Xiao Lin then looked into his spatial ring to produce the sack that he stuffed clothes into.

When he brought the sack out of his spatial ring and placed it on the ground, he began to go through it.

Now, he was looking for a grey-colored hooded cloak that he packed along with many other clothes into the sack when he broke into someone's house many minutes ago.

When he eventually saw it, he brought it out and then wore it on the cloth that he was wearing.

"Now that I have worn this cloak on the cloth I am wearing, I shouldn't be easily identified in the small pockets of crowd moving up and down in the street. Those stupid cultivators that I met at the restaurant shouldn't be able to recognize me by my outfit, since I have hidden the one that they saw me wear" He said with a nod of his head.

He then walked into the new street that he arrived at with his ears out to listen to what people in the crowd were talking about.

Actually, he was trying to listen to discussions that could be about any bandit group or other groups that were terrorizing people in different areas of the town or in other towns.

But as he leisurely walked up the long and wide street that he had found himself in, and at the same time, attentively listened to the topic that he was really concerned about, he didn't hear anyone make mention of any marauding bandit group, kidnapping factions or havoc-wreaking cults causing problems or troubles anywhere.

'Really? Don't tell me that they don't have bad guys disturb them in this town? Or have the bad guys been taken care of already by the law enforcers in the town? If that's so, that would be extremely bad.' Xiao Lin said inwardly.

He then said further within himself 'If they have been captured and incarcerated, then where exactly am I going to find a bandit group to join now? I really need to join one. I can't wait to break into those places or vaults where currencies and treasures or artifacts are kept or auctioned out'

As he was thinking all these, a thought suddenly surfaced in his mind.

'Perhaps they don't come to the town to plunder the places where monies and artifacts are kept, since they could get captured by government officials who will surround them on all sides.'

As soon as Xiao Lin thought this, his eyes glowed with comprehension.

'Then if they don't do that in the town for fear of being attacked and captured by the law enforcers in the town, perhaps they do this along the paths or roads that large numbers of people or items are being moved in a massive transportation carriage from the town to another distant town.'

'Hmm. I guess my thought should be right. Then if that's so, I guess I will have to join one of those carriages going to another town. Maybe I could hopefully come across a bandit group or any other group like that along the way.' Xiao Lin said within and finally concluded.

He then spoke further within himself as a fierce and cold light erupted from his eyes 'But before I do that, I have a score to settle with those squirmers.'

He then turned around to find a dark and quiet place to stay for the rest of the day so that he could cultivate using the cultivation technique mentioned in the Primordial Heretic Force cultivation art, an empyrean-grade cultivation art that was transmitted to him by the Demonic Blade King he met in that valley.

After looking around for many minutes for such a place to stay, he saw to his dismay and unhappiness that no place like that existed. It was all only tall and short buildings on both sides of the wide street.

'Ugh!' He uttered in a displeased tone.

Then as he prepared to go to another street to search for a dark and concealed place to uninterruptedly cultivate, whether by providence, design or coincidence, he unexpectedly saw in the distance, a 4th-layer Spiritual Ascendance stage cultivator that looked familiar to him.

Xiao Lin's eyes then narrowed and brightly twinkled when he fully recalled where he met this cultivator.

This cultivator was actually one of the numerous cultivators that fixed their harsh and studious gazes on Xiao Lin at that inn that he went to eat at and suddenly ran off without paying.

When Xiao Lin saw the cultivator, he reasoned that he was probably going to his place to rest for the day.

His twinkling but sharp eyes then shone with a light of viciousness, while an evil plan abruptly brewed up in his mind.

He then patiently waited where he stood for the 4th-layer Spiritual Ascendance stage cultivator who was totally unaware about his presence, to walk farther down into the distance before he would try to follow behind him.

He did this to create a large gap between himself and this cultivator, as he didn't want the cultivator to become suspicious if he was too close to him.

Then as he started walking far behind this cultivator, he tried not to fixate his gaze on the cultivator's back, as he felt that the cultivator might become more suspicious and then around to come face him, exposing himself in the process.

So, he instead deployed his Super-Hearing ability, a formidable hearing ability that he was bestowed with by his primordial Animal Spirit.

But at the moment, he could only clearly pick really low sounds, like a nail dropping to the ground from thirty to forty feet away with his enhanced hearing ability. However, this was more than enough to solely listen to the footsteps of the cultivator as he walked to his abode.

Many minutes later, the cultivator stopped walking since he had arrived before the door of his house.

Then when he opened the door, he went in and then closed the door behind him.

Xiao Lin who was following behind the cultivator remained where he was in the distance with a bright smile in his face and an evil one in his heart.

Now, he was waiting at that distance for some minutes more before breaking in. He was actually going through some plans that he had abruptly orchestrated in his mind.

When he felt that he had waited long enough where he was, and had gone through his plans and saw that there were no flaws in them, he walked towards the cultivator's house with a countenance and composure that he went there to ask for something like he was a regular neighbor.

As soon as he appeared before the door, he gripped the door by the handle and then used his increased physical strength to force the locked door open.


A low bang sound instantly rang within the house, causing the cultivator to become alarmed.

Then when he rushed to the door from where he was to see who or what had broken into his house, he saw Xiao Lin at the door, smiling at him with a sinister look in his face.

Immediately the cultivator saw the hideous smile that hung on Xiao Lin's lips, and then the evil look on his face, strong currents of chills traveled down his spine and to the rest of his body. Xiao Lin simply seemed like a murderous demon to him at that moment.

"You!" He said with slight dread in his heart.

"Hello!" Xiao Lin greeted with the hideous smile on his face broadening.

Without asking questions or anything like that, the cultivator tried to attack Xiao Lin by abruptly expelling large quantities of blue-colored spiritual energy from his hands which then rapidly condensed and shaped into three pretty large blue swords that shot towards Xiao Lin at tremendous speeds.

But before the attacks could get to Xiao Lin and effortlessly pierce through him, cleanly slicing his body into halves in the process, Xiao Lin quickly summoned one of the twin silver blades residing in his dantian, the Awakening Doom blade to his right hand and then used it to quickly, horizontally slash out with all the strength that he could muster at the attacks that were shooting towards him like frenzied living spears.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

The attacks which were three swords condensed from blue spiritual energy instantly smoothly cut into two upon being struck by the blade that Xiao Lin sent out at them. They simply couldn't withstand the god-cutting sharpness of the Awakening Doom blade.

Not expecting that to happen, the cultivator's eyes widened with immense shock while his mouth opened really wide that it formed a 'O'.

Then his eyes which were filled with unfathomable shock, shone with an immense palpable greed in the next instant when he saw how powerful and physically stunning the blade was. The blade simply invoked in his heart that it was the infinitely-sharp, peerless divine blade of a superior Deity.

He then prepared to unleash a much more stronger attack at Xiao Lin using a more powerful battle technique.

He was however too slow in unleashing the stronger attack at Xiao Lin as Xiao Lin abruptly hurled the blade in his hand at his chest.



The blade cut through the air at an astonishing speed like an arrow and easily pierced through the cultivator's chest like a hot knife through butter, and then out of it like it came across no obstacle or barrier to deeply impale a wall that was far behind the cultivator in the room.

The cultivator then fell with his knee to the ground as he profusely bled from his chest. While Xiao Lin walked towards him with the glow of viciousness erupting from his eyes increasing in intensity.

Then with the other blade, the Sorrowful Sea blade now in his hand, he used it to ruthlessly slash off the head of the cultivator.



The head fell to the ground with a thud. Same with the stiffened headless body which fell to the ground a moment after the head which was slashed off from the neck fell to the ground.

"Now, I finally have a room of my own to cultivate without interruption. And some money to buy meals for myself." Xiao Lin said and grinned.

He then dragged the headless corpse that constantly spurted out blood from the slashed neck to a part of the house.

Although this was Xiao Lin's first time killing, or more precisely, beheading someone, he however felt nothing from it. It was like it was a really natural thing for him to do. He wasn't even slightly unsettled or disturbed by it. In fact, he enjoyed it and actually, simply wanted to have more blood flow so that he could enjoy the ferric smell that would be yielded by it.

Xiao Lin who understood that he was supposed to be greatly perturbed or distressed, as it was his first time killing a human, and was even actually feeling thirsty to see more blood spurt or gush out from slashed necks, hands and legs and yet wasn't feeling irritated or tremendously unsettled within, comprehended that he was under the blood-spilling influence of his ravaging primordial Animal Spirit.

He however liked it like that!

He wanted to become a stone-hearted killer of myriads of creatures. And this was because he understood that only by being an absolutely vicious and savage, cold-hearted blood-loving killer, would he be able to really go far in his cultivation journey.

So, he just left the blood where it was without cleaning it and then actually sat down in front of it to cultivate.

Now sitting in the cross-legged position before the small pool of blood that was in front of him and inhaling the smell of iron that exuded from the blood, he began to go through the cultivation technique mentioned in the Primordial Heretic Force cultivation art that was transmitted to his memory.

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