Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King

Chapter 55 - Delivering Notes At The Sects' Disciples' Rooms

Some moments later after settling down at his new room in the inn, he left to do what he had in mind.

Then he visited the first inn which was the Glorious Inn that the trader who he slayed told him about.

When he arrived before the inn, he looked around to see if no one was looking at him, then he approached the inn to enter.

However, as he approached the inn which appeared to be stately in appearance, some hefty men who were dressed in uniforms meaning that they were the Inn Guards, could be seen standing outside the inn.

Then when Xiao Lin appeared before them, one of them asked "What do you want?"

"I want to rent a room in this place" Xiao Lin responded.

"Oh really? Well, any room in this place can't be afforded by people like you. So, shoo. Go away!" The guard that spoke earlier said with a smile in his face.

"Is this how to treat a customer?" Xiao Lin asked.

Then he asked before that guard could respond "And how dare you judge me by my appearance, you poor guard?"

Once Xiao Lin asked those questions, the guard that Xiao Lin directed those questions at looked at him with cold eyes.

"If you know what's good for you, you will leave here this moment." The guard said with concealed anger in his tone.

However, Xiao Lin could perceive the anger hidden in his tone. He then nodded his head and turned around to walk away.

But just as he turned around to walk away, a brilliant blood-red light suddenly appeared within the inn, causing numerous, loud screams of shocks and terror to unexpectedly ring out.

As soon as the guards heard the screams of shock and screeches of horror, they quickly rushed in to see what was wrong. While Xiao Lin who had a smile in his face went in with them.

Then once he got in, he dashed away to a part of the inn using his Vampiric Super Speed ability.

And without surprise, the bright blood-red light that appeared in the room was from his Animal Spirit, the Blood Wolf God which had suddenly appeared in the room, bringing intense shock and fright to the people around it.

Then immediately the guards surrounded it, the Blood Wolf God only roared and generated powerful sound waves that were actually visible to the eyes, which then moved on after spreading in every direction to impact everything around it, breaking whatever it can break and smashing apart things that it was powerful enough to smash apart into smithereens.

So, just like that, many things in the inn got damaged, while some wealthy mortal people and affluent weaker cultivators who could afford anything in the inn had their hearts explode into pieces, and their bloods which violently churned within their bodies to burst out of their bodies, quickly resulting in their grievous deaths.

Immediately after causing this damage, the Blood Wolf God vanished since Xiao Lin had recalled it back into his body.

Then Xiao Lin who had gotten to a place in the inn where he concealed himself from view, began to walk around to know which particular room the disciples of some of those sects that came to this town would dwell in.

Not long after walking around in another hooded cloak since he couldn't be seen in that previous one that he wore, he came before a row of rooms where he could see flags before each door that gently fluttered in the soft wind that moved in the hallway that he was in.

"Flags?" Xiao Lin asked with a contemplative gaze in his eyes.

He then nodded his head that the disciples of some of those sects would be residing in the rooms in this hallway.

However, he hoped that what he thought was right.

Then when he counted the numbers of different flags in front of each rooms, he could count eight flags.

'That's eight sects that are here. Cool!' He said inwardly with an indifferent nod of his head.

Then after looking around and seeing that no one was passing by at the moment, he began to quickly slip in the notes that he prepared when coming down here into their rooms from their door's bottoms.

Immediately after he was done, he dashed to a place where windows were. Then after opening it wide, he quickly jumped out of it to the ground.

Although where he jumped out from was very high above the ground, but since he was a vampire, he was able to control himself in the air that he was able to actually, lightly land to the ground, just like a leaf that fell off from a tree.

So, since he softly landed without making a noise that would attract gazes over. No one paid him any attention. Besides, once he landed, he immediately composed himself and blended into the background of the late evening.

Once he did these, he set out for the other two inns which were the Silver Crescent Inn and Graceful Kings Inn.


- Diamond Hallway -

In eight large rooms in this particular hallway where different beautiful flags could be seen before their doors, a number of students, both males and females, could be seen looking at a piece of paper that stated something that brought serious astonishment to their hearts.

Then what was written in the paper that they were looking at with intensely astounded gazes in their eyes was:


'Rare Water Spirit Beast Eggs!

If you are interested in purchasing some at a very good cost, come to the Southwind Valley by 8pm tomorrow.

Then note: You are not to come with any teacher from your sect, or I will simply not appear. It is you wonderful disciples that I want to happily trade with, not your arrogant teachers who will definitely spoil my Spirit Beast egg trading business.

Then as another warning, do not tell anyone about this offer that I presented to you guys. Or I won't appear if I see that you came along with others.

And, I fully believe that you wouldn't want to miss such good discounts on extremely rare, Water Spirit Beast eggs taken from badly injured, fearsomely powerful Spirit Beasts like the Rainhorns Spirit Beast and Frostshadow Spirit Beast that found their ways here from inaccessible regions in higher, major continents in our vast cultivation world'

Then as a reminder, be punctual to the Southwind forest by 8pm. I work with time. A second late, I disappear.


Yours sincerely,

Spirit Beast Taming Master and Pet Trader, Chun Fangxi.'


That was what was mentioned in the letter that Xiao Lin slipped through the door's bottom into the first room.

"Wow! So this bastard has eggs of terribly injured powerful Spirit Beasts that found their way here from those numerous continents filled with powerful experts? Damn! Just damn! I must get my hand on this." One of them said with a serious expression in his face.

"Same with me. I must get my hands on one of those eggs." Another said.

Then one who had an arrogant expression in his face, seeming as if he was the strongest in the room, suddenly said with disdain in his eyes "Don't tell me that you morons plan to buy those Spirit Beast eggs from that fellow?"

Then seeing that no one gave a response to his question, he burst into a loud, raucous laughter

"Hahaha! I guess so. I move around with fools." He said, causing unsightly looks to appear in the faces of people around him.

He then continued, totally ignoring the sad and angry expressions in their faces "Why would you want to buy the eggs from him when we can just snatch the eggs from him, eh? Since he doesn't want us to come with any of the teachers from our sect, that means he has a really poor cultivation base. Or he wouldn't have mentioned so in his letter if he had a domineering, powerful cultivation base."

"So, since he is weak, we can just snatch the eggs from him. Then if you are scared of reprisal attacks in the future, we can just kill him and leave his body there for scavenging wild beasts to delightedly feed on it."

When this person who was handsome, tall and had a long, raven-dark hair that poured down his back to his waist said this, everyone began to reason with him. Then they nodded their heads in agreement to what he said.

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