Once the paw surfaced, Xiao Lin looked at it and nodded his head.

Although he nodded his head, he however wasn't really satisfied with what he got. And this was because he felt that something was missing. He then came to a conclusion that only through intense battles would he be able to perfect the paw.

He then made up his mind that after he became a disciple at this sect, he would go to a place to train his paw technique so as to develop more on it, and be able to rapidly produce it for an attack which he would send out at his opponent.

Then once he finished thinking this, a thought suddenly came to his mind that, as soon as the discipleship exams finished and the elders came to him to ask him what departments he would like to go to after telling him the various departments that they each supervised, he would have to go for the one that will help him increase the destructive capability of his paw.

All that was actually in Xiao Lin's mind was to increase the devastating power of his meticulously created Beast Paw attack, since it was formed from the fusion and mixing of his various, unique and overpowering internal energies.

Once he thought this, he broke a slight smile across his face. He then thought of a way to test the power of his Beast Paw attack to see how powerful it would be. Then when he recalled that he wasn't yet a disciple, an awry smile surfaced on his lips..

He then said internally, 'Oh well, just a matter of time. So, after tomorrow's test which will be the final test, and I become a disciple of this sect, I will be able to practice my attacks for as long as I desire. Also, I would be able to create and develop new attacks.'

'However, for me to do that, I would have to go through a lot of books and learning materials to pick out shapes or forms that my fused and mixed internal energies can morph into.'

'But for now, this Beast Paw attacking skill would be my main offensive skill, and who knows, probably in the future too, since I feel that it should be a really strong attack that will wreak unbridled havoc and incomparable destruction in its path once it is unleashed. Haha! Now, imagine unleashing a crystallized, multi-colored Beast Paw of dozens of unique energies which spans ten times the size of the tallest mountain in our world at my hundreds of shocked and horrified opponents. Would they able to stop it? Haha! Of course they can't. Only utter and total annihilation and devastation awaits them. Damn! I can't wait for that time to arrive.'

Then once he finished thinking that, he said further within himself, 'I think I have to find a way to learn how to cultivate Sword Spiritual Energy, or any form of energy that is related to sharpness or severing. So, once I am able to infuse that kind of energy into my Paw attack, it would be unstoppable, since it would carry with it a matchless and overbearing might to sever or cut all things in its path to countless shreds. Hmm. That's correct. I also have to do this. Then once I am able to do so, I will become unstoppable.'

When Xiao Lin finished thinking this, he caused the Beast Paw that softly glowed in the color of blood, deep scarlet, silver-white and dark black to immediately disperse.

But as they dispersed, they caused the air around them to pushed away to create an actual vacuum. While the small volume of air that that was pushed away turned into a small gale that caused the loose materials in the room to flutter and fly about.

Immediately this happened, Zhao Yu and Tian Xi immediately sprang open their eyes and seated on the bed with dumbfounded looks in their faces.

"What just happened?" Zhao Yu asked as she looked at Xiao Lin who had his eyes closed, and his mind seemingly deeply immersed into his cultivation.

'Hmm. I doubt that even he would know what just happened here. Anyways, let me join him in cultivating. I think that I have rested my beautiful eyes for some time. So, it's time to be diligent, or my dreams to become the strongest and most feared in the world and beyond won't come true. Hehe.' Zhao Yu said within herself with a slight chuckle and then stood from the bed to her feet. Then once she did so, she also sat down on the ground in the cross-legged position to initiate her comprehension practices.

Then with her eyes shut tight, she began to go through the battle techniques for her unique Spiritual Energy which her veteran and creative female master designed for her to be able to control and utilize her fearsomely powerful and limitlessly consuming Spiritual Energy in battle.

As for Tian Xi, after he saw that Zhao Yu had sat on the ground to join Xiao Lin in either cultivating or comprehension, he only lazily yawned at them and then laid back on his bed to still rest for a while.

Xiao Lin who saw the stunning physical effect that his Beast Paw generated upon only it dispersion, which shouldn't have created any type of scene, couldn't help but be astonished within himself.

'Wow. My technique is kinda powerful. It was really cool and great of me to copy off that beast paw that was sent into my mind by that stony board. This is great. So, if only it dispersion could generate such an effect that caused a tiny vacuum to be instantly formed, and a miniature gale that caused the numerous small items in the room to be abruptly scattered about, then what if I sent it out at an opponent of my level? That opponent is probably doomed, unless if he or she has a powerful skill to negate or bring my attack to a stalemate. Hmm. Well, I can't be so sure of that. Let's see how everything goes anyway.' Xiao Lin spoke further within himself and then nodded his head.

Then with a smile surfacing in his face, he stood to his feet from his cross-legged position on the ground and went to lie in his bed to think of what the final test would really be about tomorrow.

Then after lying in his bed, he began to contemplate about tomorrow's tests and how things would really turn out for him, especially now that he had offended a senior. So, he felt that he should be ready for bullying by numerous seniors who that female senior would go report what they did to her to and even exaggerate it so as to force their wrath upon him.

'Ugh!' He uttered.

He then said further within himself with a ferocious expression appearing in his face in the next instant, 'Anyway, if that actually happens, she would be slain by my blade and her blood turned into a Demonic Mark or Blood Symbol within my dantian. Then those of the seniors too who will approach me to bully me over that silly matter. They would be ruthlessly slain by me and their blood essences transformed into either Blood Symbol or Demonic Mark in my dantian.'

Once he said that, he closed his eyes.

However, he wouldn't be able to sleep since he was a vampire, a cold-skinned living corpse that sucked blood.


In a particular room that was large in size and permeated by intoxicating floral scents constantly emitting from the flawless bodies of delicate-looking, slender and gorgeously attractive ladies, could be seen that female senior that accosted Zhao Yu to bully her. Then in front of her was a really beautiful girl who was quite older in age and emanated the grandeur of a princess and an expert. This particular girl, who was surrounded by other girls who were less striking than her in appearance, was seated on a seat that looked like an actual throne.

"Senior Bi Yuan, there is this girl that I was instructed to challenge by the elders. Then at the examination ground where we met and fought, she was able to soundly defeat me using her fiery Spiritual Energy which possesses some attributes that I don't quite understand."

"However, if things had ended there, I wouldn't be so angry at her and full of murderous vengeance. But after we met inside the sect's inner premises, that girl that I fought actually came to me to embarrass me. She said at me with great contempt in her eyes that I was extremely weak and useless and that I was not deserving to be a senior of this prestigious sect."

"She really embarrassed me so much that a senior who was watching us from the roof of a particular building, had to fly down from where he was to come seriously warn her. As for me who was immensely embarrassed by her because of all the hurtful things that she said, had to dash away from her presence as I couldn't take all the scathing words that she indifferently rubbed in my face. Now, I fear that everyone that will hear about that incident will begin to look at me with great scorn in their eyes. My days in the sect will be full of contemptible gazes directed only at me... I am really sad and vexed, faction leader."

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