Once Xiao Lin saw the cats, he shook his head and said, "Ugh! Not you damned cats again"

Immediately he said that, the cat growled loudly and then suddenly jumped towards him.

The instant that the cats jumped towards him, Xiao Lin quickly channeled the dark-colored Spiritual Energy in his dantian to his palms. He then punched out at one of the cats and unleashed a destructive blast of energy at it.


The moment the powerful blast of energy struck it, the cat whined as it was struck away by the power of the blast. It then landed to the ground with blood bursting out of the numerous cracks that had appeared in it tough body.

However, due to it shocking weight because of it massive size and astonishing muscular appearance, Xiao Lin's fist actually cracked, causing him intense pain at his wrist region and his knuckles in which the skin covering it tore off with blood oozing out of it.

"The hell!" Xiao Lin said with fear in his eyes.

He then looked at the corpse of the cat in the distance and said, "Heavens, what a tough body. It actually caused my wrist to hurt and the tough skin covering my bones to actually rip away"

As soon as Xiao Lin killed that cat with his punch, the other cats surrounding him growled in fury and suddenly dashed towards Xiao Lin with their intense golden eyes that screamed nothing but anger.

The instant one leaped towards him, Xiao Lin who could see that his Spiritual Energy would hit the bottom very soon, quickly shot himself into the air and immediately curled himself into a ball which caused his body to roll backwards through the air. Then when he uncurled himself a moment later, he plunged back to the ground with a contemplative look in his face.

While the cat that jumped into the air towards him to bite him, fell to the ground from it jump since there was no there to bite.

As soon as it fell to the ground, it stood to his feet and looked at Xiao Lin with rage in it eyes. While Xiao Lin who was also gazing at it and the rest of it kind with a deep pondering look on it face, prepared to dash away from here.

The powerful attacks that he earlier unceasingly unleashed to destroy the cats that were trying to attack him, had caused his dark-colored Spiritual Energy to rapidly deplete. And, since he didn't want to reveal that he had other types of energy to the people watching them, he made up his mind to dash for as long as he could away from the cats till he had given a large gap between them. Furthermore, he felt that with his Super Speed alone, an ability that he was bestowed with when he became a vampire, should allow him to leave a tremendous distance between them.


The moment he deployed his Super Speed ability and flitted to escape from the illusionary cats dashing towards him with frenzy in their glittering golden eyes, he suddenly left behind a huge cloud of dust and numerous after-images.

Once Xiao Lin unexpectedly dashed off at this astonishing movement speed, the elders watching him couldn't help but have their eyes glow in awe.

"What speed!" One of the many elders that had their eyes fixated on Xiao Lin, couldn't help but say with narrowed and surprised, sparking eyes.

"Yea. His movement speed is immense. This brat has been hiding it from us all these while. I would seriously love to know more of the exceptional abilities that he keeps hidden from us. What a brilliant black gem we have captured this time." An elder said while another elder nodded and said, "His speed can't be rivaled by any of the disciples from last three or four batches. I wonder what Movement Technique that he studied which allows him to be able to move at such a peerless, ungodly speed. Haha."

"Yea, me too. I am curious. Those lads that we placed in the top three positions definitely came across immense fortuitous encounters, or they won't have this powerful abilities that they are exhibiting at the moment." Another elder said with a nod of his head.

However, once he said that, another who didn't agree with him, said after a slight chuckle, "Although you mentioned that the lads we automatically placed in the top three positions came across fortuitous encounters, however they could possess them because they were really strong and determined to acquire the legacy. Look at them, pushing on like some massive reward, one much more higher than being a disciple of this sect is waiting for them."

"Hmm. Well, you are right about that. The inheritance probably selected them because they chose to acquire it using whatever they had in their possessions. Only the Heavens know what they all went through to acquire the different legacies that are now theirs. Look at them, so young, but already have a high starting place of power. When I was young, there was nothing like that for me. Only until I got to the age of forty after so many battles with fierce challengers was I able to acquire something that made me who I am today. Haha! Those days, those beautiful mad days of blood, sweats and battles." The elder spoken to said with a reminiscent gaze in his eyes.


As for Tian Xi, after fighting with the illusionary creatures in his head which were towering trees that possessed sentience and innumerable thick branches, he collapsed to the ground with a look of great exhaustion in his face.

"Am I still in an illusion or I am really fighting these damned, hellish creatures that look like trees with intelligence?" Tian Xi azked.

"I am tired. But I have to keep going. I have to keep going till I have destroyed every last one of them. Then maybe this insane illusion test for perseverance and determination will really come to an end for me. Ugh! This sect is one crazy sect. What kind of demonic test is this? Even my esteemed master never made me pass through this kind of enormously exhaustive test. Well, what can I do? I have come too far to quit now. I have to push on till even my damned last breath" Tian Xi mentioned with a resolute look appearing in his face, before struggling for sometime to stand back on his feet and face whatever the immense stony board will throw at him.

Then the instant that he did so, he noticed some bizarre, seemingly otherworldly creature standing far in front of him with a gaze to devour all things in it path in its frightening scaly face. Then when he looked at what had appeared before him in the distance, he saw a massive, limbless reptilian creature that was blue-skinned and had three glowing silvery horns on both sides of it large head. Then on top of it huge head was an actual, suspended bolt of red-colored lightning that caused countless, bright red sparks to endlessly jump out from within it. While it massive glistening tail that stretched for many miles into the distance like it were an anaconda, had a shiny, metallic hook at it tip that surprisingly burned with intense black fire, causing cold currents of fear and horror to move down Tian Xi's spine and to the rest of his body upon noticing it.


Tian Xi inhaled deeply.

Then he suddenly dashed towards the colossal, illusionary beast in the distance with a resolute look in his visibly exhausted face.

Just before he would arrive before the beast, the hand that he had clenched into a fist and began to glow with an incomprehensible form of power, which then caused the ground beneath him to actually crack as he moved across it towards the beast, suddenly erupted out of it as a spiraling mass of energy when Tian Xi abruptly punched out with his glowing fist at the beast.


Then the instant that he punched out, with a sky-shaking deafening boom sound immediately ringing out, a gigantic luminous mass of nebulous, grey-colored energy, which suddenly brought down a huge amount of pressure upon the wide area of ground beneath it and instantly caused it to crack and dent that it turned into a seven feet-wide crater that was also dozens of meters deep, immediately discharged from Tian Xi's fist and raged in a spiraling motion towards the beast a few meters in front of it.


The attack struck the beast with a shocking amount of devastating power. However, nothing happened to the beast which seemed to possess a nigh-indestructible hide.

"Oh no!" Tian Xi said in great horror and quickly backed far away from the beast.. While the beast which was preparing to counter-attack, immediately swung out it massive, exceedingly long tail at Tian Xi to knock him flying into the distance with an horrendous, cavity-like injury appearing on his upper body and exposing the mashed, paste-like organs in his chest and abdomen.

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