xiao Lin, the others were busy fighting it out amongst themselves for certain treasures that they came across in rooms.


Few days later...

"That Crimson Blade Menace, it has being a while since I heard about him." A disciple of a sect said.

He then continued with his brows furrowed, "Do you think that he has been killed."

"I also have that feeling too. He could have been destroyed. You know, a single devil amongst hundreds of disciples from many different sects would have encircled him and unleash angry, full-powered attacks at him to reduce him to paste" Another said.

"Hmm. That's very possible. Well, I hope that's true, because I don't want to surrender any of my treasures to him. So, I hope that he has been turned into paste, just like you said." The disciple that spoke earlier, said with immense hope brimming within his heart.

Zhu Ping who had been running about in the mansion from one room to the next, suddenly stopped moving when he appeared in a particular room and couldn't find Xiao Lin whom many fearfully referred to as the Crimson Blade Menace.

"Has he left the mansion?" He asked himself with an indescribable gaze in his eyes.

Then he continued, "If he has, that would be tremendously sad, since I won't be able to acquire those rumored, beautiful and fierce blades that he wields."

"Then also his spatial ring which would definitely contain hundreds of rings of all the disciples that he had beaten and forcefully collected from them which he would have stowed into his."

Once he thought these within himself, Zhu Ping uttered "Ugh!", he then shook his head with a sad gaze appearing in his eyes.

He then continued by saying "If he has truly left, then that's immensely sad. But I can't give up now. I have to find him. I must acquire those blades that he wields. I should become the new wielder of those peerless blades that he possesses which might actually be worthless in his hands."

Immediately Zhu Ping finished saying that and then prepared to leave the room to continue searching for Xiao Lin, someone abruptly entered the room, seemingly searching for a treasure item that might also be in the room.

Then when Zhu Ping saw who had suddenly entered with the intention to search the room for hidden or concealed treasures or artifacts, he unexpectedly produced a wild and uncontrolled laughter from his mouth, with intense glows of both ferocity and unbridled lust immediately emitting from his eyes.

While the person that had entered and was a female, looked at Zhu Ping with a fierce and disgusted gaze in her eyes.

"Zhu Ping, it's quite unfortunate of me to meet you here. Well, I am leaving. I have no words to discuss with you irritable, sex-addicted beast in the form of a human." Zhou Bilan, the Great Daughter of the Celestial Dragon Empress sect said.

And once she said that, she immediately turned around to leave.

However, the instant that she did so, a dazzling colored light suddenly flashed in the room. While something that began to push all the air in front of it away upon it appearance, suddenly shot towards her at a full, shocking speed.

"Predictable bastard" Zhou Bilan said and quickly deployed an Evasion skill to dodge the attack that Zhu Ping had suddenly shot out at her without warning.

Then once she had evaded the attack, she looked at him and said "Zhu Ping, you are miserably too predictable. Learn how to launch your attacks at the right time when your opponent or challenger wouldn't be expecting you to. If you adhere by this simple battle tip, you moron will go a little bit far in your miserable cultivation journey"


As soon as she said that, Zhu Ping suddenly burst into a wild and raucous laughter.

Then when he stopped laughing in the next instant, he said "Zhou Bilan, actually, I launched that attack to stop you from leaving and so that you can interact with me. And now that there are only two of us in this room, I want to discuss something of great importance with you."

Once he said that, Zhou Bilan abruptly said with her brows furrowing deeply in anger "I don't have anything to say with you, Zhu Ping. Keep your damned, useless interaction to yourself. I am leaving here, now. And don't you dare try to stop me!"

Immediately she spat out that, she turned around again to leave. While Zhu Ping whose eyes were beginning to glow with a light of incomparable ferociousness and viciousness, suddenly aimed his hand at her and ruthlessly unleashed a fiercely powerful attack at her.

So, the instant that he aimed out one of his palms at her, massive amount of his lightning Spiritual Energy suddenly erupted from it and instantly transformed into a crystal-like blade that seemed to be condensed purely from lightning, and spanned many feet wide in size.

As soon as this blade which produced rampant, deafening booms from within it surfaced, it abruptly shot out at a great speed towards Zhou Bilan in the distance.

While Zhou Bilan who had become immensely provoked by the attack that Zhu Ping launched again at her after her warning, actually stopped walking and quickly turned around to face the lightning Spiritual Energy attack now shooting towards her with an overbearing killing intent bursting out continuously from within it.

Therefore, very quickly, she produced a super-strong shield from her fiery Spiritual Energy to block the advancement of the terrifying attack towards her.

Then as soon as she constructed the extremely dense barrier of fiery Spiritual Energy which actually emanated a type of heat that caused the marbled ground of the room to begin to rapidly melt, and the thick ceiling to immediately turn to ashes without being set on fire, the attack that Zhu Ping sent out towards her appeared in front of it in the next moment because of the great speed that it was moving at and then struck it with an immensely heavy force that will cause a really large rock to instantly explode into numerous, small fragments.

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