Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 22 - Reaching The Third-layer Spiritual Ascendance Stage

Following the cultivation technique mentioned in the cultivation art that was branded to his memory, he understood the way of cultivation of the Demonic Blade King.

Since he had comprehended it, he began to move Spiritual Energy from the world which had gathered around his figure into his body.

Now, based on the cultivation techniques glowing so radiantly in his head like they were illuminated inscriptions, Spiritual Energy began to move through particular routes in his body to his dantian.

But, if one could look into his body to see the routes that the Spiritual Energy moved about in his Spiritual Veins to his dantian, one would see that the route circulation seemed very strange.

If the lines that the Spiritual Energy flowed along in his Spiritual Veins to his dantian were traced, one will discover to one's shock and awe that the path that the Spiritual Energy traveled along in, seemed like a 'Crown' in form.

The Spiritual Energy circulating in his body was actually following weird vein routes to flow to his dantian.

However, the Crown form that the circulation of Spiritual Energy in his vein routes took wasn't evident at first, but as the circulation became stronger, since it began to flow faster along those strange vein routes, the Crown form that it took became really obvious.

And as Xiao Lin did this, a tiredness suddenly came over him. It was so high in degree that he felt like quitting what he was doing. He felt that he couldn't go on and that he needed to desperately rest, or he could possibly die from the excessive fatigue of both his mind and body. Then apart from the immense tiredness that he felt, a strong ache that was incomparable to any other ache that would afflict cultivators at his cultivation level, began to rack his head and body, and caused the blood that flowed within his veins to churn violently, compelling him to immediately stop what he was doing or he could explode into mist of blood.

Xiao Lin who was experiencing all these effects understood that it was because he was using a cultivation technique that didn't follow the norm that others followed, as it was a powerful cultivation art created by a sovereign, the Demonic Blade King who always went against the Heavens and its system of things. And that was why it had the word, 'Heretic' in it name, since it didn't follow the principles that other near-innumerable cultivation arts in the world followed. It was a cultivation art that simply entirely stood out from the rest.

Then a certain thought came to Xiao Lin's mind that if cultivation of Spiritual Energy could be so unimaginably difficult and extremely tiring using this technique, what would happen if he was able to successfully cultivate it?

Xiao Lin reasoned all these within himself and guessed that he had to push on to find out about that for himself.

So, Xiao Lin who was greatly determined to see how powerful he would become after successful cultivation of Spiritual Energy using that exceptional technique described in the Primordial Heretic Force cultivation art, tried his possible best to fight back the intense tiredness that had fully permeated his soul and body. Also, as he gritted his teeth hard due to the intense aching pain that he felt which was unbridled in his head, he tried to maintain and complete the crown-shaped circulation of Spiritual Energy along those bizarre Spiritual Veins to his dantian.

And as Xiao Lin tried his possible best to maintain the circulation of Spiritual Energy using that technique, it became known to him many moments later that the quality of the Spiritual Energy which had gathered in his dantian in small amounts was extremely high.

So, due to what he saw, he rapidly developed a strong feeling in his heart that the Spiritual Energy which had accumulated in his dantian was something that no other Spiritual Energy yielded by every other cultivation arts could possibly compare with.

The Spiritual Energy in his dantian which was previously transparent in form and was greyish-white in color, became extremely black that the jet-blackness that it possessed could be likened to that of the pitch-black void. It was like he had absorbed the true essence of the endless, dark abyssal void.

So, as he continued his cultivation despite the massive tiredness that he felt, the Spiritual Energy in his dantian had grown from it thin mist form into a thick black fog.

After a great while of doing this, in which night had arrived, the ink-black fog that had formed in his dantian transformed into a small pool due to being thickly condensed, since a large quantity of extremely high-quality Spiritual Energy had gathered in his dantian. Then once this happened, Xiao Lin's body violently shook, then a sudden, really powerful burst of dizziness and fatigue appeared within his mind and body, instantly forcing him out of his cultivation.


Immediately he was forced out of his cultivation, he inhaled deeply.

Then a few moments later, all the dizziness and intense aches that he felt all over his body vanished.

Still seated in that cross-legged position on the ground to regain some energy, he looked into his dantian which was enclosed within a solidified, dark-red spherical layer of Spiritual Power produced by his Animal Spirit.

Then he saw to his amazement that the energy that which had amassed in there had become a small pool.

And observing further, Xiao Lin noticed that the dark Spiritual Energy in his dantian seemed very quiet and reserved, since it didn't seethe or roil about in his dantian as one would expect it to, he could however clearly feel underneath that inactivity and extreme quietness that his Spiritual Energy put up that there was a concealed, greatly overbearing and tremendously fierce power waiting to be unleashed to cause unmatched devastation and desolation.

He smiled ecstatically within when he sensed the hidden, overwhelming tyrannous feeling possessed by his Spiritual Energy which floated calmly and peacefully in his dantian.

"Now that I have broken through into the third-layer Spiritual Ascendance stage, let me start studying the beginner-level battle techniques mentioned in the Way of the Demonic Blade battle art." Xiao Lin said.

He then stood to his feet to leave the house that he had made his by murdering the cultivator that owned it and go into a forest to do what he wanted to do, despite the fact that night had fell.

But out of nowhere, an intensely sorrowful and lonely feeling suddenly struck his mind, causing him to become melancholic again.

"I really have to become very strong in time to go free my mother. I wonder what she is going through in the hands of my evil despicable father." Xiao Lin said with a deep contemplative gaze in his eyes and a morose look on his face.

But as soon as he ended that train of thought, a voice that sounded so anciently, like it was from a primitive being, suddenly rang in his head.

'I can help you to quickly raise your power if you will do my bidding.'

Once this sounded in his head, Xiao Lin's sharp eyes widened due to great shock.

What voice was that?

He then quickly asked inwardly since the voice rang in his head 'Who is this? Who are you?'

'I am the Celestial Blood Wolf God Animal Spirit that you summoned into your body. Seeing your struggles to become more powerful on time, I have decided to endow you with vampiric and werewolf abilities. Do you accept or reject?' The voice that rang in his head which seemed to have come from a billion years ago, questioned with hidden fearsomeness in it tone.

When Xiao Lin heard this, his eyes shone with great delight, while his heart began to beat really fast.

Although he didn't really understand what terms those were, he however was excited by the fact that he would possess more abilities that would make his excellence and formidability unmatched by his peers.

Then as someone who would seize absolutely every chance, no matter how tiny or dangerous it may be to grow immensely strong so that he could go liberate his loving mother who suffered in his dad's hands, quickly accepted the offer with a strong nod of his head.

Seeing Xiao Lin's resolute and excited response, the Animal Spirit then continued 'You will be granted powers that will shake the world. However, you will possess a certain, greatly limiting weakness which is, you must avoid any ray of the sun by all means possible. Or you will effortlessly and quickly burn to ashes.'

'Do you accept or not?'

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