Seeing the whirlpool that had surfaced and began to pull him towards it center to seemingly grind him to bits, Xiao Lin began to scream out in horror within the lava pool that rapidly burned off his body.

As he was busy screaming within the lava pool, he began to think of a way to get out of it before he would be crushed into pieces by the vortex that grew larger in size every seconds.

However, since there was nothing that he could hook himself to so as to prevent himself from being sucked into the whirlpool, his entire body which was acted upon by a pulling force generated by the whirlpool, abruptly drew him into it.

Then the instant that he appeared in this vortex, he suddenly found himself back on the island. But, he could notice himself being surrounded by huge, silver-clawed cats that had golden eyes and fiery violet pupils, giving the absolute feeling that blazing fire was burning within them.


The cats individually meowed before dashing towards him to bite him to pieces.

Seeing that he was left with no choice than to fight these cats or they might tear him to pieces, he quickly clenched one of his hands into a fist and sent it straight towards a cat that had powerfully leapt towards him from where it stood.

However, the cat opened it mouth wide, letting Xiao Lin's arm to go all in. Then the instant that Xiao Lin's fist went in, the cat which surprisingly had fangs that grew and glistened like actual steel, closed it jaw upon Xiao Lin's arm, plunging it long sharp fangs into Xiao Lin's flesh.


Xiao Lin who believed in the durability of his entire body, couldn't help but screech out in pain when the fangs sank into his flesh, causing blood to immediately spurt out like a fountain when the cat raised it jaw once again to go for another damaging bite.

However, before the cat could give him another painful bite that seemed like it would cut his entire powerful arm off, Xiao Lin tried to shake the cat off his arm so as to prevent it from going for another bite.

But his effort proved futile as the skin of his arm seemed to have glued to the internal organs of the cat.

"Bastard!" Xiao Lin screamed out in fury.

Then ragingly, he said, "Die now!"


A powerful, savaging burst of dark-colored Spiritual Energy immediately exploded out of his fist. Then the instant that this happened, the cat was immediately reduced to pieces. It body just couldn't withstand the abrupt, explosive eruption of Xiao Lin's fierce and overbearing Spiritual Energy from his fist.

The instant that the cat died, the other cats who had surrounded Xiao Lin had their eyes glow with fierceness before they all shot out towards him to bite his head off.

Seeing that the cat had become angered and wanted to destroy him, Xiao Lin immediately took off before they could pounce on him and carry on with their fearsome destruction activities.

As for Zhao Yu, her hands had began to glow due to being infused with her Limitless Devouring Flame Spiritual Energy. Therefore, due to the infusion of her arms with her unique and bizarre Spiritual Energy, the air around her palms began to swirl till it became a raging cyclone that actually began to pull the life force of what was in front of her in vision into it. Then as the cyclone absorbed that energy that it drew out from the frightening inexistent entity in her head, the glow radiating outwards from her two hands that were imbued with her odd Spiritual Energy, began to increase in intensity and power.

"Die!" Zhao Yu said and aimed a palm at the monstrous creature far in front of her.

The instant that she aimed out one of her glowing palms at the massive creature far in front of her, the energy that had gathered in that palm, immediately erupted from it and turned into a massive crystalline fist that began to move with the power to devour all things, energy or matter from the world and automatically turn them into a form of essence that it would absorb and self-utilize for it own rapid growth. Then as it shot at the speed of lightning towards the illusionary, horrendous beastly creature in her head, the sands on the ground began to crystallize till it turned into one massive, thin sheet of glass due to the shocking, vast degree of hot temperature that it constantly put out.

"What?!" One of the many astonished elders in the hall who saw how the huge, blazing fist composed from Zhao Yu's special Spiritual Energy increased quickly in size and power, couldn't help but scream out.

"What kind of energy is that?" Another elder who was witnessing what was happening, asked with his brows deeply furrowed in awe and shock.

The fist which hadn't impacted the protective barriers of energy that rose up from within the ground to protect the examinees from each other's Spiritual Energy attacks, still grew in size and power as it drew all forms of energy and matter into it and self-converted them into an indescribable form of energy that it rapidly absorbed like a gigantic, boundlessly-hungry whale, which then caused it power to shoot up the more, it speed to rise to an inconceivable level, and the temperature that it put out to increase vastly in degree that it simply caused the immense sheet of thin glass covering the earth to immediately melt into liquid and actually turn into vapor that rose into the air.


It heavily struck one of the luminous, towering barriers of energy and caused it to tremendously shake, giving the feeling that it would shatter the barrier into smithereens in the next instant and continue on it journey into the far distance to seemingly destroy all things in it path with it unstoppably-growing might, and it seemingly unfathomable devastating power.

However, it was just too weak to shatter something as powerful and immensely sturdy as the barrier that a powerful, exam caretaker elder had generated using his power of the World Principles that he had comprehended to a high degree and mastered.

'Wow! I am impressed! This girl has a powerful Spiritual Attack skill and a terrifying type of Spiritual Energy. Hmm. Seems like Elder Chu might me right after all, that this girl is far stronger than that lad that calls himself Devil Fang. Well, just this can't prove anything really. Anyway, I would love to seem them fight so that I can fully satisfy my curiosity that has been immensely provoked by her seemingly catastrophic-level attacking power. Haha.' The exam caretaker elder said within himself with a brilliant smile appearing in his face.

He then said further inwardly, 'And now that it seemed they have become friends, I guess they would ruin anyone that will try to pick on the both of them. Then coupled with that short lad who seems to like the way that they carry individually themselves, well... Just like that elder said some moments ago, I can't wait to see their growths as individuals, and as a group. Oh my, these group will be nothing short of terrifying. I just hope that they won't disappoint me in the future.'

Zhao Yu who saw that she had used the technique called, 'Supreme Fiendgod Heaven-Devastating Punch' to completely annihilate the monstrous creature in her head, which was all the thing that the immense stony board floating far above them wanted her to see, Zhao Yu couldn't help but break a brilliant and victorious smile across her face.

However, her mood in the next instant when she realized that she was only in an illusion and that the creature that she sent out that attack wasn't real, immediately ruined. She wasn't happy that the illusion got hold of her in the end and made her unleash a powerful offensive.

"Ugh!" She uttered in a frustrated manner and began to think of a way to break out of the powerful illusion, instead of being led around by it and forcing her to unleash powers and abilities that she would like to keep totally secret from anyone, which she fully believed will become her trump cards in either the nearest or farthest future.


Xiao Lin who had finally taken care of all the huge, impressively muscular cats that previously surrounded him to devour him whole by feeding on his flesh and bones, began to look warily around in case anything would unexpectedly jump out at him to attack him.

Although he knew that everything that had happened so far to him was only an illusion, he still felt that some of it were real, as the intense pain that racked his physical body felt completely real to him.

'Fighting only those six damned cats have caused me to lose half of my dark-colored Spiritual Energy. Then what if I was surrounded by dozens of them? If that were to happen, I would be immediately depleted of my Spiritual Energy and forced to use my other energies. Ugh!' Xiao Lin said within himself.

However, just as he finished speaking, dozens of cats, the same as the previous ones that attacked him earlier but only much more larger in appearance and more ferocious-looking, and possessed seemingly tougher hides since they shone in the miniature purple sun in the sky, appeared far in front of him and unexpectedly howled to the sky in incomparable rage.

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