"Really? A non-disciple who defeated you in an examination battle tried to harass you when she came across you? How bold and foolish of her." The girl seated on the throne said with slight wrath in her face.

She then said further with the wrath on her face intensifying, "Didn't you tell her what faction you belonged to so that she would go make her research and swiftly search for you to publicly apologize?"

"No, faction master. I immediately dashed away from there due to the intense embarrassment that I faced in her hands when we came across each other." The female senior called Song Yu said.

"Hmm. Alright" The girl seated on that throne and was called Bi Yuan, said with a nod of her head.

Then before she could say anything else, Song Yu said, "Also, senior Bi Yuan, there is this boy that was accompanying her. It seems that they both know each other since they were walking together with another boy in the sect's inner premises."

"This boy, actually joined his female friend in insulting me. He said so many things that made me really mad. I could have attacked him right where he was, but I was trying to obey the sect's rules as I didn't want to get severely punished for fighting non-disciples, and at a place not designated for battle. So, I had to let it go and absorb all the insults that he and his female friend brutally, endlessly hurled at me till that senior flew down from the roof of a particular building to rescue me from their unceasing verbal onslaughts." Song Yu said with a morose expression appearing in her face.

She was actually saying these things to force the calm, older girl before her to send some of the members of her faction out with her to go beat up the female that spoke to her without fear or dread in her voice.

Since she had fought Zhao Yu and knew how strong she was, despite being trained in the numerous, powerful battle techniques of the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect, she still dreaded her because of her insane offensive skills and the shocking, peculiar attribute of her Spiritual Energy which seemed to devour the energies of others and grow stronger, whilst still looking gentle and weak like it could be rapidly extinguished by even the slightest blast of Spiritual Energy directed at it.

"Hmm. Alright. They will be dealt with." Bi Yuan said while Song Yu broke a brilliant smile in her face.

'Mission accomplished!' She said delightedly within herself.

So, all that remained was to come witness how the members of her faction will beat up both Zhao Yu and Xiao Lin and make them scapegoats to others so that the examples made out of them, will seriously deter the others from picking on other seniors just because they possess battle powers much more higher than their own.

But Bi Yuan who hadn't finished speaking, continued with a solemn expression manifesting in her face, "However, we really can't touch either of them now until they have become disciples of the sect. So, after they have been turned into disciples by participating in the sect's discipleship ceremony, we can go after them with the intent of severely punishing them for not obeying a senior and being rude towards her, which is something totally against the rules and regulations of the sects."

"Yes. I understand, faction leader. I will be patient for them to become disciples of the sect so that we can mete out serious punishment at them." Song Yu said while Bi Yuan nodded her head.

"Alright, faction leader. I want to return to my room now. If I have anything else again, I will immediately come to you to report it" Song Yu said further while Bi Yuan nodded her head once again.


Several hours after Xiao Lin had stood up from the ground to rest on his bed, Zhao Yu who was intensely focusing on comprehending some of her plethoric special battle skills that were designed and developed by her master who was actually a terrifying pilgrimage cultivator from the Spirit Continent, snapped open her eyes and also stood from her cross-legged position on the ground to lay in her bed and relax for tomorrow's exciting activity.

While all of them in the room were busy relaxing, Xiao Lin who had closed his eyes since he got up from the ground to lay in his bed and relax, couldn't sleep since it didn't come to him. As a true vampire, the only time he could truly sleep was when he slept in a tombstone or a wooden coffin.

'I guess I would have to get a wooden coffin for myself very soon, or I wouldn't be able to sleep. However, that would be in the farthest future, since I can't use such in any room that I would be given in this sect once I become a bonafide disciple.' Xiao Lin said within himself and nodded his head in agreement at what he said.

Then after thinking this, he stood to his feet and walked towards the window of the room that he was in. And when he arrived there, he looked through it to see what was currently going on in his broad range of vampiric vision.

However, after looking for sometime and seeing that nothing exciting was going on, he went back to his bed and sat down on it with dozens of thoughts suddenly rushing to his mind.

'Now that I am still weak, I will be subjected to lots of vexatious and miserable things at this sect, especially now that I verbally bullied a senior who might belong to some group or faction of some sorts. Ugh! Then on top of this problem which is actually the least for me, is the issue of Nine Calamities's men searching for me everywhere. I seriously hope they don't direct their gazes here very soon. Only until I have gotten powerful enough can they come, especially the damned higher-ups who possess the astonishing power of flight, and then Nine Calamities himself. Can't wait to kill that bossy bastard and take all the wonderful treasures that he has amassed for himself so far. So, when I get stronger and I go out there to search for him with the intent of killing him, I will become many times wealthier with the possession of his humongous amounts of coins and immense treasure accumulations in my hands, which I will absolutely exchange for rare and consummate cultivation materials to upgrade many times more my body's durability and toughness to both physical and Spiritual Energy attacks.' Xiao Lin said within himself and then nodded his head in agreement at his line of thought.

Then he continued when he recalled something, 'As for that man that bluntly refuses to be seen as my father because he sees me as a total failure who will ruin his reputation and greatly tarnish his tremendous fame, will surely meet his doom when I reach and surpass his cultivation level soon. Although he would also grow and develop in power as I am growing too, making it quite difficult for me to attain his Godhood level very quickly, I will however do everything in my power to catch up with him so that I can slay him, free my mother from his evil grasp which is the most paramount thing to me, and then seize his treasure mansion and his amazing, vast collections of treasure and currency for myself.'

'That time, although is really far, is however drawing closer to me day by day. I can both feel it and smell it at the same time. Then coupled with the incomparably enormous possession of the Demonic Blade King which he hid at some region in the Spirit Continent, I will become extremely wealthy that even the wealth of other deity-level cultivators wouldn't be able to rival with mine in anyway. Therefore, my cultivation in the future to the apex of power should be smooth and free of all sorts of hindrances or setbacks. Haha!' Xiao Lin said and chucked within himself, clearly visualizing the future that he generated for himself in his head.

Although he thought all this, he however knew that it wasn't going to be easy, as only killing the higher-ups of Nine Calamities's men, will be really difficult for him at a particular cultivation stage which would certainly be lower to theirs when they eventually come across him, talk more of Nine Calamities who is much more powerful than them and will know much more offensive and defensive skills being a bandit organization leader. Being something like that, requires that the person should be really strong and powerful in his own right.

However, Xiao Lin wouldn't let this worry him, as he knew that he even if he was several cultivation stages below them, he would still be able to devastate them, given the plethoric, insane battle and movement skills that he would create for himself in the future, and then the other sorts of powerful, rare World Energies that he would religiously cultivate, harness and turn into his own unique and exceptionally powerful, overbearing internal energies for their extravagant utilizations during any type of battle that he will find himself intentionally or unintentionally participating in.

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