Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 121 - A Strange Occurrence


As soon as the attack smashed into the barrier and caused an extremely destructive wave to appear, numerous cracks suddenly appeared in the surface of the barrier before exploding into bits.

Then as soon as the shield immediately shattered into pieces, the devastating wave that surfaced smashed into her and sent her flying towards a wall of the room. While the lightning, blade-shaped Spiritual Energy attack that Zhu Ping sent out, instantly shattered apart upon collision with Zhou Bilan's fiery shield before quickly dispersing away.

"Do you think you can hold your ground against me?" Zhu Ping asked with a smile in his face.

He then said further "I said in a polite way that I want to discuss something with you. But you arrogantly turned my request down and tried to walk away on me like I am some useless entity to you. Am I truly that? Haha."

Then he continued "Well, now that I have forced you to stay, you will definitely listen to what I have to say."

At this point in time as Zhu Ping was talking, Zhou Bilan had stood back to her feet.

She then looked at him with an icy-cold expression in his face and said "I can't stay here to speak with you on something that I know will only be a total waste of my time. If you have nothing to do again in this mansion, then leave. Don't use your idleness to ruin the attempts of others at getting something that would tremendously benefit them in the long run."

Once Zhou Bilan said that, Zhu Ping gazed intensely at her and said "Since you don't want to listen to me, you can go."

And as soon as he said that, Zhou Bilan quickly deployed her powerful movement skill and dashed away from there, leaving Zhu Ping behind.

When she left, Zhu Ping narrowed his eyes with anger filling them. He then prepared to leave there too. But as he readied himself to leave, he said inwardly "You can leave now, but I will get you someday. And when I get you, you will beg me."


Whilst seated on the mat with rays of light penetrating into his head, Xiao Lin began to go through the texts, images and diagrams in his head.

But he started with the ones that he felt should be easy for him to comprehend. Not long, he was able to understand what the art was about, since he had read and understood it rudimentary.

However, as he was busy comprehending, many fights were going on in the mansion, with some terribly injuring themselves and some dying.

"I have been able to acquire a lot from this mansion, and I am really grateful for that" One male disciple from a sect said as he held a particular egg-like object in his hand which glowed in the colors of the rainbow.

"Yea, me too." Another male disciple from a sect said with a smile in his face.

He then asked "When do think the exit portals will come up? I don't think there is anything for us here again."

"Nah. I don't think we can leave just yet. Although we have been in this mansion for a long time, it however isn't time for us to leave." The male before him said.

"Hmm. And why do you think so?" The disciple asked.

"Because it just isn't time yet. We still have many rooms to check for treasures. And besides, the voice coming from somewhere in the mansion hasn't announced that someone has inherited the legacy of its master." A disciple said.

"Hmm. That's right. But has anyone being able to acquire the legacy since many years ago? So, I don't think it would announce this time either. Then that means that we would have to leave this mansion without that voice announcing that there is an inheritor for it master's legacy" One unexpectedly said.

"Haha. You are right about that. I think that absolutely no one would be able to acquire it master's legacy, since the voice might possibly find everyone of us basically unworthy of inheritance of its master's legacy." Another said.

But immediately this person finished speaking, the powerful booming voice of an entity that they couldn't see or perceive what it was, suddenly said "Every cultivator in the mansion should prepare to leave. I have found a cultivator worthy of my master's legacy. So, the rest of you should prepare to head out of here. Then when the exit portals appear, you go should go into it so that you can leave this region to your world."

The voice then continued, "I give everyone of you three days to round up what you are doing here and leave! Or you won't like the way that I would forcefully evict everyone of you from here when the time that I gave you is up."

Once it said that, the disciples who were thinking of remaining in the legacy ground to continue acquiring treasures, had their eyes glow when they heard what the voice said.

Firstly, they were thinking of staying in the mansion and continue to acquire treasures for themselves until the chosen inheritor had appeared to leave. Then when he surfaced and was ready to leave, they will accompany him to come out of the legacy ground through the exit portals that would have appeared upon the emergence of the selected inheritor. But when they heard what the entity said, they abruptly dispelled the opinions that they had and quickly prepared to leave the legacy ground before three days that the entity gave them would be up.

"I can't believe that the invisible, haughty being residing in this mansion would actually choose one of us to inherit it master's legacy. Damn! We finally have a legacy inheritor." Someone in a room suddenly said to the others who were also in the room with him.

"Yea, it's quite unbelievable to me too. I can't believe that the entity would actually choose someone after so many years to inherit its master's vestige." Another said.

"But I would like to see the disciple that the entity found worthy of inheriting it master's legacy. I want to know what sect he or she is from."

"Yea, me too. But I believe that it would be one of those monstrous-level geniuses from those sects."

"Same with me too, I am also of that opinion." Another said with a pondering expression in his face.


At a particular hour of the third day, many massive portals suddenly appeared above the ground.

When the disciples who were within the mansion and were doing their best to acquire more treasures for themselves felt that something had changed within the legacy ground, they immediately came out of the mansion to see what was that. Then when they saw many massive portals standing a few feet above the ground, they knew that it was time to come out of the legacy ground.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to leave." A disciple said to the people around him who only nodded their heads in agreement to what he said.

Then in the next moment, they all began to walk towards the portals in the distance.

However, as they were leaving, the disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Monarch who called himself the Ghostly Sword Deserter, wasn't ready to leave yet. He didn't want to leave here without the bow and sword that his master gave him.

So, with red eyes that signified intense rage and incomparable murderous intent, he still shot about within the legacy ground in search of Xiao Lin.

When the portals appeared, the teachers of the disciples that entered the legacy ground, quickly began to gather at the area where the portals appeared in.

"Finally, they can leave". A teacher said with the other teachers that stood at his sides, producing smiles in their faces as they nodded their heads.

"I wonder if any of our disciples would able to receive the legacy this time" A teacher said with a thoughtful gaze in his eyes.

"Well, it's very possible that one of them would receive the legacy this time." Another teacher said.

As the teachers continued to speak with themselves, disciples began to emerge from within the portals one after the other. And once the teachers sighted any of the group of the students that they accompanied down here to the legacy ground, they would quickly dash out from where they were towards them.

However, not quite long, things started to seem odd, as some teachers who were expecting their students to return, couldn't see them emerging from within the portals. Then they became really worried as they began to deeply ponder what was wrong, or what had gone wrong, since many of their students who they accompanied down here, hadn't come out from the legacy ground.

Then after waiting for sometime more to see if their students would emerge from within the portals, but couldn't find anyone coming out of the portals again, they quickly readied themselves to go into the legacy ground through any of the portals and go find out what had trapped or held back their students from coming out.

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