Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 178 - Completing The Test (1)

But before the beast could lash out with it massive, anaconda-length tail at him, Tian Xi immediately jumped really high into the air with all the strength that he could muster.

Then immediately he got to a height of eighteen feet above the ground, which was only slightly sufficient to escape the destructive whipping strike of the astonishingly large tail that was sent out at him by the limbless, six-horned reptilian, Tian Xi who had abruptly, forcefully gathered more amounts of his Spiritual Energy in one of his fists, abruptly punched out with it at the monstrous, serpent-like creature.


The instant that he punched out at the creature, a massive, grey mass of energy instantly erupted out of his fist and shot towards the beast below him in the distance in a furious, spiraling motion. And immediately the mass of energy shot out of his fist and began to spiral, forming into a enormous powerful drill composed of grey-colored Spiritual Energy, it radiated the unbridled, shocking power of incomparable heaviness and matchless sundering might, since it immediately caused a large area of the vast earth beneath it to instantly crack and shatter apart, in which the ground heavily shook, breaking and tearing apart like it were respectively a soft mound of sand and a sheet of wet paper before turning into a deep crater that was many dozens of meters deep. The overbearing pressure emanating from it as it shot towards the colossal, illusionary beast was simply, unimaginably powerful.


The fearsomely powerful, drill-like whorling Spiritual Energy attack struck the beast and sent it flying into the distance at a great speed like it were an arrow fired from a powerful bow. Then when it landed to the ground sixteen meters away despite it frightening gargantuan size, millions of cracks instantly appeared all over it body before it shattered into pieces with blood immediately bursting out of it completely damaged body like a cloud which then permeated the atmosphere around them.

While Tian Xi collapsed to the ground from that astonishing height in the air with a totally exhausted expression in his face.

The elders who were watching Tian Xi's battle with a non-existent opponent, couldn't help but be shocked by the devastating power radiated by the powerful attack that he unleashed.

"Wow. What a boy. This boy is really powerful too. Haha. I am loving this. We have managed to capture three wonderful genius-level cultivators with our widespread fame. So, even if we let all the others go and retain only this three, it's totally worth it. Each one of them is hundreds of times better than the other examinees at the illusion test ground. This is really good. Besides, it's awesome that we created this test, which would force them to show the shocking abilities that they are hiding from us. So, with what we have learnt so far about them, we would be able to teach them in ways that would bring out their true potentials. Haha!" An elder said while the others slightly laughed and nodded their heads in agreement.


Tian Xi who had collapsed to the ground after using one of the many fiercely powerful, Spiritual Energy offensive techniques created by his master for him and was called, 'Great Earth-Sundering Divinity Chaos Punch', tried to stand back to his feet and continue fighting till he would produce his last breath. He was boundlessly determined to pass this test, and so would anything and everything in his power to successfully pass it. Nothing will stop him, well at least death.

So, with red eyes that produced intensely blurred vision, and bulging veins that covered his entire body, right from the scalp of his head to the soles of his feet due to being overly exhausted and totally drained of his Spiritual Energy, he actually tried to stand back to his feet. But he just couldn't and then fell back to the ground with total absence of consciousness in his bulged eyes.

Once he collapsed to the ground and directly slipped into the unconscious state, the elders nodded their heads with fully impressed looks in their faces.

"Not giving up even when he has nothing left to fight with. This is good. I like this boy. I will take him into my department for training. Only he and perhaps Devil Fang have the capability to be able to resolutely withstand the torturous training of my department which contains only a few disciples. Haha" An elder said and softly chuckled.

But the other elders seated in the Hall of Elders ignored him as they had plans for the three examinees who had so far shown brilliant results in each overwhelmingly difficult stages of the exams.

As soon as Tian Xi collapsed to the ground and directly became unconscious, the exam caretaker elder immediately flew to the place where Tian Xi's unconscious body was and picked him up using an invisible, telekinetic-like forcefield that was generated from the base of his cultivation power. Then once the unseen force unleashed by his cultivation base wrapped around Tian Xi's body like an actual piece of fabric, the elder flew with Tian Xi behind him to the place where he would be exposed to a luminous, continuous stream of softly-pulsing, mind and body refreshing energy, which was intended to help examinees regain their lost energies and help them quickly heal from injuries that they had unintentionally inflicted upon themselves.

"There he goes" An elder said as Tian Xi was being carried away by that caretaker elder to the place where he would be duly taken care of.

Then as soon as the elder and Tian Xi vanished from his vision into the far distance, the elder returned his gaze back to the people still taking the exams, which at this time, had become only twenty in number.

Although only a hundred people were brought in here to have this particular test that will force them to unleash whatever abilities they had, and also to expose the bad eggs amongst them, it was however this number of people that the sect was going to accept this time. Each of them had displayed shining brilliance in their own ways, and so the sect will admit all of them and turn them into her disciples which she would train very hard to become powerful and famous cultivators in the future who will return to her to protect her once anything terrible or catastrophic will come up in the future and head her way to ruin or destroy her.

Xiao Lin who was busy dashing about at immense speeds away from the huge, muscular cats chasing after him with frenzy in their intense golden eyes, and to hide his other unusual internal energies from the mildly and overly curious elders currently watching all of them, suddenly found himself in front of a humanoid creature that instantly sent chilling shivers of fear down his spine and to the rest of his body.

The creature which stood majestically and domineeringly far in front of him, was so tall that it height was more than twenty feet tall. Then on both sides of it abdomen were long, muscular arms which had glowing, alarmingly sharp weapons as hands. Then the creature which had an upper body that was close to that of a human, could be seen on a lower body that was similar to that of a centipede, meaning that it had close to hundred legs which seemed powerfully muscular. Then on both sides of it head that was covered with a jet-black helm which burned with raging, blackish-violet flame, were large crystalline horns that produced ripples of power which caused the air around it to roil unceasingly.

So, once Xiao Lin saw the appearance of this tall, intimidating creature, it appearance quickly invoked great terror in his heart.

"What do I do about this now?" Xiao Lin asked in a complaining tone. While the beast in front of him began to snarl and growl with saliva continuously dripping out of it mouth that had sharp fangs sticking out of the thick fleshy gums in it protruded jaws.

Then as soon as the beast finished snarling with great madness appearing in it intense golden eyes that had changed to intense bluish-crimson, it immediately shot out towards Xiao Lin at a high speed with it many dozens of arms swinging out the weapons that it possessed at Xiao Lin to brutally shred him apart.




Seeing the attacks that the hundred-limbed, half-humanoid, half-centipede creature sent out at him without stop, Xiao Lin who knew that he couldn't let the attacks to cut him due to the visible, thin black lines caused by the weapons as they slashed across and through the air at inconceivably fast speeds, Xiao Lin immediately backed away from the creature and channeled wisps of his nearly-depleted, dark black Spiritual Energy to his fist.

He then unexpectedly dashed towards the beast and leaped over it.. And as soon as he appeared high in the air above the the beast, he turned his body upside down in the air and immediately aimed out his palm which had began to glow in a stunning black radiance at the towering, horrifying creature below him.

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