Xiao Lin's eyes widened in tremendous shock from what his Animal Spirit told him.

He then produced a thought in his mind that, perhaps he would become an abomination to the world which mustn't appear under the sun, or he would be destroyed by it in an instant.


He inhaled deeply.

'This is going to be hard. What kind of power that is detested by the sun itself that my Animal Spirit wants to give to me?' He asked inwardly.

Then with that expression of intense bewilderment still in his eyes, he asked "Blood Wolf God, What are those vampiric and werewolf powers that you want to grant me which would make me more stronger and powerful in time? Can I get a glimpse of what they are?"

Immediately he asked that question, he suddenly received a vision where he saw a more ruthless and mature version of himself in a desolated valley, under a night sky in a particular region that felt like it had been abandoned by all living creatures.

Then when he looked at himself in that vision, he saw to his surprise that he had two fangs growing out from his teeth. They simply looked like those of felines, and then gave the feeling that they were really sharp, since they lustred like an actual metal in the light from the moon. Also, he saw that his fair-complexioned skin had become pale-white like he was extremely sick, and that it strangely glittered in the radiance emanating from the moon glowing in the night sky.

Xiao Lin only shook his head in astonishment from what he had seen.

Then looking further, he saw that his eyes were blood-red in color and that his pupils were shaped like a slit, resembling that of a serpent. While his long dark black hair which reached his waist had become dark red in color and surprisingly fluttered in the absence of wind. Furthermore, he possessed long, razor-sharp claws that glittered in the moonlight, giving the feeling that they were formed from steel.

He simply looked so fearsome in appearance that Xiao Lin himself shook from the dreadful feeling that the vision of himself in that vampiric form gave him.

'I guess that this must be the vampiric form that I would take when I am endowed with that power that my Animal Spirit spoke about.' Xiao Lin said inwardly with a contemplative gaze in his eyes.

Then still looking at his extremely fierce self in that vision that was playing out in his mind, millions of all kinds of creatures, such as, monstrous beasts, walking trees, golems, humanoid apes and spiders, winged beings, humans and so on suddenly appeared around him.


Then Xiao Lin in that vision made a loud deep growl like that of a primitive beast, causing the ground where he stood at to suddenly crack in a web-like pattern, with the cracks that had appeared extending into the far distance for thousands of meters and more.

The cracks that surfaced and went as far as the eyes could see, simply invoked the feeling that they resulted from the huge tentacles of a massive primordial monster that dwelled in the earth and wanted to break out from deep within it.

And as soon as he growled, causing the ground to develop massive cracks that seemed to endlessly spread into the far distances, Xiao Lin in that vision then dashed towards those creatures that surrounded him at a speed so great that he could move many times faster than the Roc, a massive, legendary beastly bird of unmatched speed.

Slash! Slash! Slash!...

Numerous slash sounds began to ring out extremely fast as Xiao Lin in that vampiric form used his glittering silver claws to slit the throat or entirely cut off the heads of the near-innumerable myriad creatures that surrounded him. While some which were astonishingly gigantic in size, were bit at the neck with his fangs, rapidly sucking the blood out of them and causing them to turn black and emaciated in the process.

From what Xiao Lin saw as he was witnessing himself in that strange form sucking blood from those colossal monstrous beasts around him, he had a feeling that his thirst for blood was insatiable, as he sucked out blood from a beast that was taller than a sixty-story building using either his fangs or claws, and then went on to suck from others who were of that immense size too, turning them into dry brittle corpses some instances later, giving the feeling that he also devoured the very essences that constituted their being too. He was simply like an infinitely-thirsty, blood-drinking entity that had a bottomless hole for a stomach.

"Blood Explosion!"

Once this was uttered by Xiao Lin in that vision, the durable bodies of the different types of creatures that surrounded him, rapidly developed cracks on their bodies which then exploded in the next instant into huge clouds of blood that gravitated towards Xiao Lin's body and condensed into a thick blood-red robe on his body, two blood-red scythes which he held in both hands, then finally into a large throne that he sat on, invoking the feeling that he was an ominous, supreme sovereign of blood.

"Blood Rain!"

Immediately Xiao Lin who was seated on that immense blood-red throne indifferently uttered this, a massive blood-red cloud which seemed to span the entire horizon, suddenly appeared high in the sky. Then as soon as this devilish-looking red cloud appeared, a torrential rain that was in the color of blood, began to fall heavily from it, drenching the large numbers of myriad creatures that flanked him on all sides, and abruptly turning them into large piles of extremely bleached ashes in the next moment. It was simply as though their tough skins and hides were unendingly, furiously burned by an incomparable, strongly ravaging, endlessly-burning flame that totally engulfed their figures.

Xiao Lin who was watching what was happening in the vision then understood a moment later that the blood rain that he unleashed in that phenomenally powerful form, was an extremely corrosive one, since it had fully corroded away the seemingly indestructible glittering bodies of the creatures that surrounded him.

Then the vision abruptly ceased, returning Xiao Lin's mind to the real world.

'You have seen more than enough' The voice of the spirit rang in Xiao Lin's head, while Xiao Lin nodded. He knew that had definitely seen enough.

And at this moment, a look that expressed greatness and unparalleled formidability could be seen in his clearly gazing eyes.

He then proceeded to ask the Animal Spirit a question that surfaced in his mind.

'Will I immediately become as powerful as that when you bestow me with the vampiric power that you mentioned?'

'No! That level of power that you saw yourself in that vision wielding, is the ultimate power that you will gain when you complete a certain primordial blood ritual that involves many cycles of the full destruction and complete reformation of your body and soul. The ritual which is named Supreme Blood Devil Awakening Metamorphosis Ritual, is a rather unique, ancient worldly ritual that will use the blood of millions of your vanquished enemies to transmute you into the Heavenly Ancestral Vampire Monarch. While the terrific abilities that you saw yourself exhibiting in that vision, are the powers that you will gain when you successfully complete the ritual. But first, you need to become a vampire to initiate the ritual. So, what do you say?' The voice of his Animal Spirit rang in his head as it said and then questioned.

'But wait, what about the werewolf one? Won't I get that one too? I didn't get a glimpse of what it looks like so that I would know which to go for if I can only choose one out of the two.' Xiao Lin said.

'You don't need to worry yourself about that as I will also bestow it onto you. I can give you both abilities. And to know how powerful it would make you, you will become as powerful as the vampire one when you complete the World Lycan King Transformation Ritual. So, what do you say? Do you accept it or not?' His Animal Spirit said and asked again.

Xiao Lin then exhaled and began to ponder deeply on what to do.

Then he started by further asking his Animal Spirit some questions.

'When would I be able to gain resistance to the sun?' He questioned.

'When you reach that ultimate level. However, you will gain partial resistance to the sun when you have reached halfway to the completion of the ritual. You will be able to stay in the sun for a limited amount of time before catching up in flames and burning to ashes. Only if you can quickly find a place to conceal yourself from the sun would the flames burning on your body die off'

Xiao Lin nodded. But slight fear could be seen in his eyes.

'I guess that once I accept that power, I won't be able to enter the sun again. I would only be able to move at night, like a resentful ghost that appear only in the middle of the night to cause chaos in the world and bring nightmares into people's dreams. Hmm, I think I like the sound of that. I would be dreaded.' He said inwardly and grinned.

He then proceeded to ask another question.

'Is there any object, like a ring, scepter, hooded cloak, or necklace that is made in a way to mysteriously block off rays of the sun from continuously striking me if I adorn or hold them?' He asked with a curious tone in his voice.

'It's possible, as there are so many rare and unique items in your cultivation world. So, it's left to you to find out about that.'

Xiao Lin nodded.

He then said inwardly 'There will surely be, since there are many greatly experienced and enlightened Grandmasters of Treasure and Artifact-Forging. But I believe that such items can't be found in this Mortal Continent. I am however confident that it should be found in the Spirit Continent or Holy Continent'

Now that Xiao Lin knew that he had a choice of becoming extremely strong in time, which was by feeding off on the blood of people since he would be reborn as a vampire, he didn't want to be too hasty in taking a decision that might eventually result in his destruction. So, he wanted to think things through very well before proceeding to accept endowment of that power.

'When I am bestowed with that vampiric power, I will have to fully darken or veil the windows of this house to prevent light from the sun from coming in during the day, or I will simply die. And I would only be able to move about in the evening and in the night like a nocturnal creature of darkness since I can't walk under the sun that doesn't want my existence'

'Well, since it fully compliments what I have in mind of doing, which is breaking into places to steal things of theirs which has taken my fancy, I guess I can only go for it. Then a vampire I will become then.' Xiao Lin decisively said with a nod of his head.

He then spoke with a resolute and determined gaze in his eyes to that anciently voice of his Animal Spirit ringing in his head.

'I accept to become a vampire and a werewolf!'

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